2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please create a PDF according to the outline You can think of the meaning of the

May 17, 2024

Please create a PDF according to the outline
You can think of the meaning of the work as you like
Think about it online
I want you to finish all of this
I think we need research and PowerPoint
Please complete one large PDF
For Kana Furuichi, W22511374
ALL art majors are required to develop and install a BFA Capstone exhibition. However, this Prototype Exhibition Proposal will take the place of a physical exhibition. This proposal is for practice only (although it could be used as a model for a real proposal later).
FINAL VERSION: Submit as a PDF file no later than December 3, 2024
To: Marguerite Perret: ******************************
PROPOSAL PACKET: Develop an exhibition proposal reflecting the themes and artworks for an exhibition of your work. NOTE: this will be accepted in place of a physical senior thesis show.
1. Exhibition Space:
a. Pick a REAL site located anywhere (this may be done in Japan).
b. Write a brief report on your proposed space. Visit (in person or online) and research that venue. What kind of space is it? A museum, gallery, community arts space? Coffee House? Other?
c. Is there gallery lighting available? What kind of wall space/hanging system, pedestals/floor space is available. Is it appropriate for the work you are proposing?
d. If you visit the space, ask for an exhibition proposal form and floor plan. Often these forms are available online. OR take photos or make a sketch—you can tell the gallery staff—if asked—that you are working on a school project.
2. Description of Work to be installed:
a. How much work is already completed/available work;
b. Describe any new work that will be created;
c. Media/ type;
d. Describe any series or bodies of work as applicable;
e. How many 2D/3D/4D;
f. Scale/Size;
g. Framing? How will 2D work be displayed?
h. Special equipment or technology requirements (if any);
i. Note any specific installation requirements (wall space, pedestals, hanging items from the ceiling…?)
j. How will viewers experience the work?
3. Cover Letter to your well-researched exhibition. Know to whom you are addressing the letter. Introduce yourself briefly in the first paragraph and explain why you are interested in showing in this space. You do not have to send this letter!
4. Exhibition Statement: An exhibition Statement addresses concept, what unifies that work into a coherent exhibition, what work in what media will be offered, and addresses presentation and installation considerations. Up to one paragraph for each of these considerations or one page
• Open with a strong, clear sentence that communicates your idea. There should be a clear purpose to the exhibition. A strong proposal has a point of view. Be specific when writing and make a compelling case for your idea and how this is expressed in the exhibition and through your practice.
• What are you trying to accomplish with this work, in this show? Bring awareness to an issue? Explore a new idea or medium? Present a narrative or tell a story?
• What is this project about? Is there anything innovative or unique about your concept and work? Conceptual premise? Medium and/or approach?
• Why did you choose these artworks and how do they support the conceptual premise of your exhibition? Are you creating a dynamic cohesive experience?
• Type of exhibition as applicable—retrospective/reflective, installation, new media or immersive, or a thematic group of paintings?
5. Exhibition Planning Schedule: Working backwards from the ‘proposed’ date of your exhibition. Look at a Calendar and Plan your time. The following is NOT a complete list of considerations, make sure you include EVERYTHING that you will need to take into account to ensure a successful project.
3 months-1 year or more depending on project
• Artwork—Inventory and production: Which existing works will be part of your exhibition. If your show is THIS semester, you should have a good idea already of what is going on display. What still needs to be created? Schedule how long it will take to make that work. Do you need to have any of the work commercially printed before framing or other forms of display? Where will you go to have this done? What is the turn-around for that? Put it on the calendar.
• Preparing artwork for display: How much time do you need for framing? Are there pedestals available or do you need to create your own display furniture? Do you need projectors, or a way to hang from the ceiling? Does anything need to be painted?
• Budgeting and funding: Research and seek funding sources as soon as possible, ideally, as soon as you have a concept for your project. A WTE (Washburn Transformational Experience) grant can cover up to $1,200 of your material costs. Apply if you are eligible!
• When should you have your invite and PR lists ready? And your PR materials ready to send out?
• When would you visit the gallery/venue/space to do a final planning of artwork placement?
• When will you order your signage lettering and print your labels?
• How long will you need for installation? And how long for de-installation?
6. Installation Plan
BFA: relate this information to the gallery in which you will be installing your BFA show. A floor plan of the Art Building galleries is available online under this module.
BA Studio or Art History: relate this information to the space you are using for your proposal, and not the art department gallery. Most exhibiting venues will have a gallery floor plan available online. If not, use the photos you took when researching spaces.
• Aesthetic design of your display in the gallery: discuss how you will group similar works, incorporate any installation elements, create a flow in the space and how you are designing for the space.
• Framing and-or other and alternative methods of presenting 2D work
• Requirements for pedestals, custom displays/other installation requirements such as false walls or hanging from the ceiling
• Gallery Sketch marked up with proposed layout
• Draft/Study for signage (title of show + your name)
• Draft/Study for label (title of work, date completed, media, other explanatory information as applicable)
7. Supporting Materials: (Required)
a. Artists Statement: An artist statement is not the same as the exhibition statement. This address you, as an artist, more broadly, beyond this particular exhibition. What kind of artist are you, what media do you work in? What themes, concepts, aesthetic concerns interest you? Why?
b. Artist/Curator Bio (1 short paragraph–summary);
c. Draft/study for the required poster OR social media announcement;
d. Ten-twenty images of work to be considered for exhibition;
i. IMAGES: Hi quality jpegs, bright, in focus, neutral background. No bigger than 1-4 MB Jpegs
ii. Number these in the file name–
1. 01Your Name-DuckPainting.jpg
2. 02YourName-Cat Painting.jpg
iii. Annotated Image List: this is a corresponding list of details about your images and video links.
1. Name (Your Name)
2. Title of work (ie: Whispering Willows)
3. Medium and size of work (ie: Watercolor and mixed media, 11” x 17”)
4. Year completed (ie: 2024)
5. Any specific notes relevant to the piece, unique techniques
or content (Machine embroidered designs add texture and reference 19th Century textile works)
8. SAMPLE Budget: Exhibition Budget: include printing artwork, framing and other presentation costs, signage, installation, publicity, reception and…? You can group items under subcategories.
Framing Prefabricated black frames, 11” x 16” for “cold case” series Michael’ s Arts and Crafts 12 @ 19.99 each 239.98
Picture Hanging 20lb 3M command hooks Home Depot 6- 2 hook pack@ 3.90 each 23.40
Subtotal $263.38
Publicity and PR
Postcards 100 postcards, printed 2 sides, color front, B&W back psprint.com 100 digital: 53.44
shipping: 10.45 63.44
Subtotal $
Grant Scholarly and Creative Grant WTE Program 1000.00
Out of pocket expenses $     

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