2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Final Paper Requirements: Length: 6-7 pages, not counting the title page or the

May 17, 2024

Final Paper Requirements:
Length: 6-7 pages, not counting the title page or the bibliography
Sources: Minimum 6 scholarly articles
Citation Format: Chicago Manual of Style with Footnotes.  This means that footnotes citing your sources belong in the text of your paper, while a full bibliographic entry for each source should be included with all sources on the final page of your paper.
Sources: Sources utilized for reference in all papers must be reputable, scholarly sources, i.e. published articles, journals, and/or books. Only reputable, scholarly sources will be accepted. Wikipedia and .com websites are not scholarly sources and should not be used. Websites that are published by .edu scholarly sources are acceptable; however, it is highly recommended that students utilize the Student Learning Center, the Library, and their instructors in identifying such sites on the Internet. Wikipedia, travel or personal blogs, entertainment sites, and other similar Internet resources are not acceptable – papers referencing such sources will not receive full credit.
Submit in Word (do not submit in PDF): If you do not own a copy of Word, you can use Google Documents and “Save As” Word. Submitting in Word or posting a Google Doc link allows in-text feedback by the instructor.  
Submitted in Word document (1%)
A Title Page (4%)
Clear topic sentence (10%)
Identifies a specific nation-state, cultural region, or theme (10%)
Identifies a specific historiographical approach (10%)
Includes a scholarly source (10%)
The bibliography is on its own page and citations are in CMS (10%)
At least one full page or at least 500 words (not including title page or bibliography (20%)
Written in 12 PT Times New Roman with uniform font color in true-black (5%)
Written with proper usage of American English, grammatically correct and correct spelling (20%)   
Topic:Exploring the Impact of Ancient Egyptian Religion on
Society and Culture
Historiographical School of Thought:The Symbolist School of
The allure of Ancient Egypt lies not only in its majestic
pyramids and enigmatic hieroglyphs but also in its rich tapestry of religious
beliefs that permeated every aspect of society and culture. In this proposal, I
aim to delve into the profound influence of Ancient Egyptian religion on
shaping the social and cultural fabric of this enigmatic civilization, guided
by the unique perspectives of the Symbolist School of Egyptology.
Reason for Interest:
What captivates me about the Symbolist School of Egyptology is
its focus on unraveling the symbolic and metaphysical layers embedded within
Egyptian art, hieroglyphs, and religious practices. By embracing this
interpretative framework, I hope to uncover the hidden meanings behind the
religious symbolism of the ancient Egyptians and gain insights into how these
beliefs influenced their daily lives, artistic expressions, and societal
Scholarly Source (Chicago Manual of Style):
In my exploration, I will draw upon the scholarly work of Erik
Hornung titled *Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many*
(1996). Through Hornung’s meticulous analysis, I aim to deepen my understanding
of the diverse conceptions of gods in Ancient Egyptian religion, shedding light
on the intricate interplay between monotheistic and polytheistic elements in
their spiritual beliefs.
By embarking on this research journey, I aspire to unravel the
intricate connections between Ancient Egyptian religion, symbolism, and the
broader cultural landscape of the civilization. Through the lens of the
Symbolist School of Egyptology, I aim to piece together a narrative that
illuminates how religion served as a cornerstone in shaping the identity,
beliefs, and practices of the ancient Egyptians from prehistory through the
This proposal sets the stage for an engaging exploration into
the captivating realm of Ancient Egyptian religion, offering a humanistic
perspective that seeks to breathe life into the enduring legacy of this ancient

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