2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


General Info about the topic: (Start with a general statement of limitations and

May 14, 2024

General Info about the topic:
(Start with a general statement of limitations and strengths)
Literary characters are afforded abundant opportunities for self-expression and self-discovery through their artistic endeavors. Nonetheless, the subjective quality of art presents advantages and disadvantages, influencing characters’ experiences in subtle ways.
Title of Text + Author’s Name
(After the general statement you will need to write a sentence that tells us what book you are writing about and a little bit about the topic)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe  by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Thesis Statement 
Your thesis is your main argument. 
explore the importance of creativity and artistic expression in shaping the characters’ experiences and identities.
Paragraph 2. Body paragraph
Topic sentence: (this should be the first supporting point from the thesis)
The artistic pursuits of Dante and Ari offer a profound insight into their individual journeys of self-discovery.
Example #1 
Quote: Words were different when they lived inside of you.”
Page Number:31
Analysis #1 
This quote reflects Dante’s understanding of the transformative power of language and highlights his deep connection to words as a form of artistic expression.
Example #2
Quote: “I had a feeling there was something beautiful about to happen.”
Page Number:30
Analysis #2 
Ari’s anticipation of beauty underscores his appreciation for the artistic moments that punctuate his life, demonstrating how art enriches his experiences
Closing Sentence: 
Through their unique perspectives on art, Dante, and Ari navigate the complexities of self-awareness and growth.
Paragraph 3. Body paragraph
Topic sentence: (this should be the 2nd supporting point from the thesis)
Exploring artistic pursuits allows Dante and Ari to challenge societal norms and expectations.
Example #1 
Quote: “But it was a nice dream while it lasted.”
Page Number:297
Analysis #1 
Dante acknowledges the fleeting nature of dreams and their defiance of societal expectations. He embraces the beauty of his dreams, challenging the notion that aspirations must conform to conventional standards. This allows him to carve out a space for individual expression within a society often stifling unconventional dreams.
Example #2
Quote: “Maybe we just lived between hurting and healing.”
Page Number:233
Analysis #2 
Ari’s contemplation of the split between pain and healing reflects his thoughtful nature, as he struggles with societal pressures while pursuing his artistic passions.
Closing Sentence: 
By embracing their artistic inclinations, Dante and Ari challenge conventional notions of identity and belonging
Paragraph 4. Body paragraph
Topic sentence: (this should be the 3rd supporting point from the thesis)
Artistic expression catalyzes personal growth and self-acceptance in Dante and Ari’s journeys.
Example #1 
Quote: “I just wish it were easier to show people what’s going on inside of me.”
Page Number:204
Analysis #1 
Dante’s desire for self-expression underscores the internal struggles he faces, highlighting the role of art in facilitating emotional catharsis and self-understanding.
Example #2
Quote: I wanted to tell them that maybe I could see things they couldn’t.”
Page Number:292
Analysis #2 
Ari’s recognition of his unique perspective signifies his growing confidence in his artistic abilities and his ability to offer insights that defy societal conventions.
Closing Sentence: 
Through their artistic endeavors, Dante and Ari embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery and acceptance.
Paragraph 5. Concluding paragraph
Wrap up the main ideas, and bring your arguments to a logical conclusion
Dante and Aristotle Uncover the Universe’s Secrets, Benjamin Alire Sáenz skillfully examines, via Dante and Ari, the transformational potential of artistic expression. Dante and Ari use their artistic endeavors as a means of self-discovery, pushing boundaries, and encouraging personal development as they negotiate the complexity of identity and cultural expectations. Sáenz highlights the significant influence of creativity in forming personal identities and enhancing human experiences via their personal experiences, ultimately praising the beauty of artistic expression in all its forms.

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