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Please note:  In addition to textbook chapters 1-6, there are additional supplem

May 19, 2024

Please note:  In addition to textbook chapters 1-6, there are additional supplemental materials that will take approximately four hours to read/watch/listen to in preparation for this first assignment. Start your assignments early so that you are sure you are allowing enough time to adequately complete your work!
Materials for Assignment #1 Include the Textbook Chapters and All of the Below Supplemental Resources (everyone of these supplemental resources must be integrated/incorporated into this assignment by themes – do not use direct quotes):
1.  Quick Views on Mass Incarceration (yes, you are to incorporate the material from these sources also in completing the below): The War on Drugs From Prohibition to Gold RushLinks to an external site. (4 minutes), Demographics of Mass Incarceration and the Impact of Drug LawsLinks to an external site. (3 minutes), Mass Incarceration VisualizedLinks to an external site. (3 minutes), War on Drugs: Crash CourseLinks to an external site. (13 minutes)
2.  Vox. The war on drugs, explainedLinks to an external site. (article)
This article provides an excellent overview of the war on drugs and provides excellent background for the entire course. Yes, there is a lot of information in this article including links to other sources. I expect you to review the material provided here in preparation to completing this application assignment and incorporate this material into complete the below. 
3.  This is a 40 minute interview with Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow.  The link to the transcript is also provided if you prefer to read the interview (https://www.npr.org/transcripts/145175694Links to an external site.).  
Download audio file: 20120116_fa_01.mp3Download 20120116_fa_01.mp3
4.  Has America’s War on Drugs Failed?Links to an external site. (one hour video)
Assignment “Drug Chronicles: Unveiling Patterns and Narratives”
Objective: Complete a comprehensive exploration of drug use, its historical context, the war on drugs, user demographics, and the portrayal of drugs in the media. This assignment encourages a creative and analytical approach to understanding drug-related phenomena. This assignment aims to blend creativity with analysis, allowing you to engage with the intricate narratives surrounding drug use, history, the war on drugs, user demographics, and media representations.
You must include specific themes, concepts, material from the provided supplemental materials and the textbook when completing the assignment . . . comprehensively. So, for example, when doing #2 below, you will need to create the timeline using your textbook and supplement with key events as depicted in the supplemental materials. Do not use direct quotes as that does not demonstrate your understanding and do not use sources not provided in the class (refer to note below) as this again does not demonstrate understanding of the course materials.
Note: As #1 and #2 below require a “visual representation” and “visual timeline” – you are welcome to use pictures from basic Google searches that you find that are outside of the class materials, but as to actual content to complete steps 1-4 below, rely exclusively on the textbook chapters and the above supplemental materials.
A Visual Representation of the Demographics of Drug Users (use Chapters 2 and 5 in your textbook and relevant information from supplemental sources):  Design a poster or presentation that explores the demographics of drug users. Illustrate who uses which drugs and why, using images, icons, and concise text to convey key insights.  Incorporate the material/themes/concepts from Chapters 2 & 5 in your work on this section and clearly cite all sources. 
A Comprehensive Historical Timeline of Drug Use and the War on Drugs (use material in Chapters 3 & 4 and the above supplemental materials):  Create a visual timeline that includes: a) the history of drug use and b) key moments in the historical development of the war on drugs. For every single element included on this timeline, provide the source (for example:  Prohibition (textbook chapter 3, Vox article, Prohibition to Gold Rush, and Crash Course)). Then explain these key moments, key individuals, and cultural shifts that have influenced the evolution of drug consumption and the war on drugs. Intertwine facts, dates, major policies, laws, etc.  Explain these pivotal moments in your timeline by explaining the relevance of the laws, dates, etc. that you included.
The War on Drugs: Discuss the “war on drugs” – highlight the successes and failures of the war on drugs. Do you believe that this “war” was on drugs? If yes, explain.  If no, what do you believe it is a “war” on and why? What is the impact on society in general on the underclass, the middle class, and the upper class of the law enforcement model and the war on drugs? Please note that you are not limited to answer just this prompt . . . it is just that, a prompt. It is a start, to get you thinking, giving you the opportunity to build, critically assess and critique the required materials and the textbook.
Voices in the Media: An Analysis (focus on Chapter 6 though not limited exclusively to this chapter): Choose a specific example of popular media (can be a show, podcast, book, article, movie, etc . . . you get the idea), like a specific episode of NYPD Blue, and apply the concepts from Chapter 6 and the course material to critically assess the media. For example, the demographics of a typical drug use (Q1 above) compared to how drug users are depicted in the episode you selected, critique in terms of bias, etc. Have fun with this section. Yes, it will have to be a form of popular media that actually has somethings to do with drugs but that should be easy to find! Begin by explaining and linking to the source (episode, podcast, article, book, etc.) that you used. Use material from the class and do not merely summarize an example of drug use in popular media.
Submission Guidelines:
Include a list of references – double-check:  did you use all of the required sources in completing your assignment?
Clearly label each section in your assignment.
Ensure that your visual elements are clear, viewable, and relevant to the topics discussed.
Upload only ONE document to the assignment upload link. I recognize you will likely be using different software to complete the above tasks and suggest that you merely print each section then scan into one pdf document to upload (you can make a scan/pdf on your phone). Allow adequate time to upload the document and double-check that it is submitted.

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