2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Attached  is an example for refrence use only. Please do not copy the example. 

May 19, 2024

Attached  is an example for refrence use only. Please do not copy the example. 
Week 7 Treatment Project
You have recently explored the complexities of combat trauma, including the difficulty with self-identification, complicated diagnostic processes, options for treatment, and the potential barriers to treatment, among other important areas of concern. Reflecting on information from the course related to the psychological trauma of combat and the treatment options available complete the following assignment. Ensure the plan presented is based upon evidenced based practices established in the field as effective in addressing psychological needs in disaster settings.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation targeted toward combat service members and veterans who are seeking information about treatment options. Drawing on the information learned throughout the course, draft your PPT to present an appropriate treatment option to both the active service member and the combat veteran.
Identify psychological symptoms the service member or veteran might be experiencing.
These should be discussed in plain language, with enough information that the service member and veteran can connect with what is presented.
Select a specific treatment method or model you have researched throughout the course that is appropriate to address the symptoms you describe.
This method does not have to be evidence-based, it can be an emerging treatment method, holistic approach, or a traditionally used evidence-based approach; you are not limited in your selection.
Introduce the selected treatment method, including the following:
A description of the treatment method, its application, and use in active duty and veteran populations.
Ensure explanations of the treatment, how it will be received, and the requirements for treatment participation are clearly discussed. If differences exist for participation in treatment based on status (active duty versus veteran), these should be clearly outlined.
Provide a rationale for the recommended treatment method.
Discuss the reasons this treatment was selected over other treatments.
Discuss the reported results of symptom treatment and management.
Discuss the potential side effects or adverse effects of the treatment.
Provide a pathway; identify the steps to accessing treatment.
For both active duty members and veterans, discuss the various ways treatment can be accessed.
Identify programs, departments, agencies, etc. that can be contacted offering the specific treatment described.
Discuss barriers that may be presented in the process and offer methods to overcome these without becoming discouraged in the process of seeking treatment.
Conclude with your final thoughts on treatment seeking, options available and self-educating on the topic.
In developing your work, be sure to rely upon academic, scholarly sources to support the definitions and recommendations provided. Scholarly sources should be cited both in-text (speakers notes) and on the reference page of the submission. A minimum of six academic, scholarly sources are required to be cited in the work, 4 of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles.  Course materials may not be used.
Work should be submitted in a PowerPoint file and be 10 to 15 slides in length, excluding the required title slide and separate reference slide.  You should ensure your PPT meets the following criteria in addition to covering the topics above:
The slides should contain mostly bullet point data related to the requirements expected in the instructions above.
Information on slides (including the reference slide) should be easily readable with an appropriate font size (do not cram all the information onto one slide and shrink the font).
Formatting should be consistent throughout the submission, this includes font, bullets, spacing, alignment, pictures, etc.
A background appropriate to the topic should be used on all slides and the background should be appropriate for the font (style, size, color, etc.), bullets, and graphics you have chosen.
Pictures and graphics (appropriate to the overall topic and the slide itself) should be included throughout the submission to keep the presentation interesting and add an additional dimension to the presentation, a good rule is a picture every other slide at least.
A title slide should be included with the same information that would be found on an APA formatted paper cover sheet.
All detailed explanations should be in the speakers notes only.  Use of comments or any other method of adding additional information is not allowed.
Detailed speaker notes should accompany each slide with in-text citations.  Your speakers notes should equal at least a 5-6 page APA formatted paper to ensure you have covered the topic thoroughly.
Submissions should be formatted per APA standards. 

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