2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Instructions: Read and pick at least (2) two of the below question to respond to

May 15, 2024

Read and pick at least (2) two of the below question to respond too (you can chose to answer as many as you would like, but you must at least answer two).
Then, reply to at least one of your fellow students post with at least a 50 word response.
Please write in complete sentences, in APA format/style in text, in paragraph form, double spaced, 12-point font.
Your initial response should be 100 words in length total (150 word maximum length), reflecting on the prompt above.
Instructions: Let’s examine some case studies. Read the scenarios carefully. Determine what crime or crimes have been committed. Classify each as either mala in se or mala prohibita. Explain your classification.
You are a police officer and you are buying a cup of coffee at the local “Stop and Rob” convenience store. You see a juvenile male place a quart of milk inside his jacket. You approach the person and tell him to open his jacket. He complies. He apologizes for his actions. He explains that he could not afford to buy the milk, but he needs it for his child. He promises not to do it again and asks you to let him go.
A major pharmaceutical company introduces a new weight-loss drug. Although the pharmaceutical company knows that the drug may increase the chances of heart attacks and strokes, the company’s warning label states that, “Product X has no known side effects.” After the drug is linked to hundreds of heart attacks and strokes and dozens of deaths, the company pulls the drug off the market.
Laura has had a hard day at work. Before going home, she decides to stop at a local bar and have a couple of drinks. After consuming several drinks, she decides to drive home. She runs a red light and crashes head-on into another vehicle. The two occupants of the other vehicle are killed. One of the occupants of the car was 6 months pregnant at the time of the crash. Laura’s blood alcohol content was .18. She has a previous conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
John and Amy have been in a relationship for 10 years. Amy has grown tired of the relationship and has been having an affair with another man for the last 6 months. Amy and her lover make a plan to kill her husband. Amy takes out a $500,000 life insurance policy on her husband. Several weeks later, her lover breaks into Amy’s house and shoots and kills her husband. He takes a few valuables from the house to make it look like a burglary.
You and your partner are dispatched to a domestic dispute. When you arrive, you hear loud voices inside the house. You knock on the door and announce that you are with the police department. A small-framed male answers the door. You advise him that you’ve received a call about a domestic dispute. You notice that the man has a small amount of blood dripping from his lower lip, which also appears to be bruised. You ask the man if he is okay or in need of medical attention. He advises you that he and his “roommate” have had a little fight that “got out of hand.” A larger male is standing in the kitchen and he seems irritated that you are there. He speaks up and says “We were arguing and I lost my temper a little.” The smaller male advises you that he does not need medical attention and that he does not want to press charges.

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

Our team is comprised of native English speakers working exclusively from the United States. 

Will the paper be original?

Yes! It will be just as if you wrote the paper yourself! Completely original, written from your scratch following your specific instructions.

Is it free?

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Is it legit? Can I trust you?

Completely legit, backed by an iron-clad money back guarantee. We’ve been doing this since 2007 – helping students like you get through college.

Will you deliver it on time?

Absolutely! We understand you have a really tight deadline and you need this delivered a few hours before your deadline so you can look at it before turning it in.

Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

How do I place an order?

You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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