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GWAR Essay #1: Analytical Research Essay The Analytical Research Essay is your o

May 14, 2024

GWAR Essay #1: Analytical Research Essay
The Analytical Research Essay is your opportunity to demonstrate skills in analytical business writing, data collection, evaluating information, proper style, form, language and usage since analysis is usually the first step in understanding and solving a complex problem.
I.  What is an Analytical Essay?
“Analyze” means to break down into parts in order to study how the parts interact with each other so as to determine the nature of the whole.  The purpose of an analysis is to explain or increase the readers’ understanding of a complex idea or issue by presenting the idea as a collection of parts. An analytical essay is the formal presentation of this process.
II. Your Task:
Using the CSULB Library’s Business Databases (i.e., ABI INFORM/Complete, Business Source Premier, LexisNexis) to gather information, write an analytical research essay that discusses relevant aspects (explaining both the advantages and disadvantages) related to today’s business “workplace.” 
This can include, but not limited to:
workplace safety
training programs
hybrid/remote work schedule
workplace policies
tuition assistance
disability/workers’ compensation
family and dependent care resources
employee wellness programs
paid family leave
paid/unpaid internships  
Note:  Since this is an informative essay, you do not need to make a recommendation to your reader.  Each student’s situation is unique, so choosing a business world topic is an individual decision.
III. Guidelines
Each written report (research paper) should be a minimum of four (4) FULL single-spaced, typed pages of text. The title page, abstract page, works cited are in addition to the minimum individual written body sections of the report. In other words, the underlined parts are not a part of the required 4 single-spaced requirements.
These sources will be annotated on your “References” page.  Use APA-style documentation for your in-text report documentation and “References Page” format.
Post your essay draft(s) to our Canvas site to check your Turnitin “Originality Index” before submitting your final draft to me for a grade.  If more than 20 percent of your writing is from a source, you need to paraphrase your research material to reflect your own words.  
The introduction section of your report must contain your research question, narrowed, 
focused, and clearly stated; a scope statement (specifying exactly what you are including and excluding); and the purpose of the study – i.e., why it is important.  In the introduction also
briefly describe your research strategy along with what indexes and databases you searched. Do this in such a way that the reader will feel confident that you are systematically and thoroughly covering all the necessary ground and that your information will be complete and credible. Make sure you list within the sources and methods section those sources that supplied the most meaningful support for your report conclusions.   
The report body contains the information you found. Use a system of headings and sub-
headings and at least one exhibit (visual / graphic). Use in-text references, done according to
APA style. An example is (Denton, 2002, p. 46); this in-text note would refer a reader to your
“References” page, which must also be done in APA style. See Appendix B on proper APA style documentation and use www.apastyle.org or for online references. You can also use the APA web sources referenced on the university library web site. YOU SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM OF 5-6 SOURCES (online/journals) IN YOUR ESSAY!!!! 
The conclusion contains a summary of each main section and any inferences you can draw on
the basis of the summary. You should have multiple paragraphs in your conclusion. Make sure
you answer your research question within your conclusion through use of an overall report-concluding paragraph. Also make sure that you include your recommendations in the conclusion section. Lastly, THE REFERENCE PAGE DOES NOT COUNT IN PAGE LENGTH. 
Writing and revision takes time. Avoid a catastrophe and allow yourself extra time to complete this paper. Use your most competent business writing style. That means clear, correct, plain, concise business like English; nothing fancy, pompous, or wordy. Be careful to proofread your report. Watch sentence structure, appearance, formation of the possessive, spelling, and all the other errors that mar the good impression your work can make. 
IV. Grading Criteria Written Report Grading Criteria:
Following is a breakdown of how I assess the 200 points possible for this assignment: 
I. Content and Sentence Skills = 100 pts.
II. Sources and Correct Citing (in-text and “References” page) = 50 pts. 
III. Format = 30 pts.
IV. Use of Graphics = 20 pts.  

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