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Essay Assignment – Analysis of a Contemporary Population-Related Issue (2000 wor

May 16, 2024

Essay Assignment – Analysis of a Contemporary Population-Related Issue (2000 words)
This task requires you to select and analyse a contemporary population-related issue within a specific country or region. Your essay should demonstrate a good understanding of population dynamics by identifying a specific issue and linking it to theories and concepts discussed in the subject. 
Identify a particular population-related issue in the context of specific country or region of your choice. The chosen issue should be contemporary, meaning it is currently relevant or has recent relevance. 
Your essay will need to include a clear problem statement, and a literature review of the topic at hand linked to the socio -economic/political/cultural contexts of your country/region case study. Highlight any policy implications/debates if applicable.  The use of graphs/tables where appropriate is welcomed and encouraged. 
Students are expected to engage in thorough research, employing critical thinking to analyse the chosen issue. Analysis should be supported by evidence and references from credible sources.
You should use peer-reviewed academic sources to support your essay. All sources must be properly cited, both in-text and in a reference list. You can use any reference styles as long as it is author-date referencing (e.g, APA7, Chicago B, Harvard). 
Use this source please!
McFalls Jr, J. A. (2007). Population: A lively introduction. Population Bulletin, 62(1), 1-31. Joseph A. McFalls Jr. 2007 – Population.pdf
Dorling, D. & Gietel-Basten, S. (2017), Introduction. Why demography matters. Cambridge: Polity Press. Danny Dorling, Stuart Gietel-Basten 2017 – Why Demography Matters.pdf
Kirk, D. (1996). Demographic transition theory. Population Studies, 50 (3): 361-387. Kirk 1996 – Demographic transition theory.pdf
Lesthaeghe, R. (2014). The second demographic transition: A concise overview of its development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(51), 18112-18115. Lesthaeghe 2014 – The second demographic transition.pdf
Caldwell, J. (1986). Routes to low mortality in poor countries. Population and Development review, 12 (2): 171-219. Caldwell 1986 – Routes to Low Mortality.pdf
Omran, A.R. (1971). The epidemiologic transition. The Milbank Quarterly 49(4): 509-538. Omran 1971 – The Epidemiologic Transition (2).pdf
Bongaarts, J. (1978). A framework for analyzing the proximate determinants of fertility. Population and Development Review, 4 (1): 105-132. Bongaarts 1978 – A Framework for Analyzing.pdf
May, J. F. (2017). The Politics of Family Planning Policies and Programs in sub‐Saharan Africa. Population and Development Review, 43, 308-329. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2016.00165.xLinks to an external site.
Han, S.W. and Brinton, M.C. (2022), Theories of Postindustrial Fertility Decline: An Empirical Examination. Population and Development Review, 48: 303-330. https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12490Links to an external site. PDF
Graham. E. (2021) Theory and explanation in demography: The case of low fertility in Europe, Population Studies, 75:sup1, 133-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/00324728.2021.1971742 Links to an external site.PDF
Lee, E. (1966). A Theory of Migration. Demography, 3 (1): 47-57. Lee 1966 – A theory of migration.pdf
Massey, D. S., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A., & Taylor, J. E. (1993). Theories of international migration: A review and appraisal. Population and development review, 431-466. Massey et al Theories of international migration PDR 1993.pdf
McDonald, P., & Kippen, R. (1999). Population futures for Australia: the policy alternatives. Peter McDonald, Rebecca Kippen – Population Futures for Australia.pdf
Kashyap, R. (2021). Has demography witnessed a data revolution? Promises and pitfalls of a changing data ecosystem. Population Studies, 75(sup1), 47-75. Kashyap 2021 – Has demography witnessed a data.pdf
Lee, E. (1966). A Theory of Migration. Demography, 3 (1): 47-57. Lee 1966 – A theory of migration.pdf
Massey, D. S., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A., & Taylor, J. E. (1993). Theories of international migration: A review and appraisal. Population and development review, 431-466. Massey et al Theories of international migration PDR 1993.pdf
McDonald, P., & Kippen, R. (1999). Population futures for Australia: the policy alternatives. Peter McDonald, Rebecca Kippen – Population Futures for Australia.pdf
Kashyap, R. (2021). Has demography witnessed a data revolution? Promises and pitfalls of a changing data ecosystem. Population Studies, 75(sup1), 47-75. Kashyap 2021 – Has demography witnessed a data.pdf
Jackson, N. (2007). Population ageing in a nutshell: a phenomenon in four dimensions. People and Place, 15(2), 12. Natalie Jackson 2007 – POPULATION AGEING IN A NUTSHELL.pdf
Wilson, T., McDonald, P., Temple, J. Brijnath, B., Utomo, A.. Past and projected growth of Australia’s older migrant populations. Genus 76, 20 (2020).  Wilson, McDonald et al. 2020 – Past and projected growth.pdf
To develop a good research essay, you need to be very clear about your research question. The research question should be clear what exactly you want to investigate and what you hope to achieve in your essay. In a nutshell, your research question should be precise and specific for you to answer within the word count of the task (2000 words). 
To make your research question clear to you and the reader, you need to develop a clear problem statement. The problem statement should describe your selected issue, explain why this issue needs to be addressed, and state your research question.

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