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English 5 / Hart     Essay 3       Spring 2024     Inquiry, Research, and Argume

May 15, 2024

English 5 / Hart     Essay 3       Spring 2024     Inquiry, Research, and Argument: An Original Researched Argument and Report
Due Date is Thursday 16 May in Classroom A217
Instructions and Tasks
Reading and Critical Thinking.
First, writers should closely read and respond to Sebastian Junger’s Tribe, available at bookstores, including the “Introduction,” the four middle chapters, and the ending chapter for discussion of Junger’s issue and arguments.  Second, writers should use critical thinking standards and argumentation skills to analyze and evaluate various “better and worse” arguments in at least three other cases from library or other relevant reading research. This means writers should develop a worthwhile research question on the extent that Junger’s solution has credence, and then investigate it to support and/or refute the need for what Junger calls “tribe”, as better and worse ways to improve human thinking and actions to increase “belonging” among people, through “collective effort.” As well, be able to define and evaluate the term “collective effort” in the context of research.  Last, compose an evaluative thesis statement on the real need for “collective effort,” as Junger argues for it. Personal experience and previously assigned course reading may be added to this discussion to corroborate arguments found in Tribe and outside published sources, in order to argue on the “better and worse” aspects of Junger’s issues in terms of a worthwhile researched solution.
Inquiry, Research, and Argument
To investigate a noteworthy research question on Junger’s claim and position, inquire into course readings, library resources, internet sites, databases, current periodicals, and media that provide examples of new viewpoints on cases other than Junger’s or even opposed to his claim at the end of his “Introduction” to Tribe. New texts would be arguments of evidence and information, worthy of investigation and inquiry to argue a strong position and thesis on issues relevant to Junger’s major position and claim. Writers should illustrate how problems and conflicts are not only relevant to Junger’s basic argument in Tribe, but also that people need or not need to intervene so that writers will need to use more reasons for people to support and/or act on the concept of “tribe,” to counter-balance threats and from the actions and behaviors of individuals and whole nations, confirming the better and worse need for collective effort. Solutions to current issues are unsettled, including on immigration, global warming, climate change, value of education, need to assimilate and overcome psychological negativity, cultural, social, and political conflicts, political violence, national and international aggression, wars, crime, environmental degradation, natural disasters, homelessness, and individual mental illness.   
A clear guiding purpose should be prominent but not necessarily stated; however, it should be determined and reflected by substantial content, order of paragraphs, reasons and evidence, illustrative details, a scholarly academic tone, and appropriate length.
Current political and cultural issues, local and/or global, can be exposed.
6.  Concepts, elements, and principles of reasoning, emotional behavior, accountability, value judgments, standards of critical thinking, acknowledgments, warrants, and intellectual values should be applied so that writers can increase grade credit by accurately using terms and vocabulary of critical reading, writing, and thinking from English 5.
Reading and Writing Process
Use applications from reading and writing assignments as appropriate, leading to Essay 3, such as paragraph structure, thesis development, quoting and paraphrasing.  Other skills yet to be introduced, reviewed, and practiced are:  Critical Thinking Standards, Coherence, Subordination, Citations, Sentence Style, Ethical and Emotional Appeals, and Nominalizations.
MLA Format, Organization, and Style, illustrated by the course model research paper and other instructional materials, for reference:
Standard course essay heading includes writer’s name, course and number, name, date and title centered over the main text.
The title should indicate the subject of Essay three.
The Works Cited page is separated, on the last page.
Cover pages or plastic folders are unnecessary.
Indent all paragraphs and use double-spaced pages, without extra spacing or headings between paragraphs.
References must be “in-text” (no foot-noted references, please).
Omit formal outline.
No late papers.
Sample Start Up Short Reading:
Thunberg. “Three Speeches” opinions from No One is Too Small to Make a Difference. 2019
Opinion piece by Bruce Hoffman and Jacob Ware. “American Civil War.” cnn.com. 16 March 2024
Suggested Writing for Discussion (not a drafting sequence)
Position or first opinion paper
Writers’ annotations and discussion on the Tribechapters and outside sources
Planning paper or paragraph outline
Suggested Writing Stages/Schedule
First ideas                  04 Apr
Idea draft review       11 Apr
Second draft review  18 Apr
Later drafts review    25 Apr
Later drafts review    02 May
Later drafts review    09 May
Final draft and works cited page 16 May
Essay 3                       Second Draft Review
Check progress on a convincing or persuasive argumentative essay for the assignment. Here is a suggested pattern of organization, similar to other essay assignments.
Beginning Paragraph(s)
What are the issues in Sebastian Junger’s argument? Why do Americans and others need “tribe” and collective effort (or not), to counter-balance cases of global and/or local existential threats and improve inclusivity in our society? Therefore, be sure to read, annotate, paraphrase or summarize how Junger defines “collective effort” and “tribe,” in the book, Tribe.  If necessary, use a brief example from the text of Tribe. 
First, use full introductory sentence patterns to introduce and paraphrase Sebastian Junger’s issue, position, and a thesis on “collective effort” and “tribe,” from Junger’s introduction to Tribe. Introduce new resources of alternative viewpoints and arguments in the same way for each additional source. Second, use a “later reference” and a concise signal verb for these previously introduced references. Review for correctness so that you can summarize and introduce challenges and/or alternative views to Junger’s thesis relevant to the reasons and evidence in cases that Junger himself has asserted on the needs and values he argues for and against. Conversely, retrieve evidence of how Junger challenges and or refutes opposing cases.
Thesis:  Compose a sentence as a two-part concessive thesis, reflecting the better and worse sides, even if you will likely revise it, given more and better information from research and reading.
Middle Discussion Paragraphs
Check that your thinking, reading, and research so far has yielded a position on the extent you can defend your thesis.  Paragraphs on whether Junger’s thesis is or is not effective and realistic should begin with reasons, not examples. Then, using point-by-point paragraphs, discuss reasons for or against the two sides as you understand them.
A better or stronger side uses effective evidence that “tribe” and collective effort succeeds because it has roots in Native American culture.
Worse or weaker side shows how collective effort is problematic and might fail because people resist it in favor of individual effort, even rejecting the Native American views.
Paragraphs: No matter where the thesis appears, check that in the paragraphs respond well to a guiding purpose:
State paragraph topics as premises and/or reasons to build prominent support of your thesis;
use relevant evidence to support the topics and reasons for thesis and include several appropriate kinds of evidence from “Making Value Judgments,” such as brief examples, quotations, statistics, facts, and paraphrases;
connect evidence to topics and reasons and explain their significance and relevance to the thesis, in “AXES” and other paragraphs;
acknowledge alternative value and existence of other viewpoints and contrast other reasons and evidence as being accurate, clear, relevant, and sufficient;
explain how evidence is relevant or significant to the thesis so that readers can understand the other side of the issue and not lose track of the thesis.
Research the Topic for MLA Style
Use a research question to compose a trial thesis and rough outline, and keep a running list of possible sources.
Be able to acknowledge and cite sources to avoid plagiarism.
For M.L.A. style, to incorporate source material in-text, use signal phrases and verbs to tell who is making an assertion; also, use present tense unless you need the verb to name an action in a specific time of the past. Example:
Back in 1940, in “When the Negro was in Vogue,” Langston Hughes wrote that white people were coming in to “The Cotton Club” in Harlem to see black people, but black people still wouldn’t be allowed to visit “The Stork Club” on Broadway in Manhattan.
Final Works Cited List should identify only the sources applicable to your essay.

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