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Psychotherapy refers to the technique of solving an individual’s problems by use

May 17, 2024

Psychotherapy refers to the technique of solving an individual’s problems by use of methods which are mainly aimed at changing behavior and improving happiness level. It focuses on promoting better social and emotional functioning to improve the individual’s sense of satisfaction and a general improvement of quality of their lives. The process of psychotherapy has four stages which include therapy initiation, understanding of the emotional experiences, implementing change, and planning and concluding the therapy (Deits-Lebehn et al., 2020). A Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) has several roles to play in psychotherapy. 
The PMHNPs, just like other nurses, play roles in the patient evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and management processes. They specialize in dealing with individuals with psychiatric problems which include but not limited to depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.  To begin with, the PMHNP play a role in the provision of therapy suited for psychiatric patient management. In this role, the PMHNPs deal with individuals, groups or families. The use of evidence-based approaches are of great importance to the practice of PMHNPs. Nursing care as an evidence-based practice relies on the scientifically proven findings which guide various aspects of clinical practice such as therapy choices. Interventions relating to behavioral management such as dialectical behavior therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy, help the nurse practitioner implement clinical are employed by the nurses and are vital in psychotherapy (Salkovskis et al., 2023). Cognitive therapy focuses on promoting helpful feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, which in turn help in quality of life improvement (Norbury et al., 2024). The cognitive therapy approach helps in the treatment of many psychiatric problems which include but not limited to depression and anxiety. In addition, the nurse practitioners play a role in establishing and maintaining an effective patient-nurse relationship which is important for effective treatment progress. The nurse ensures that this relationship is built on trust, empathy, power, respect, and professional intimacy. 
Furthermore, the nurse practitioner assists the patient in undertaking various activities. Psychiatric patients need assistance and support in performing various personal tasks of daily life since on their own they may not be able to do so. Psychiatric patients are associated with impaired or poor decision-making due to their disturbed mental state (Calcedo-Barba et al., 2020). It is therefore important for the nurse practitioner to oversee, guide, and educate both the patient and their families. The PMHNPs are also tasked with observing and assessing the progress of their patients to determine the effectiveness of the psychotherapy intervention chosen. 
Alignment with APNA Standard 5G: Therapeutic Relationship
The standard dictates and stresses on the need for using therapeutic relationship by PMHNPs for clinical patient care. Nurses monitor the progress of their patients in order to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy (Klatte et al., 2021). The PMHNPs therefore use the therapeutic relationship to monitor the patient during the treatment process and provide any necessary requirement at any point of the treatment process. The role of the PMHNPs also aligns with the APNA by enabling the nurse to understand the patient’s needs. Understanding the needs enables the nurse to choose relevant interventions tailored to meet these needs. A positive therapeutic relationship is essential for the achievement of positive patient outcomes. 
Calcedo-Barba, A., Fructuoso, A., Martinez-Raga, J., Paz, S., Sánchez de Carmona, M., & Vicens, E. (2020). A meta-review of literature reviews assessing the capacity of patients with severe mental disorders to make decisions about their healthcare. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1).https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-020-02756-0
Deits-Lebehn, C., Baucom, K. J. W., Crenshaw, A. O., Smith, T. W., & Baucom, B. R. W. (2020). Incorporating physiology into the study of psychotherapy process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67(4), 488–499. https://doi.org/10.1037/cou0000391
Klatte, K., Pauli-Magnus, C., Love, S. B., Sydes, M. R., Benkert, P., Bruni, N., Ewald, H., Arnaiz Jimenez, P., Bonde, M. M., & Briel, M. (2021). Monitoring strategies for clinical intervention studies. The Cochrane Library, 2022(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.mr000051.pub2
Norbury, A., Hauser, T. U., Fleming, S. M., Dolan, R. J., & Huys, Q. J. M. (2024). Different components of cognitive-behavioral therapy affect specific cognitive mechanisms. Science Advances, 10(13). https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adk3222
Salkovskis, P. M., Sighvatsson, M. B., & Sigurdsson, J. F. (2023). How effective psychological treatments work: mechanisms of change in cognitive behavioural therapy and beyond. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 51(6), 595–615. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1352465823000590

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