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Hello! I would like assistance with a Nursing Capstone project. I was hoping to

May 13, 2024

Hello! I would like assistance with a Nursing Capstone project. I was hoping to have the topic focus on Stress management, Burnout management or strategies, or Mindfulness Stress Reducation for nurses. Below is the information provided by school. Thank you for your help.
Instructions from school:
The components of the Final Capstone Project Presentation
will include the following written and visual components:
1. Title Page / Slide (Include contents of a Title Page)
2. Introduction to Capstone Project Presentation Topic
3. Purpose for Capstone Project (Include goals of
initiative, research, etc.)
4. Literature review to support your Capstone Project
(Leverage your Annotated Bibliography literature) Use scholarly literature from
peer-reviewed articles published within 5 years
5. Plan for dissemination of Capstone Project (Refer to
application submission and abstract/Include type of Presentation (Podium, Round
Table/Break-out Session/or Poster)
6. Conclusion (Include what impacted you the most during
your Capstone Project Presentation development)
7. Reference Page / Slide
The Final Capstone Project Presentation will be a Written
and PowerPoint Presentation
Written Component Length and Guidelines: Maximum 6 pages
(not including Title Page and Reference Page), double-spaced and written in APA
PowerPoint Component Length and Guidelines: Maximum of 10
slides (not including the Title Slide). Be sure to include visual elements,
such as images or graphics, to enhance the impact of your presentation. Include
proper APA citations and references if included in the visuals.
Live Presentation: Visual/Oral/Component Length and
Guidelines: Maximum of 10 slides (not including the Title Slide) with a maximum
of 20 minutes for your oral presentation.
Project Application Abstract Submission
As you prepare for presentation opportunities related to
nursing organization conference, nursing summit, etc., you will need to submit
an application abstract proposal to be considered as a presenter. Nursing
conferences offer several platforms to share your insights and contributions to
the nursing profession. This assignment provides instructions, guidelines,
information, and content you will commonly see on an application for your
abstract submission. You will submit a mock application that
will include an abstract submission for your Final Capstone Project
Proposal Application Abstract Guidelines:
When submitting your abstract, consider the following areas
related to innovations and best practices in nursing select the area(s) for
your project focus:
Academia in Nursing: Exploring innovative approaches to
teaching and learning in academia, such as incorporating technology, mobile
learning, adaptive learning, gamification, etc., into the curriculum.
New Knowledge and Innovations in Nursing: Exploring the
implementation and impact of emerging technologies such as simulation,
artificial intelligence (AI), precision health, or hospital-at-home models.
Future of Nursing: Examining strategies for recruiting,
retaining, and promoting diversity in the nursing profession to meet the
evolving healthcare needs.
Continuum of Nursing Care: Investigating advancements in
ambulatory, post-acute care, and home care settings to enhance patient outcomes
and improve care transitions.
Promoting a Healthy Work Environment for Nursing:
Researching interventions and initiatives that foster a positive work
environment for healthcare professionals, improving job satisfaction and
Leadership Role Development in Nursing: Analyzing the
development of leadership skills and competencies in nursing professionals to
enhance their effectiveness in healthcare organizations.
Enhancing Patient Safety and Quality: Investigating
innovative practices and interventions focused on improving patient safety and
quality of care in various healthcare settings.
Target Audience:
Identify the target audience of your project presentation
and include why:
Beginning Leaders, Intermediate-Career Leaders
(Managers/Directors), Advanced-Career (Chief Nursing Officers, Deans), Evolving
Leaders (transitioning to higher leadership positions)
Topic Identification: Clearly identify which one best
describes your presentation. Specify if your project is a: Quality improvement
project, Evidence-based practice (EBP) project, Performance improvement
project, Innovation project, Research study project
Descriptive Title: Create a descriptive title that
accurately represents your project presentation.
Abstract Format: Choose one of the following formats and
include if your delivery will be a Podium, Presentation, Round-Table
Presentation, or Poster Presentation.
Quality Improvement, EBP, Performance improvement, or
Innovation Project:
Purpose: State the overall goal(s) of the initiative or the
PICO question for EBP projects.
Strategy and Implementation: Describe the practice actions
and implementation process.
Evaluation/Outcomes: Present analytic findings and
evaluation data demonstrating the value of the practice change.
Implications for Practice: Discuss specific implications for
practice resulting from your work.
Research Study Project:
Purpose: State the intent, aims, or goals of the research.
Background/Significance: Describe the knowledge base and
importance of the research goal.
Include hypotheses or research questions.
Methods: Identify the research design, sample, instruments,
data collection procedures, and analytic approach.
Conclusions and Implications for Practice: Discuss the
meaning of the findings, their implications for practice, and recommendations
for future research.
Abstract Application Submission Length and Guidelines:
• Title Page
• Maximum of 500 words

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

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