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Each section of the research proposal will be graded on writing mechanics, APA f

May 17, 2024

Each section of the research proposal will be graded on writing mechanics, APA format, and
section content. There are 75 points possible for the research proposal. Your paper must look
like the template provided to you whether you choose to use it.
You are required to have six peer-reviewed journal articles for your references. Your articles
must be cited in your paper and also appear in your References section.
The design of the study you will be proposing is a between-groups experimental design with
one independent variable and one dependent variable. You will also have an experimental
group and a control group. You will have two levels of experimental group, and a control group,
for a total of three groups. You can make your control group a placebo group if you want, but it
isn’t required and you won’t get extra points for doing that.
Any deviation from the number of references required or the specified experimental design will
result in a final grade no greater than 70% for the paper. Any additional loss of points will be
deducted from an adjusted point total of 53 points (70% of 75).
Overall format (10 points)
Font – An APA acceptable font throughout your entire paper including your running head and
your references (3 points)
Double spacing – Your entire paper is double spaced unless you make a quote of 40 or more
words (3 points)
Writing mechanics – College level writing with complete sentences and appropriate
capitalization, punctuation, and grammar (4 points)
1. Title page (5 points)
Running head (1 point)
Page head (1 point)
Title (1 point)
Author (1 point)
Affiliation (1 point)
2. Body of paper (45 points)
format for body of paper (5 points)
Correct APA citation in text and in parentheses (2 points)
Correct use of headings (2 points)
No extra space between sections (1 point)
Introduction (20 points)
Title aligned correctly, and the word “Introduction” is not used (2 point)
Introduce your topic and define any relevant terms (4 points)
Review your literature and cite all of your articles (6 points)
Tell the reader you are proposing a study at the end of your introduction (3 points)
State the purpose of your study (2 points)
State your hypothesis (3 point)
Method (15 points)
Participants – Description of your participants, where you will recruit them, and how many
you will have in each group (4 points)
Procedure – A narrative of what will happen during your study (4 points)
Materials – A list of all the materials needed to run your study (3 points)
Design – Correct statement of your research design, what your independent variable will be,
and what your dependent variable will be (4 points)
Results (5 points)
State the statistical test you will use to analyze your data based on the number of groups you
will have in your study (3 points)
State your statistical significance level (2 point)
Discussion (5 points)
State what it would mean if your hypothesis is confirmed (2 points)
State what it would mean if your hypotheses was not confirmed (2 points)
Describe some things you would consider doing in follow-up studies (1 point)
3. References (10 points)
References start on a separate page (2 point)
The word “References” centered, not in bold type (2 point)
Correct formatting of references including correct indentation, titles in sentence case, journal
names in italics, and listing the volume number but not the issue (3 points)
At least six peer-reviewed journal articles listed (3 points)
Name: _____________________________
Your introduction assignment will identify a problem, a hypothesis, and how you intend
to study the problem. You will be proposing an experiment. The purpose of an
experiment is to find a cause and effect relationship. Your experiment will be a between-
subjects experimental design (see your textbook for details about this design). The
purpose of this Research Proposal Outline is for you to identify the components of your
study you need to know before you start on your research proposal.
Your research proposal outline needs to describe the following things: 1) your
hypothesis, 2) your independent variable, 3) your experimental group, 4) your control
group, 5) your dependent variable, and 6) who will be in your sample.
What is it that you are interested in studying? This is a vague question or topic that is
too general to be tested without further refinement.
1) Hypothesis:
This is a statement about a predicted relationship between your independent and
dependent variables.
2) Independent Variable (The “Cause”):
This is the variable that you are going to test or manipulate to see if it has any effect on
your dependent variable. Some examples of independent variables are types of training,
different studying techniques, types of counseling methods, type of diet, amount of
sleep, drug treatment, type of stimulus, presentation of food, and type of information
3) Experimental Group(s):
There will be 30 people in each experimental group. You may only have one or two
experimental groups. These participants receive the treatment.
4) Control Group:
There will be 30 people in this group. These participants will not receive the treatment.
5) Dependent Variable (The “Effect”):
This is the outcome or effect that you are going to measure. It needs to be something
quantifiable that you can use to calculate mean scores. Some examples of dependent
variables are reaction time, scores on tests, number of correct items recalled, observer
ratings, frequency of behaviors, and participant self-report scores (often using a Likert-
type scale). Refer to the Mental Measurements Yearbook in the Troy library database
for tests you could use as your dependent variable.
6) Identify Your Sample:
What group of people are you concerned with?
Target Population:
Where are you going to get your participants?
How many people are you going to randomly select for your study? (check one)
Sixty people if you have two groups _______
Ninety people if you three groups _______

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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