2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


I. Introduction A brief summary of the current situation at LaGuardia Community

May 12, 2024

I. Introduction
A brief summary of the current situation at LaGuardia Community College’s nursing program
Statement of the problem: tough competition and limited spaces create barriers for some students to gain admission
Thesis statement: To address this issue, the admission process for the nursing program should be revised to consider alternative criteria beyond grades and test scores.
II. What is the problem? Why would the audience object? Changing the criteria to enter the nursing program
Overview of the strict admissions standards and competition for limited spaces
Explanation of how these standards may disadvantage students who excel in other areas but struggle academically
Discuss the consequences of the current admission process, such as limiting diversity and excluding qualified candidates
III. Solution. How would it work?
Proposal to revise the admission process to consider alternative criteria such as personal experiences, letters of recommendation, personal statements, extracurricular activities and interviews.
Explanation of how this holistic approach to admissions can identify candidates who possess both academic excellence and personal qualities relevant to nursings
Discuss the benefits of implementing this revised admission process, including creating an environment where students from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives are welcomed and supported, and where all students have the opportunity to thrive academically and professionally.
IV. Counterargument
Acknowledgment of potential concerns about changing the admission process
Addressing the concern that the revised process may lower the program’s standards
Providing evidence to support the argument that a fairer admissions process will enhance the nursing program by promoting diversity, student success and academic excellence.
V. Conclusion
Restate the problem and the proposed solution
Reinforcement of the importance of ensuring equal opportunities for all students to pursue their career goals.
Call to action for administrators and faculty at LaGuardia Community College to consider and implement the proposed changes to the nursing program’s admission process.
PROFESSOR’S COMMENTS: Very good. Do make sure your introduction is very clear and concise as you’ll need to get their attention quickly! Are you proposing that the number of seats remain fixed and simply the criteria change? If so, be sure to include that in your counterargument, as that’s an aspect that students ask be changed a lot and that comes with a cost (and they’ll be expecting that). Also note in your counterargument the additional time that such a process would add to faculty workload – though you do very clearly state why it would be worth it and you may already be planning on acknowledging the additional work and complications (in the “concerns” you refer to). Finally, make sure you locate appropriate research to support your point in the counterargument about benefits of diversity. In short: start writing this letter!
Dear Faith Armstrong and esteemed program faculty,
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Cyril Lyn Pacho, and I am a dedicated student currently enrolled in the Nursing Program at LaGuardia Community College. I am writing to address a pressing concern regarding our program’s admission process and the limited number of seats available.
The Nursing Program holds immense value for students like me who aspire to pursue a career in healthcare. However, as the current landscape of LaGuardia Community College’s nursing program unfolds, it has become increasingly apparent that our current admission standards pose significant challenges for deserving candidates, hindering their ability to secure a spot in the program.
The challenge lies in the stringent admissions process coupled with the limited seating capacity in LaGuardia Community College’s nursing program. The current system’s emphasis on strict standards and competition for limited spaces creates significant barriers for prospective students. This approach disadvantages individuals who excel in non-academic areas crucial for nursing practice but may struggle academically. Consequently, the current admission process not only limits diversity within the program but also excludes qualified candidates who possess essential qualities beyond academic achievements. This exclusionary approach has far-reaching consequences, hindering the program’s ability to reflect the diverse perspectives needed to address complex healthcare needs and perpetuating disparities in access to nursing education.
To address these challenges, a solution is needed that balances academic standards with inclusivity and diversity in the admissions process. Implementing a more holistic approach to admissions would involve considering a broader range of factors beyond just grades and test scores. This could include evaluating applicants’ personal experiences, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Additionally, conducting interviews could provide insight into candidates’ interpersonal skills and suitability for the nursing profession. By adopting this approach, the program can identify candidates who not only excel academically but also demonstrate qualities essential for nursing practice, such as empathy, communication skills, and cultural competence. This would help diversify the student body and ensure that the program reflects the varied perspectives needed to effectively address the complex healthcare needs of diverse patient populations.
Addressing potential objections to implementing a more holistic admissions process is crucial for garnering support for the proposed solution. Concerns about maintaining academic rigor could be addressed by ensuring that the new admissions criteria still uphold high standards of academic achievement. Incorporating measures such as standardized testing or prerequisite coursework requirements could help maintain academic excellence while considering a broader range of applicant attributes. Additionally, offering support programs or remedial courses for admitted students who may need additional academic assistance could mitigate concerns about preparedness for rigorous coursework. Addressing logistical challenges could involve implementing streamlined application processes and providing adequate resources and training for admissions staff to effectively evaluate holistic criteria. By addressing these objections thoughtfully and proactively, we can demonstrate that a more holistic admissions approach is not only feasible but also beneficial for enhancing diversity, inclusivity, and ultimately, the quality of our nursing program.
My fellow previous classmate Imani is a highly qualified candidate who applied to the Nursing Program last semester. Despite her excellent academic record and relevant experience in healthcare settings, she was denied admission due to the limited number of seats available. As a result, Imani was forced to delay her plans of becoming a nurse and reconsider her career options. This scenario is not unique to Imani. Many students face similar challenges every semester, with the demand for nursing education far exceeding the available resources. As a result, deserving candidates are denied the opportunity to pursue their passion for nursing, and our program loses out on the diverse perspectives and talents they would bring.
While it’s important to acknowledge concerns about changing the admission process for the Nursing Program at LaGuardia Community College, it’s also essential to address these concerns and provide evidence supporting the benefits of a more holistic approach. One potential concern is that revising the admission process may lower the program’s standards. However, evidence suggests that a fairer admissions process can actually enhance the program by promoting diversity, student success, and academic excellence. Research shows that diverse student bodies contribute to richer learning environments, improved critical thinking skills, and better problem-solving abilities. By considering a broader range of applicant attributes beyond just grades and test scores, we can identify talented individuals who may excel in non-academic areas crucial for nursing practice. This approach not only enhances diversity within the program but also ensures that students are better equipped to meet the complex needs of diverse patient populations. Furthermore, providing support programs for admitted students who may need additional academic assistance can help maintain academic rigor while ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed. Ultimately, by embracing a more inclusive admissions process, we can strengthen the Nursing Program at LaGuardia Community College and better prepare future nurses to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
While I acknowledge potential objections to this proposal, including concerns regarding maintaining academic standards and the additional workload for faculty, I firmly believe that the benefits of embracing diversity and inclusivity outweigh these challenges. In conclusion, I urge you, in collaboration with faculty and administrators, to earnestly consider and implement these necessary changes to our admission process. By doing so, we can ensure equal opportunities for all aspiring nurses, enriching our program with diverse perspectives, and ultimately enhancing the quality of care in our communities. Together, let us uphold the values of inclusivity, diversity, and excellence that define our institution and shape the future of healthcare.
Cyril Lyn Pacho

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