2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


respond to these discussion posts making a comment about the writing, maybe some

May 12, 2024

respond to these discussion posts making a comment about the writing, maybe something you liked, ask a question, and or something you learned. responses should be around 125words.   
Normal (adjective)- To be comfortable with what takes place in one’s own life, daily.
I believe the abstract term, normal, is very diverse. In other words, there is no one, technical definition and this is simply because what one person may consider “the usual” in their everyday lives, the next individual may consider completely opposite. Above, I have composed a simple yet direct definition of what I believe is the meaning of “normal” based on personal experience. I have a huge family, 9+ uncles and aunts, 30+ first cousins, 15+ second cousins, etc. Therefore, big families are considered normal or at least I thought so. My associate who has one aunt and one sibling, always wonders how I put up with all the family antics and it is then I noticed normality varies.
Some may argue that my definition is completely biased due to what society has “normalized” via social media, entertainment and social construct acceptance. For example, seeing young woman dressed in such revealing manners throughout the duration of their pregnancies has become normal in today’s world. However, my grandmother who was born in the late 1940’s highly disagrees, she considers the “normal” manner of a pregnant woman is to keep your body hidden as it will protect the spirit of baby and block any negative spirits. None the less, celebrity musician- Rihanna- flaunted her pregnant belly fearlessly through dozens of digital photos and in doing so, the past two years have been filled with viral social media photos of women fearlessly announcing their pregnancies- showing off their sacred belly to millions of people. If Rihanna can do it, every other woman can too? It displays the social acceptance meter- its only normal because a celebrity did it but is it ethical? Is it self-respectful? Well, it depends on who you ask. Just as the dictionary definition states, “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.” In order to conform, one must do somethingNormal (adjective)- To be comfortable with what takes place in one’s own life, daily.
I believe the abstract term, normal, is very diverse. In other words, there is no one, technical definition and this is simply because what one person may consider “the usual” in their everyday lives, the next individual may consider completely opposite. Above, I have composed a simple yet direct definition of what I believe is the meaning of “normal” based on personal experience. I have a huge family, 9+ uncles and aunts, 30+ first cousins, 15+ second cousins, etc. Therefore, big families are considered normal or at least I thought so. My associate who has one aunt and one sibling, always wonders how I put up with all the family antics and it is then I noticed normality varies.
Some may argue that my definition is completely biased due to what society has “normalized” via social media, entertainment and social construct acceptance. For example, seeing young woman dressed in such revealing manners throughout the duration of their pregnancies has become normal in today’s world. However, my grandmother who was born in the late 1940’s highly disagrees, she considers the “normal” manner of a pregnant woman is to keep your body hidden as it will protect the spirit of baby and block any negative spirits. None the less, celebrity musician- Rihanna- flaunted her pregnant belly fearlessly through dozens of digital photos and in doing so, the past two years have been filled with viral social media photos of women fearlessly announcing their pregnancies- showing off their sacred belly to millions of people. If Rihanna can do it, every other woman can too? It displays the social acceptance meter- its only normal because a celebrity did it but is it ethical? Is it self-respectful? Well, it depends on who you ask. Just as the dictionary definition states, “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.” In order to conform, one must do something 
Beauty: The first thing that comes to My Mind is looks, how a person looks. Beauty to me means, being beautiful inside and out for a person, shouldnt matter about looks, A person can be beautiful by their personality, skin tone, and Unique Features. I feel that Everyone should feel beautiful, Beauty doesn’t only represent a person, but also an Object, like maybe a specific Art piece, or an Place, Like visiting Africa, it would be nice to see the beauty of the pyramids, or going to see the largest river which is the Nile River. so beauty can mean alot of things.
Counterargument: Alot of people assume, Beauty is commonly described as a feature of objects that makes them pleasurable to perceive. 
Refutation: Beauty is all around us and can be a person, place, or thing/Object.

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