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Choose any topic discussed in Chapters 4 – 15 of your textbook. Begin your paper

May 17, 2024

Choose any topic discussed in Chapters 4 – 15 of your textbook. Begin your paper by briefly describing the topic. Then, describe a real-life work problem related to the topic you have chosen. You may describe a problem that you have encountered in your own personal work experience or a work problem that someone you know has experienced. This should be an actual real-life story, and it should read much like a case study. Be thorough but concise in your descriiption.[Please note that this should be an actual workplace problem, not a school/student problem]. Next, what does the textbook have to say about your topic? Discuss a theory, principle, and/or research finding
that pertains to your topic as explained in your book. (e.g., According to the theory, what are the possible causes of the problem? What are the potential effects of this problem on workers and/or on the organization?) Next, find and read an empirical scientific journal (one with a method, results, and discussion section) related to your topic & describe the study that is discussed in the article. (I recommend that you use PsycINFO to find your article –please see the PSYCINFO TIPS handout in the “Syllabus” section of our course website if you need some help figuring out how to use this database). Please note that only published journal articles can be used – dissertations (or other
unpublished papers) are not allowed. For your article, you should discuss the following points:
• What research question was addressed?
• Research design: Correlational Design, Experimental Study, or Other?
If Correlational, what are the predictor(s) and criterion?
If Experimental, what are the Independent and Dependent variables?
If Other, describe variables.
• What were the findings of the study?
Next, in your own words, describe how you would solve the real-life work problem that you discussed in the first section of the paper. Imagine that you are an industrial/organizational consultant who has been asked to step in and solve the problem/case study that you described. That is, based upon what you have learned from reading the text, from attending classes, and from reading the article you selected, what steps would you take to solve this specific problem?
The paper must be in APA format (using the 7th edition of the APA manual); please see the “APA Style Powerpoint” that I have posted in the Syllabus section of our course website for details. I expect that you will spend about a page (maybe a little longer) on each of the sections described above, resulting in a 4-6 page paper, PLUS a title page and reference page. The paper should have 1” margins all around, and be double spaced – and you should also use a Sans Serif font (e.g., 11pt Calibri, 11pt Arial, or 10pt Lucida Sans Unicode) or a Serif font (e.g., 12pt Times New Roman, 11pt Georgia, or 10pt Computer Modern).
Please avoid using quotations! In very, very rare instances, a quotation might be appropriate, but 99% of the time, it is not. I want to hear what YOU have to say in YOUR OWN WORDS. If you do use a direct quote, please do so very sparingly (i.e., no more than two direct quotes in your entire paper) – and please be sure to properly cite your quotation

*** Hello writer, Please follow the instructions written above. I have included the file for the textbook as well as the related course PowerPoint slide. I also uploaded a sample paper that was provided by the professor.
Textbook chapter: Chapter 10 Worker Stress ( refer to the section that accords to “stress and organizational change” )
My chosen topic of the essay: worker stress and organizational change
My experience that has to be used: I was hired as a restaurant manager at a very big Korean BBQ restaurant.

Stress factors in my experience:
Managing a team of over 30 employees, spanning both front-of-house and back-of-house roles, was a monumental task that required meticulous planning and tireless effort. My responsibilities encompassed a wide range of duties, from crafting weekly schedules based on employee availability to finding replacements for those on vacation, sick leave, or unexpected absences. Dealing with difficult customers and ensuring a smooth flow of operations further added to the complexity of my role.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was the lack of support from other managers or assistant managers, which often meant working long hours, sometimes exceeding 12-hour shifts. Despite the physical and mental strain of such demanding hours, I had to maintain control over all aspects of HR, including conducting interviews, managing hiring and firing processes, and posting job advertisements to fill vacant positions. Additionally, I conducted semi-weekly evaluations of all employees and provided detailed reports to upper management.

Financial management was another crucial aspect of my job. I monitored our sales figures, tracked costs, and calculated net profits to ensure the financial health of the restaurant. This involved careful budgeting and decision-making to optimize revenue while controlling expenses.

Technical issues were a constant concern as well. Whether it was a malfunctioning fridge or a dishwasher with hot water issues, I had to quickly find reliable repair services to minimize disruptions to our operations. Timely ordering of essential items such as linens, napkins, take-out boxes, utensils, and beverages was also part of my routine to ensure smooth functioning.

Despite my best efforts, there were instances where kitchen delays led to extended wait times for customers during peak hours. Despite not being directly responsible for these delays, I often found myself shouldering the blame and feeling ashamed for not being able to resolve the situation promptly.

The demanding nature of the job meant working through holidays, often without a break. The fear of being held responsible for any accidents or incidents in my absence made it challenging to take sick leave or time off. Even on my one day off per week, I was inundated with calls from vendors, employees, and customers seeking assistance or updates.

The relentless pace and workload took a toll on my health. I frequently skipped meals and lost a significant amount of weight within the first few months of starting the job. Despite enduring these challenges for five months, I reached a breaking point. I arranged a meeting with my boss to discuss my situation and seek improvements, but unfortunately, no significant changes were made.

Ultimately, I made the difficult decision to leave the job. It was undoubtedly the hardest and most stressful job I’ve ever had, both physically and mentally draining.

Example of solutions:
Hire Additional Management Staff: Bringing on board a couple of assistant managers or another general manager could significantly alleviate your workload. Having more hands on deck would allow for a more efficient division of responsibilities and ensure smoother operations across all departments.

Departmental Division: Consider restructuring the management setup by creating separate departments for HR and Finance. This division of labor would allow the manager to focus more on the core operational aspects of the restaurant, leading to better performance and reduced stress.

Compensation and Benefits: To mitigate the stress and recognize your efforts, offering a higher salary or additional vacation leave could be beneficial. Adequate compensation and benefits not only serve as a form of recognition but also contribute to employee satisfaction and retention.

Other Perks and Incentives: Providing other perks such as flexible work hours, wellness programs, or performance-based bonuses can also help in satisfying and compensating for the demanding nature of the job. These incentives contribute to a positive work environment and enhance employee morale.

GRADING RUBRIC (60 points)
Organization & Main Points (36 points)
• Topic is introduced (either in the first paragraph or in the title page): 2 points
• Clearly describe a real-life work problem related to this topic: Be thorough by concise. Explain how this problem affected you (and other workers, if it affected other workers): 6 points
• In your own words, describe one or more theories or principals that relate to the problem (based upon what you learned from the textbook and/or from lecture): Explain possible causes of the problem and the ramifications of the problem for both the workers and the organization: 6 points
• Cite an article that discusses a scientific study that has been conducted on the general topic of your paper (e.g., conflict, competition, groupthink, etc.). Briefly describe the methodology and the findings of the study: 10 points
• Describe specifically how YOU would solve the problem based upon what you have learned from the text, lectures, and the article you read: 12 points
Formatting & Length (10 points)
• Proper margins, organization, font size, # of pages, etc. as outlined in the term paper handout: 4 points
• Paper is at least 4 full pages but no more than 6 pages of text (not counting the title & reference pages): 6 points
College-Level Writing (10 points)
• Organization of material: 2 points
• Good sentence structure: 2 points
• No spelling or grammatical errors: 2 points
• Reference(s) cited in the body of the paper (and are in APA style): 2 points
• Full reference(s) cited at the end of the paper (and are in APA style): 2 points
Journal Article (4 points)
• Journal article is a published, empirical journal article with a method and results section: 2 points
• Screenshot of the first page of the journal article attached to last page of paper: 2 points

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