2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


To order to explain which western society before 1500 gave women the most amount

May 15, 2024

To order to explain which western society before 1500 gave women the most amount of rights and which society gave women the least amount of rights, compare the roles of women in three societies. You must select one culture to compare from each of the following categories:
Category 1: ancient Mesopotamia (Sumer through Hammurabi’s Babylonian Empire) or ancient Egypt (Old Kingdom through the Third Intermediate Period) 
Category 2: ancient Greek city-states or ancient Rome
Category 3: medieval Latin Europe or medieval Islamic cultures
The paper will need a thesis that clearly states the main argument(s) of your paper in answer to the question.
The paper must be double-spaced with 12 Times New Roman Font and with one inch margins.
The paper must be at least 3 pages and no more than 5 pages.
16.5 points will be deducted for every half page under the minimum page requirement.  
Please note that 3 pages means 3 full pages of text. Title pages, titles, names, and other such information, such as a bibliography do not count toward the page count.
Please be aware that unless you are submitting a doc/docx file, you will need to convert your file into a pdf. TXT files, Pages docs, and Google docs are incompatible with Canvas, and I will be unable to grade your assignment if you submit such a file.
You are required to use only the assigned textbook and lecture for this essay.
You must cite the textbook and lectures using in-text citations when you use information or ideas from them, when you paraphrase or summarize them, or when you directly quote them (but you should never directly quote them). As a result, your essay should include in-text citations. In-text citations must follow the following format:
Example for the book: Sumer was in Mesopotamia (Hunt et al, 44).
Example for the lectures: Sumer was in Mesopotamia (L2P2).  Please Note: L=Lecture; P=Part
Please do not simply copy sentences from the book or lectures. Rather, explain the evidence in your own words in order to demonstrate both your understanding and analysis of the book and lectures. If you simply copy sentences from the book or other sources without using quotations or citations, you will earn a failing grade (most likely a zero). 
Do not use direct quotes from the textbook or lectures, and if your paper is largely a string of quotes, you will most likely earn a failing grade. Even when you include citations, you need to put direct quotations in quotation marks. Paraphrase!
If you use or even consult any AI program, including but not limited to Grammarly, Microsoft Copilot, and ChatGPT, to answer the question or to help you formulate your answer, that is plagiarism, and the penalty is a zero without the opportunity of revision.
Essay Guidelines and Expectations
Argument: The essay should have a strong thesis, which should be a clear argument that answers the question, and the essay should prove the thesis.
You should write a five-paragraph (or more) essay (Introduction with a thesis, Body Paragraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, Body Paragraph 3, Conclusion).
Each individual body paragraph should have a strong topic sentence that focuses on one distinct argument in support of the thesis. The task of that paragraph is to explain and support that argument as fully as possible with evidence.
Your paper should have a concluding paragraph that again summarizes your main points.
Evidence: The essay should demonstrate knowledge of the topic.
You should integrate factual information and ideas from the textbook and lectures.
Include as many details as you can, and be as specific as possible and accurate. Do not be vague.
The essay should follow the rules of formal writing and spelling.
Write in the active voice whenever possible.
Others things to consider
Is there a sense of time, either of duration or location?
Does the paper have a purpose, i.e., is it trying to prove something?
Are there facts in the paper, and do these facts serve the paper’s purpose?
Are terms clearly defined?
Does the paper have a recognizable and logical structure, i.e., is it readily apparent why what is stated in a particular paragraph follows what preceded it?
– I have attatched the lecture transcripts, but it is also vital to use evidence from the textbook, I am unsure how I can share that with you through this. The book is “The Making of the West Peoples and Cultures” Seventh Edition by Hunt, Martin, Rosenwein, & Smith. I have access to the ebook but can’t share the entire book here. If there is a way for you to contact me through here somehow I can give you the login information for the Macmillian Learning Page where the ebook is at if you need it. 

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