2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


rubrics are in files. what I wrote. Hey everyone! My name is Dhana Pinder, I’m

May 13, 2024

rubrics are in files. what I wrote.
Hey everyone!
My name is Dhana Pinder, I’m 35 years old and am an African American who lives in the state of Texas. Before I continue with myself, I want to wish you all best of luck in this class and your endeavors!
As for my social identities, my top three I would say would be:
Gender: I am a cis-gendered male who aligns with the role a bit. I do provide for my wife and I when it comes home stuff. I’m someone who wears his heart in his sleeve and am not afraid to express myself needed. My pronouns are he/him/his.
Disability: I have a few learning disabilities was diagnosed when I was like five I think. I have ADHD, Speech and Language Issues and slightly delayed comprehension. Despite it all it hasn’t stopped me from doing the things I need to do like making friends. While I am very much a people person, growing up I had very hard time trying to express myself verbally however through many different methods such as art in different medium and the help of my parents, my speech has improved along with my sense of confidence.
Emotional: As mentioned above, im a pretty emotional guy despite my gender and race. I wear my heart on my sleeve and not at lying about my feelings. They’re pretty straightforward. Normally I’m a pretty jubilant while having a chill air surrounding me most of the time. I’m natural a quiet person HOWEVER, I also see that it many people misread the quietness as being mad. Many of my friends and family often ask me if I’m okay when I do that🤣. So often as a means to make others comfortable around me I talk or engage in conversations. I enjoy being quiet but I like good company. While I have my positives, I do have my negatives. Due to me being very emotional they can be intense like a flame from a furnace. I also have my doubts in my ability due to my disabilities, however thankfully my sense of patience and recognition of what can and cant do helps me keep them in check as well as my coping mechanisms like listening to music, drawing, Martial arts, and many other things.
As for my goals and what motivates me, I’m trying to become a head teacher in art. For me I need to have my BA and a certificate to become one in HISD. Currently I work as a teacher’s aide who works with kids. For me art is one of the best ways to help kids express themselves as it did for me when I was a kid. Special needs kid gravitate toward music and the arts.
my implicit bias would be when it comes to teachers and individuals who are in police force. Both play a crucial role in society however….(explain the bias of gender roles associated with it due seeing women mostly as teachers and the nurturing amd men as police officers as to serve and protect)
the three cores of social justice for me would be Integrity, Diversity and Reciprocal community relationships(of you need my personal feelings on each feel free to ask)

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It’s a homework service designed by a team of 23 writers based in Carlsbad, CA with one specific goal – to help students just like you complete their assignments on time and get good grades!

Why do you do it?

Because getting a degree is hard these days! With many students being forced to juggle between demanding careers, family life and a rigorous academic schedule. Having a helping hand from time to time goes a long way in making sure you get to the finish line with your sanity intact!

How does it work?

You have an assignment you need help with. Instead of struggling on this alone, you give us your assignment instructions, we select a team of 2 writers to work on your paper, after it’s done we send it to you via email.

What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

Our team is comprised of native English speakers working exclusively from the United States. 

Will the paper be original?

Yes! It will be just as if you wrote the paper yourself! Completely original, written from your scratch following your specific instructions.

Is it free?

No, it’s a paid service. You pay for someone to work on your assignment for you.

Is it legit? Can I trust you?

Completely legit, backed by an iron-clad money back guarantee. We’ve been doing this since 2007 – helping students like you get through college.

Will you deliver it on time?

Absolutely! We understand you have a really tight deadline and you need this delivered a few hours before your deadline so you can look at it before turning it in.

Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

How do I place an order?

You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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Our support team selects a qualified writing team of 2 writers for you.


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