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Only if you know how to work on CAD Scenario: As a SERVIB staff member, you have

May 17, 2024

Only if you know how to work on CAD
As a SERVIB staff member, you have been assigned to prepare a design for the air conditioning, lighting (general and emergency) and fire protection (smoke detection and sprinklers) services systems for a 12-person meeting room in an office building. You have been asked to prepare a report for SERVIB in which you will outline the design and the service requirements, as well as identify issues. You will also make technological, service and maintenance recommendations, with special consideration of unique ceiling specifications
12-person meeting room in an office building. 
The room size is 12m x 8m. The ceiling void above the meeting room has 800mm (clear height) which includes the beam depth. 
This room contains two parallel reinforced concrete beams 300mm deep x 500mm wide, running across the entire longer length of the room above the ceiling. 
The floor over is a reinforced concrete slab and accommodates toilets and showers for the tenancy above.
Reference the applicable Australian Standards which dictate the quantity and spacing of the air conditioning, lighting, smoke detection and sprinkler services.
Can you give me the spacing required and number of: 
1. Dimmable LED panel lighting system, flush-mounted, for general space illumination. 
2. Ceiling mounted exit and emergency lighting for emergency evacuation. 
3. Feature LED track spotlight system, for artwork on the two walls. 
4. Ceiling recessed speaker system for AV sound reinforcement. 
5. AV projection system, to one end wall including ceiling mounted microphones, hearing augmentation, automated blind and lighting control. 
6. Ceiling mounted WIFI systems for wireless connectivity within the meeting room to enable wireless internet and network access. 
7. Supplementary ducted air conditioning system, flush-mounted. 
8. sprinkler system, ceiling mounted. 
9. Smoke detection and alarm system ceiling mounted. 
10. Hydraulic wastewater and domestic hot and cold-water piping for above toilets. 
List of standards (references)
AS/NZS 1680 (lighting in buildings)
AS/NZS 2293 (Emergency lighting and exit signs for buildings)
AS/NZS 3000 (wiring rules)
AS 1670 (Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems)
AS 2118 (Automatic fire sprinkler systems)
AS/NZS 3500 (Plumbing and drainage)
AS 1668 (The use of ventilation and air conditioning in buildings)
AS 4254 (Ductwork for air handling systems in buildings)
AS/NZS 11801 (Information technology – generic cabling for customer premises)
AS/NZS 2785 (Suspended ceilings – design and installation).
National Construction of Code (NCC)
The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) – Technical handbook
Henderson, G., Barnard, N., Juanzens, D., Armstrong, J., Butler, D., & Leventhall, D. (2005) Clause – Air Distribution. Heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration : CIBSE guide B (p. 2.51-2.57). The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers London.
Report structure, address the following:
a) an accurately scaled draft Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP) for this room and one section view of the ceiling void 
b) The issues to be considered in the laying out, installation and maintenance of the services. (consider both the services on the ceiling and within the ceiling space and the maintenance required for each service)
c) Technologies incorporated in the engineering services design to enhance the operational user experience within the meeting room. (This is including but not limited to Integrated AV system, data system, WIFI systems, hearing augmentation, room booking system, automated blind and lighting control and electronic security systems to promote the end user safety and operational experience within a multi-tenant office building sharing the same meeting room.)
d) Recommended ceiling systems that would suit the given scenario, with reasons including how this decision impacts the installation and on-going maintenance activities of engineering services mounted on the ceiling and within the ceiling space. Type of ceiling system chosen is shown and/or noted on the RCP.
This report must have an introduction, recommentation, and a reference list.
Line spacing must be 1.5 spacing and font size 11 or 12

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