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Hello this assignment has 3 parts. The first part  is a response to the discussi

May 15, 2024

Hello this assignment has 3 parts. The first part  is a response to the discussion questions in a main post ( minimum 300 words), next is 2 separate responses to at least 2 peers’ postings (75 words). Thanks in advance!
main post:
Data are collected and presented on a continual basis. It is important to be able to communicate the data to your audience effectively. Appropriate data communication techniques help students present research findings in clear and understandable ways.
Think of a time someone presented data to you.
Discuss the communication techniques that they used to present their findings.
What suggestions would you give them to make their presentation more effective?
1st peer post:
I can not think of a time when someone presented data to me, but I can talk about effective communication techniques, and how thay can help us communicate with our patients effectively. Lets start with effective communication, which means that your ideas and concepts are being heard and people are acting upon them. It also means you are able to listen, understand. and take action on what other people say. Some patients that we service are of different cultures with different beliefs, so we have to find different ways to communicate with them effectively. Some patients do not speak English we have to find ways to understand our patients. Here is where you need to know your audience. Do your research on the patient background and have an interpreter on hand to translate what your patient needs are. You have to be a good listener and maintain eye contact ask questions if you do not understand something or someone. Different cultures gave different views when it comes to doctors it is your job to encourage them to get the services that they need to be healty what ever that is in that situation.. Visual communication is a sign that this patient understands what they can see, pictures, brochures, videos as a use to understand. Verbal communication is great because they can understand what you are saying and vice versa. You have to speak clear and concise just incase their are lip readers go slow and agin always maintain  eye contact that is a sign of respect in many cultures. You have to be kind and friendly so the patient feels comfortable giving you certain information. Nonverbal communication is body language the patient looks at your reaction , how you move ,how your eyes look they are listening to you physically as you move about. There are so many ways that you can effectively communicate using effective communication techniques. Focusing on making a connection with the patient and making sure that they understand you is crucial for quality care.
2nd peer post:
As we all know when someone is reporting something to you, you would want to receive it with clarity, and to be effective it must be delivered with clear communication and understanding.
It is essential in various reporting’s that you report how you did this, why and what are your findings.
I am reminded just lately of my experience with my healthcare provider. I had been experiencing some female health issues and it was kind of frightening for me. Because I didn’t understand why this was happening at my age. But needless to say, I scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist to see what was going on and why was this happening to me pass menopausal stage. I was given a vaginal examination, and my doctor told me that she would have the results back the following week.
It’s now the following week. My findings were delivered to me via email. After viewing and reading the data, it was clear to me that they needed to do a little more in-depth research. Because now I didn’t fully understand what was happening to me or what has already happened to me.
The data only stated that it could be a number of things that is causing my condition, but that it could be narrowed down to a couple of things because of my age. Now with this data I became instantly filled with anxiety, so I rushed to call my doctor for an appointment to discuss in detail what could be done or if there were anything that could be done.
The day of my personal visit with my provider she helped me to understand what was going on and why. She also explained to me my options and that she would only be able to offer me effective data after the initial surgery.
From my experience I would only want my research data to be delivered to me in person, because the email didn’t provide detail information on their finding and not to mention it concluded it, with saying some of the recent findings compared in similar cases could be cancerous, and this left me feeling anxious. I think a face-to-face deliverance would be appropriate for me, at least I could better understand and comprehend from my reporters (doctor) language. At least I would know whether I should be concerned or not.

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