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Identify an example of a health care related ethical dilemma, describe it, and i

May 13, 2024

Identify an example of a health care related ethical dilemma, describe it, and identify the stakeholders involved in the situation. Put yourself in the place of the health care administrator to answer the following questions related to your example:
Which ethical principles are at risk in this dilemma? Describe how each is being threatened. For example, a patient’s autonomy is being threatened if an overbearing family member is not listening to the patient’s wishes.
Describe how the Christian worldview could be used to apply ethical patient-centered principles, values, and culture to this situation.
Describe the importance of interprofessional collaboration when resolving an ethical dilemma versus attempting resolution in silos.
Explain the ethical decision you would make in this dilemma and provide the rationale for your decision.
Explain how professionalism, integrity, and self-confidence all have a role in achieving a resolution in this ethical dilemma.
Requires two to five scholarly resources that are peer-reviewed in APA 7th edition.
Three examples are included.
1. One common example of a health care related ethical dilemma is the decision to withdraw life-sustaining treatment from a terminally ill patient. In this situation, the stakeholders involved can include the patient, their family members, the healthcare providers, and even legal or ethical advisors. Each party may have different perspectives on what is the most ethical course of action, leading to a complex and emotionally charged decision-making process. Ultimately, finding a resolution that balances the patient’s autonomy, quality of life, and medical best interests is crucial in navigating this challenging dilemma.
3. One example of a health care related ethical dilemma could be the decision of whether or not to disclose a medical error to a patient. In this situation, the stakeholders involved would include the patient, the health care provider responsible for the error, other health care professionals involved in the patient’s care, and possibly the hospital administration. As a health care administrator, I would need to consider the potential consequences of both disclosing and not disclosing the error, the impact on the patient’s trust in the health care system, and the legal implications of each decision. Ultimately, I would need to prioritize the well-being and rights of the patient while also considering the professional and personal consequences for the health care provider involved.
2. An ethical dilemma that is likely to be found in a health care setting is the ability of nurses to provide contagious patients with the best care possible while battling a supply shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and staff, amongst many other things. Nurses are caregivers, and it is a tough decision to make between their health and helping save the lives of the patients they serve. Some nurses may feel conflicted about risking their own health to care for patients without adequate protection, while others may feel a moral obligation to put their patients’ needs above their own safety. In these situations, nurses must weigh the potential harm to themselves against the potential harm to their patients if they do not intervene. This ethical dilemma highlights the challenging and often emotional decisions that healthcare professionals face in providing care during a public health crisis (Sperling, 2021). A great example of this is the COVID-19 pandemic, which plunged the world into chaos seemingly overnight. My friend’s mom was a nurse during this time, and she was terrified of getting sick, so she quit working to prevent herself from being overly exposed to the virus.
Interpersonal collaboration is utilized to arrive at a solution by pooling together different perspectives and expertise to make informed decisions (Slusser et al., 2018). This approach can help address the challenges healthcare workers face while balancing their own safety and the needs of their patients. By fostering a supportive environment and open communication, healthcare organizations can better equip their staff to handle difficult situations like the one my friend’s mom experienced during the pandemic (Slusser et al., 2018). Ultimately, prioritizing the well-being of healthcare workers is crucial to ensuring the delivery of quality care to those in need. While there may be extenuating circumstances that hinder staff performance, it is crucial for healthcare organizations to offer resources and support to mitigate these challenges. This can include access to mental health services, adequate personal protective equipment, regular check-ins with supervisors to address any concerns, and adequate compensation (Jordan, Connors, & Mastalerz, 2022). By implementing these measures, healthcare workers can feel more confident in their ability to care for patients while also prioritizing their own safety and well-being. It is essential for healthcare organizations to recognize and address the unique challenges faced by their staff in order to maintain a high standard of care and support for both patients and healthcare workers alike.
Jordan, S. R., Connors, S. C., & Mastalerz, K. A. (2022). Frontline healthcare workers’ perspectives on interprofessional teamwork during COVID-19. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 29, 100550. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2022.100550.
Slusser, M., Garcia, L. I., Reed, C., & McGinnis, P. Q. (2018). Foundations of interprofessional collaborative practice in health care. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Sperling, D. (2021). Ethical dilemmas, perceived risk, and motivation among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Ethics, 28(1), 9- 22.

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