2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


PART 1 Using the linked list below of art museums, look over several museum webs

May 15, 2024

Using the linked list below of art museums, look over several museum websites and choose one museum that you might one day want to visit. 
List of Southern California Art Museums
Then, write a report in your own words in paragraph format (do not number) that includes the following information: 
Your essay should be written in paragraph format, maintain consistent transitions from paragraph to paragraph.
Your total word count should be no less then 350 words.
Give the name of the museum and the city where it is located.
Briefly mention what the permanent collection of the museum consists of in your own words (at least 100 words)
Give the title, exhibition dates and a brief description of at least one special exhibition being held at the institution in your own words. (at least 50 words)
Describe the theme of the exhibition in your own words: for example, is it a one artist show, a historical show, a group show, etc. (at least 50 words)
Describe, in a short paragraph in your own words, at least one work mentioned or pictured on the exhibition website.  (at least 100 words)
Tell whether or not this exhibition is of interest to you, and mention if you plan to see it and why. (at least 50 words)
When describing the art work, it is highly recommended you follow Feldman’s Method of Art Criticism Download Feldman’s Method of Art Criticism.
Once you have chosen an artist:
Read more information about the the artist chosen, view their works and interviews. 
Learn more about his or her work by doing any or all of the following:
Visit the artist’s website.
Google the artist and his/her work and read about them. 
Look hard at online images or examples of the artist’s works. 
Search youtube.com for videos about the artist.
Then, when you are ready, write an essay of no less than 350 words in your own words with the following elements:
A very brief introduction telling what it is the artist does.
Some brief biographical facts.
An appreciation of the artist’s work. This is the heart of your assignment and should include your thoughts and observations about any work or works by the artist that you admire. Be passionate, opinionated and clear. 
Make sure to provide correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. 
Your document should be formatted with a 1″ margin, 12 pt font and double spaced. 
This entire essay should be in your own words.
This should be written in paragraph format, maintain consistent transitions from paragraph to paragraph.
Culture is deeply engrained in art, from ancient art to contemporary, it tells a story. When we analyze a certain piece of art, it is necessary to look into the author’s ideas, motives, and feelings. The understanding of all these aspects simplifies the analysis of the art piece and allows us to produce a more detailed and exhaustive paper.
In your essay of no less than 350 words, please write an essay responding to the following prompts:
Your essay should respond to ALL of the following questions:
Explain how art has been a strong force in human history. (at least 175 words)
Discuss examples of art presented in this course, from ancient to contemporary, to present a historical survey of the  functions and purposes of the art. (125 words) 
Upload images of two works of art that you are using as examples to your paper that support your essay by copying and pasting it into the document.
This should be written in paragraph format, maintain consistent transitions from paragraph to paragraph. 
The following must be included in your paper: 
Make sure to provide correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. 
Your document should be formatted with a 1″ margin, 12 pt font and double spaced. 
This entire essay should be in your own words. 
Writing an “Appreciation” of a a work of art..this time from the artist you have chosen for Final Essay #2.  
One of the most important aspects of this class is for students to appreciate individual works of art. This assignment is designed to help you demonstrate your knowledge, and put your appreciation into words.
Keep in mind, this course takes a broad view of what can be called a work of art, there is a very broad range of works you can appreciate. You can appreciate paintings, drawings, prints, films, graphic designs, digital works of art, installations, sculpture, buildings and more. Please consider this assignment flexible so that it can adapt to all these various forms of art.
Step One: Choosing a Work
Choose a work of art. You MUST choose a work of art that has been created by the artists you choose for Essay #2. 
Step Two: Writing your Appreciation
Your written appreciation needs to include all of the following elements:
The title and date of the work of art
The name of the artist or artists who created or designed it.
The medium (materials and methods)
Describe the work (no less than 100 words). For assistance with this refer back to the video “The Skill of Describing.” Links to an external site.
Tell why and how this work of art got your attention (no less than 100 words). Why did you choose it? Was it provocative? Beautiful? Technically interesting? Moving? Give any and all reasons that come to mind. Tell us how and why this work personally appeals to you.
Give biographical information about the artist (no less than 100 words)  This can be a kind of biographical sketch. You may use Wikipedia, but you MUST also use at least one other source, preferably a scholarly source like a museum or gallery website. If a group (for example and architectural firm) was responsible for the work, provide information about the group.
Take a stab at criticism. Write a paragraph of no less than 100 words, evaluating your chosen work as if you were a critic or journalist. Tell your readers just what you find admirable or good in the work, and also what you find weak or negative. Be opinionated and try to link your criticism to specific elements that you have noted in the work.
You can also use Feldman’s Method of Art Criticism Download Feldman’s Method of Art Criticism(feldmans-method.pdf Download feldmans-method.pdf) which is highly recommended. 
Step 3: Add an Image
If you know how to download and add an image to your written document, please add an image of the work you have been writing about. Although this is not required, it does help your instructor better evaluate your assignment. 

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