2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS – Answer ALL Questions in this section (by sel

May 16, 2024

PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS – Answer ALL Questions in this section (by selecting one (1) choice per question) in order to be eligible to receive credit. (Document Each Response Vertically Prefaced with the # for each of the 25 Questions; and List the Essay Below the Multiple Choice Responses.)
01. What type of Social Structure do Girls live in?A) Flat B) Convex C) Perpendicular D) Parallel.
02. One of the major issues for most women in police work continues to be the lack of:A) Intimacy B) Training C) Fairness D) Promotional Opportunity.
03. True/False: Not only is there a smaller percentage of women in policing; but women are virtually absent at the highest ranks in law enforcement.
04. Generally, when women in law enforcement seek promotion to higher levels, it continues to be: A) Rewarding B) Fulfilling C) A Battle D) Planned.
05. Define “Brass Ceiling” within the context of Women in American Policing. A) Successfully fulfilling domestic duties B) Capable of balancing Family and Career C) Success in attaining top positions D) None of the above.
06. Who became the first woman Chief of Police of a major city (Portland, OR) in the United States? A) Mary Marcus B) Penny Harrington C) Linda Hearthlow D) Laura Jenkinson.
07. Aside from politics, testing and interviewing in the line of police promotions may be: A) Fair B) False C) Biased D) Undiscriminating.
08. An individual may not desire or feel able to fulfill a promotion in the occupation of policing due to: A) Family Commitments B) Physical and Intellectual Abilities C) Achievement Capacity D) The Inability to Attain an Advanced Degree.
09. American Law Enforcement image has always been: A) Glamorous B) Comforting C) Unchanged D) Macho.
10. Define: Community Policing and what two (2) concepts are required to enable it? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________.
11. What is required in order to defuse a bad situation? A) Good Communication Skills B) Being Bilingual C) A Vast Vocabulary D) All of the above.
12. True/False: Police Women are more authoritarian and use excessive force more often than their Male Counterparts.
13. What skills do women in policing generally possess that benefit their departments regarding complaints or possible lawsuits from citizens? A) Physical Strength B) Communication C) Emotional Defensiveness D) Indecisiveness.
14. What Call for Police Service is generally the most difficult to deal with and is considered very dangerous? A) Shots Fired B) Burglary C) Car Theft D) Domestic Violence.
15. The public’s perception is Women Police Officers are better at doing what in a potentially violent situation? A) Infusing Aggression B) Defusing Violence C) Contributing to Violence D) Disengaging Spousal Jealousy.
16. An additional advantage women bring to law enforcement is their: A) Ideas of Fashion B) Unreasonable Attitudes C) Fraternal Skills D) Leadership Style.
17. Surveys in regards to the number of women in the occupation of policing reflect: A) A decrease B) An increase C) No change 3 D) Inconsistencies.
18. Define “Reverse Discrimination”: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________.
19. Best advice and rule someone should follow to succeed and live a comfortable life is: A) Try to be someone special B) Contempt anger and hatred C) Be yourself D) Be someone else.
20. General advice given to women entering law enforcement is to: A) Get a mentor and network B) Develop a Thick Skin C) Develop Human Relations Skills D) All of the above.
21. Women in Policing should practice: A) Zero Tolerance for harassment or discrimination B) Zero Tolerance for Advanced Education C) Zero Tolerance for Promotion D) Zero Tolerance for Men.
22. First Lesson Police Women generally learn, is to: A) Always Quit B) Sometimes Quit C) Never Quit D) Think About Quitting.
23. Being a Police Officer is a: A) Balancing Act B) An Aggressive Career C) An Easy Job D) A Difficult Job.
24. True / False: The profession of policing provides a great disservice to the community.
25. What stereotypical characteristics best describe the policing profession? A) Calm and Relaxing B) Macho and Paramilitary C) Static and Unchanging D) Pleasant and Rewarding.
PART 2: Essay (Answer ALL Parts in order to be eligible to receive FULL Credit.)
Describe the methods of gaining the public’s compliance generally used by Women in American Law Enforcement and; the methods generally used/practiced by their Male counterparts. Are there any differences? Why? The benefits of Women’s methods between the two (2) genders.

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