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My choice of career is marketing or realesatte  3.7, Discussion on interviews, q

May 18, 2024

My choice of career is marketing or realesatte 
3.7, Discussion on interviews, quotes from Christian and Shakespeare,plus responding to a classmate
See the previous page for instructions, more details, etc., then organize your post using the following outline:
Post a response briefly explaining your ideas:
a brief description of the experts/consultants/interview subjects you are initiating contact with, your goals with gathering quotes from interview subjects, a sample question you plan to ask that others might find useful, and a brief explanation of your experiences and progress so far
1 quote from Christian’s Alignment Problem not previously used
your response to another student’s post, including a link to more information online. If you’re the first to post, or if you simply want to read a few posts before choosing a quote to respond to, you can add this later
MLA format works cited page for 3 quotes from the OOH, 3 schools’ websites, 3 experts/interview subjects, 2 relevant personally-researched, preferably academic articles, 2 quotes from Christian’s Alignment Problem, 2 quotes from Shakespeare’s Midsummer (or 1 plus 1 quote from Hamlet), and 1 quote from a classmate’s discussion post
2 word counts: 1 word count of all your post (you can also include your response to another student, if you like), 1 word count of only your writing, not including the quotes. Recommended total ≥ 250 words
3.6.a, Initiating contact with interview subjects and continuing with Shakespeare
3.6, Initiating contact with interview subjects and continuing with Shakespeare
Plan ahead to discuss your ideas with a variety of others: former instructors, guidance counselors, more advanced students, working professionals, etc. Initiate contact with at least three people who can respond to you as an individual. Don’t forget about email or even the phone. Also remember, since essay 4 will ask students to continue, expand, and revise essay 3, if you can’t contact everyone you’d like at this point, don’t give up, and you might be able to while revising essay 3 into essay 4. This activity specifies quotes from subjects required, but make as much progress as possible, and if necessary, explain contacts initiated before you’ve secured all the quotes.
Review your interview notes and select at least one quote from each of your interview subjects. Decide what you think about the experience of collecting data for the project, your subjects’ thoughts on your career research. Post a response briefly explaining your ideas:
Alignment Problem, personal research
There are more ideas on Christian’s Alignment Problem in the More details section below.. I found the ideas in the second half of the book most interesting and most applicable to education and learning in general, but I don’t want these pages to look too long. 
As you research your career and schools for essay 3 and 4, also review a variety of articles online. Select a couple most related to aspects of the career you’re most interested in at the moment.
As you’re researching articles on your career and planning for interviews, try to find at least one professional academic article from the field Here’s a tip: add the expression site:.edu to the end of searches in Google. This will restrict returns to educational websites (n.b., this also works with other domains and extensions, such as site:.org, or site:.mit.edu, or site:.cia.gov, see more under Google Advanced Search).
Shakespeare’s Midsummer and responding to a classmate
Select another quote from Shakespeare’s Midsummer (or optionally Hamlet) that you can compare or contrast to your ideas on the focus on your choice for essay 3. Decide how you will explain your ideas. In addition to the quiz on Midsummer previously mentioned, you can also find an optional quiz on Hamlet that might be useful for review and/or choosing quotes.
Select another student’s post and briefly respond. If you’re the first to post, or if you simply want to read a few posts before choosing a quote to respond to, you can add this later. As before, if someone had already posted on a quote you chose to write on, you can respond to that person and explain your ideas on the quote for this part of the discussion.
More details
Prepping for research interviews
It may seem an exaggeration to call an interview an experiment and an interviewee an experiment test subject, but an important part of conducting research and experiments is making sure that any people involved are treated ethically, and with ethics, it would better to be excessively careful than not careful enough. When conducting research with human subjects, it’s important to follow ethical research standards. The next step does involve discussing motivation, happiness, creativity, and Lieberman’s ideas with others, and we need to be sure that we’re treating people nicely when our experiments involve others. Anyone interested in thousands of pages of examples why experimental ethics are important may peruse the DoE’s Human Radiation ExperimentsLinks to an external site. website or find a couple by searching in Google for radioactive oatmeal or the expressions radiation experiment pregnant women Vanderbilt.
Here’s a big, long list of ethical standards on research involving human subjects from the American Psychological AssociationLinks to an external site.. At least look over the General Principles, then see more detailed explanations following if you’re interested. This may seem like a lot, especially so early in a term when our interaction with others is mostly interview, but it’s important, we should do it before not after you interact with others, and it’s something we can do without the textbook. These ethical standards are all good and right, but if the list looks complicated, you already know most of it:
be nice and polite: don’t deceive, cheat, or otherwise mistreat others
be safe: don’t break any laws or endanger yourself or others;
be professional and honest: don’t make things up or distort your analysis through selective framing; keep good notes on real experiences and face the reality of unexpected discoveries; protect interview subjects’ privacy in your writing (use a first name only, make up a pseudonym, or describe subjects, for example, a community college counselor, or a 50-year resident of the neighborhood, life-long patron of the local library, and mother of three kids who also used the library but have since grown up and moved away). For references to other students in the course, let’s use initials (see below).
For the most part, your interview subjects will not be speaking in official capacity on behalf of an organization, you will not have returned to the subjects with your draft to verify their quotes accuracy and contextual meaning, and the organizations those subjects represent will not have signed official release forms. That’s ok, and part of why you might refer to someone as Mary, a community college counselor, or Jim, who’s worked 24 years as a nurse at three different hospitals. The subjects will be speaking from their own personal perspectives, and that’s the point, and why the description is also useful.
The Alignment Problem
“…simple models, made from hand-selected, high-level variables, perform about as well as more complex models—sometimes better—and consistently as well as or better than human experts…How…might one build not just a simple model from a given dataset but the best simple model?” (Christian 99)
“finding optimal simple rules…requires tackling an ‘intractable,’ or ‘NP-hard’ problem…in which there is no straightforward means of obtaining the guaranteed best answer” (Christian 99)
The interested may like to know about Christian’s previous Algorithms to Live By, which discussed how some problems lend themselves to algorithms, or decision-making strategies, that can make big complicated jobs simpler, but how some problems don’t. in math, simply trying all the possible answers to a problem one by one is called the brute force method, for example X + 1 = 20. Let’s start with 0: 0 + 1 ≠ 20. Let’s try 2: 2 + 1 ≠ 20. And so forth. Do you stop at 19? Do you keep going and going? What if the problem were X + Y = 20?
“Their goal was to create a a model that was not only as accurate as possible, but also so simple that it could run quickly and reliable on…old school…physician’s [paper] notebooks” (Christian 101)
“They developed a model called SLIM…to find not just decent heuristics but provably optimal ways make decisions under severe constraints. The upshot…was twofold…First the model showed—contrary to received wisdom and current practice—that patient symptoms were significantly less useful than their histories” (Christian 101)
“Second, the machine-learning community had scored a methodological victory it could carry through into other collaborations and other domains” (Christian 102)
“[we] want to expect…from our machines…to know not only what they think they see but where [or at what], in particular, they are looking. This idea in machine-learning goes by the name of ‘saliency”: the idea that…some parts of the [data] were more important or more influential than others in making [decisions]…machine-learning systems…Often…latch onto aspects of the training data we did not think were relevant and ignore what we imagine weas the critical information [often wrongly, but sometimes rightly]” (Christian 103)
We humans can also misattribute salience, get distracted counter-productively on seemingly point-scoring loopholes that do not achieve goals, get our reward systems misaligned, and otherwise follow less-than optimal algorithms.
“They tested their system against a group of twenty-five dermatologists. The system outperformed the humans…This…landed them a widely cited paper in Nature in 2017…The…system…was much more likely to classify any image with a ruler in it as cancerous. Why? It so happened that medical images of malignancies are much more likely to contain a ruler for scale than images of healthy skin” (Christian 104-105)
“One of the simplest ideas in making complex models more transparent is simply to have them output more” (Christian 105)
“…the network could be used to make not just a single prediction…but dozens…This technique has come to be known as ‘multitask learning’” (Christian 106)
“…if you had a multitask net predicting all sorts of things…anomalies would be much more visible. The asthmatics [cf. Christian 84]…might have better-than-average morbidity but astronomical medical bills. It would be much clearer that these were no ordinary ‘low-risk’ patients to be sent home with instructions to take two pills and call back in the morning” (Christian 107)
“More than achieving mere predictive accuracy, the model suggested an intriguing path forward for medicine itself. The combination of multitask learning and saliency techniques…don’t just make for better medicine. They might also make for better doctors” (Christian 108)
“Imagine if you walk into a doctor’s office and he says, ‘Oh, I’m going to open you up and remove maybe a couple of things.’ And you ask, ‘Oh, why?’ He says, ‘Oh, I don’t know. This machine says that that’s the best option for you. 99.9%” (Christian 113)
“Users were better at anticipating the model’s predictions when it used fewer factors and was made more ‘transparent’ to the user. But neither the simplicity nor the transparency actually affected the level of trust that people reported toward the model. And, in fact, people were less likely to realize that the model had made a mistake when the model was more transparent” (Christian 114)
How much do you trust a calculator to do arithmetic? How good would you be at noticing if a calculator made a mistake and gave you a wrong answer?
Peer1)  answer to this post
The person I want to interview is a video editor.
I chose to interview someone who works in this profession because it is a profession that values a person’s experience and skills, and it is also a profession that values a person’s history, so their experience is very rich, and for this reason, it will be very helpful for people like me who are thinking about a career related to video in the future.I have actually worked part-time for a famous Korean media company, doing simple subtitles and editing cuts for their videos. What I realized from this experience is that learning new things is a constant learning process for humans until we die, and I think the future prospects of this profession are very bright. I also realized that it is a profession that stimulates my interest enough. For these reasons, I decided to pursue a career related to video as my future direction.
(Jake Blackman)
– Title: Freelance Video Editor
– Role: Produced films, dramas, and commercials
– Accomplishments: I’ve created commercials and posters for some of the most recognizable brands in the world, including Audi, The ICONIC, JUNKEE Media, News Corp, AMEX, Qantas Airways, MTV, Fujitsu Australia & New Zealand, NSW Government, Pacific Magazines, Australian, and many more, and have helped to create brand recognition for them. I’m also a guest lecturer at the State University of New York.
(Katrin Böhm) – Illustrator, Video Editor
Accomplishments: Katrin worked for the BBC for five years, a company that everyone who works in the video industry knows, and her creative advertising, video production and design successfully engaged the public and produced results. She graduated from the University of London with a degree in Media.
(Federico Milan)
Nationality: Portugal
Role: Creates new ads
Accomplishments: He has created videos for many recognizable brands such as Armani, Ferrero, Gucci, Delonghi, Toshiba, Apple, and many more, and has succeeded due to his great expertise, experience, and full project management from start to finish, including a Cannes Short Film selection.
My question to you is: “What are the most important factors for success as a video editor?”
From Jake BlackMan’s interview
“Technical skills, creativity and innovation should be the basic foundation, and accountability is the most important thing to be the best editor you can be,” he said. “If you’re working on multiple projects at the same time instead of just one, you’ll have a better chance of meeting deadlines and building credibility for the companies that choose you. Having achieved these goals, he is now a well-known editor, ranked among the top 10 most influential video editors in the world, and when asked about the most important aspect of video editing at NYU, the school he graduated from, he said that the most important thing is “a good foundation and preparation for the future.”
Katrin Böhm: “Be ready to be different and creative” is what she says in her interview. She describes her own line and color as her strengths, and says that this creativity is the most important factor in becoming a successful editor who can engage the public. Oliver Bennett, a professor of media studies at the University of London, said of her: “A natural genius, she is at the top of her field, constantly overcoming her own limitations and inventing her own original designs.” The implication of his interview is that in order to succeed in the video-related business, it is the person who can create their own creative abilities based on stable skills that will succeed in this field.
Federico Milan: In an interview with him, he said, “In the video editing profession, you are your own company”. He is a man who has grown step by step based on his own successes and experiences, and he also says that “one success creates another success.” In fact, he was just an advertiser, but his successes gave him the opportunity to try his hand at filmmaking, and his film won the Cannes Short Film Prize. In another interview, he said, “To be successful as a video editor, don’t think about future successes, but be sincere in the opportunities in front of you.
Briefly describe your experience and progress so far. Based on the above research and interviews, I learned once again about what direction to pursue and what influences are important factors in the current video production and advertising related fields. I realized that there is no one right answer for every field, and you need to prepare for the future based on your personal experience and the direction of your life. I would also like to say that the current progress in video related professions is very positive, because a person is obliged to constantly learn, know and bring something new to the table.
1 previously unused quote from Christian’s classification problem
“Users were better at anticipating the model’s predictions when it used fewer factors and was made more ‘transparent’ to the user. But neither the simplicity nor the transparency actually affected the level of trust that people reported toward the model. And, in fact, people were less likely to realize that the model had made a mistake when the model was more transparent” (Christian 114) This quote points out that when models are designed to be simple and transparent so that users can better understand how the model works, users are better able to predict how the model will behave. However, it also highlights that this simplification and transparency did not actually increase trust in the model; rather, users were more often unaware of errors in the model when the model was more transparent.  Based on these findings, we should be nervous that as AI is used for human convenience, we should be constantly working to make it even easier for humans to use it, and that we should be aware of the errors in our models that arise along the way, so that we can spot and correct them.
• Word Count:
Entire Post: 992
Excluding Quotes/Headers: 784

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