2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Each post must be your new work.  While your initial response to the discussion

May 18, 2024

Each post must be your new work.  While your initial response to the discussion questions should be concise (no more than 300 words), written with accepted conventions of standard American English, and use of a minimum of two in-text citations and references in APA 7th edition format, follow-up postings may be more informal and relaxed.  However, please grammar and spell-check all postings.  You must have an original and a responsive posts to two (2) students in order to get credit for your discussion
Developing Ethical Decision-making in Healthcare
Classroom Objective
Upon completing the classroom component, students will be able to Examine ethical standards such as deontology, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics and their role in medical decisions. Critically analyze ethics issues in healthcare facilities with diverse witnesses, including social factors, cultural variations, and social consequences. Develop well-structured arguments to support ethical stances using ethical decision-making frameworks like the Four Quadrants approach or the Six-Step Process (Gianetta et al., 2021). Create instrumental communication skills to demonstrate ethical reasoning and work together in a team-based environment collaboratively and respectfully.
Laboratory (or Simulation) Objective
Upon completing the laboratory or simulation component, students will be able to: Showcase their ability to do essential medical procedures utilizing medical standards and clinical practice guidelines. Analyze the medical reports, including laboratory tests, imaging studies, and vital signs, to develop the correct diagnoses. Design individualized treatments considering patients’ preferences, physiological comorbidities, and potential adverse effects. Work with the patient to determine treatments to alleviate their symptoms while improving their quality of life (Alowais et al., 2023). Engage in dialogues with standardized patients, obtain the medical data needed, and learn how to work with other professionals in a safe learning environment. Take the simulation experience to improve critical thinking, decision-making skills, and confidence in providing safe and effective patient care.
Clinical Objective
Upon completing the clinical component, students will be able to: Conduct extensive patient interviews, obtain the latest medical records of patients, and build trusting relationships with patients and their families. Carry out complete physical examinations, using the correct procedures and interpreting the results correctly. Implement and read the necessary diagnostic tests, i.e., laboratory tests, imaging studies, and electrocardiograms, to assist in diagnosing and managing medical conditions. Carry out holistic treatment plans involving all pertinent information that considers the patient’s wishes, possible risks and benefits, and adherence to evidence-based guidelines (Meyer et al., 2021).
Alowais, S. A., Alghamdi, S. S., Alsuhebany, N., Alqahtani, T., Alshaya, A. I., Almohareb, S. N., … & Albekairy, A. M. (2023). Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. BMC Medical Education, 23(1), 689. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-023-04698-zLinks to an external site.
Giannetta, N., Villa, G., Pennestrì, F., Sala, R., Mordacci, R., & Manara, D. F. (2021). Ethical problems and moral distress in primary care: A scoping review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(14), 7565. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18147565Links to an external site.
Meyer, A. N., Giardina, T. D., Khawaja, L., & Singh, H. (2021). Patient and clinician experiences of uncertainty in the diagnostic process: current understanding and future directions. Patient Education and Counseling, 104(11), 2606-2615. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2021.07.028Links to an external site.

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