2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Title page, (table of contents optional), parenthetical citations and References

May 14, 2024

Title page, (table of contents optional), parenthetical citations and References required.
Introduction (1-2 sentences), (body 3-4  sentences maybe more) – answer to the essay question and conclusion (1-2 sentences) for each essay question.  Upload a single typewritten file (not multiple files) in word doc, docx or PDF file to this drop box. Originality reports should be under 49%. Be sure to include the prompts (essay questions) to the questions you wish to answer. Be sure that you have used your own words. You may only submit your essay once. Second submissions will deleted and first submissions and will take up to 24 hours to process. Each essay question is worth up to 10 points a piece. You may answer all essays if you choose. Only the best of 6 will be chosen and graded. Extra credit or bonus essay question is included into the bonus points for this Final exam. ALL other extra credit work will be applied to all or total grades see grade columns in Canvas.
Minimum 8-10 total Pages double spaced, including title page and References,  1900 word minimum – 2200 word maximum.
APA formatted title page
Include the prompts (essay questions) at the top of each of the questions you answer
Introduction (1-2 sentences)
Body 3-4  sentences maybe more- answer to the essay question
Conclusion (1-2 sentences) for each essay question. 
References at the end
Upload a single typewritten file (not multiple files) in word doc, docx or PDF file to this drop box.
Good Luck!
Prof A.
General Psychology Professor Arnold, MS, PhD, Cumulative Final Exam Ch. 1-16
Exam Instructions: You may choose to answer any 6 of the 9 essay questions. Each essay is worth up to 10 points each. The bonus extra credit essay question is optional and also worth up to 10 points. The bonus question is NOT part of your exam score. You must answer any 6. Be sure to upload your exam early to the Canvas drop box to check for originality.
This exam should be submitted in essay form with an introduction, body and conclusion for each prompt. Include the prompts in your essays. As always be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors prior to submission. You may only submit this single document in word only once. Subsequent submissions will take up to 24 hours to process and first submissions will be deleted. APA format required.
**Bonus Essay Question** Optional Up to 10 Extra Credit Points
Imagine that you are a psychologist. Describe all of the ethical considerations for human and animal subjects in research studies, as well as the benefits and limitations. Then, describe what you would tell a therapy client about what she can expect with regard to your maintaining her confidentiality.
Five students received the following test scores: 7, 11, 5, 6, and 11. Calculate the mode, median, mean, and range of this distribution of scores. Which measure of central tendency would change the most if an additional test score of 2 were included in the distribution? Why?
Diagram or specifically describe a neuron with all of its major parts. Describe the functions of each part. Describe the electrochemical process that changes a resting potential into an action potential. Include a statement about how neurotransmitters act to excite or inhibit action potentials. NOTE: artistic ability will not be graded; accuracy will be.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald believe in the importance of stern discipline; they impose strict rules, which they expect their children to obey without question. They penalize misbehavior harshly, frequently with a spanking. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds use milder forms of punishment to enforce their rules. They also have regular family meetings in which their children help them to establish household rules and penalties for breaking them. What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of these two disciplinary approaches? Explain the reasons for your answer.
Describe one of your personality traits that you believe to be highly heritable and another trait that seems to be much less so. Provide reasons for your answer, and explain why you would expect genetics to exert a much greater impact on some personality traits than on others. What does the current research say about this evidence?
Although you genuinely enjoyed studying hard for a biology exam, during the test you are feeling frustrated and irritable because you can’t recall the answer to a series of fairly easy factual questions. What techniques (describe four) could you use to effectively remember the information previously learned?
6. Late in 2004 a “black box” warning for all antidepressants was required. What does this mean? What does the research say regarding this evidence?
(Be specific; see handout)
7. You are a counselor and a couple comes to consult with you. They are worried that their high school age child is homosexual. They want to know how     this might have happened. What might you tell them, based on psychological research (Use APA format), about the factors that determine sexual  orientation?
8. A classmate makes the following claim: “Despite numerous federally funded Head Start programs and nationwide efforts to desegregate public schools,     Blacks continue to lag behind their White counterparts in intelligence and academic achievement. Clearly, Black Americans must be genetically inferior to  White Americans.” Use research evidence (in APA format) and logical arguments to intelligently refute your classmate’s statement.
9.   Nineteen-year-old Latitia reported: “Although I was not at all sure that I really loved my boyfriend, he coaxed me into sleeping with him. After that, I convinced myself that I really did love him.” Use your understanding of cognitive dissonance theory to explain why Latitia developed such positive feelings for her boyfriend. What could Latitia do in the future to ensure that her sexual behaviors are guided by her own true attitudes and desires?
The following content is

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