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I need to comment this post Regarding the discussion topics, I will emphasize th

May 11, 2024

I need to comment this post
Regarding the discussion topics, I will emphasize the key elements of the nurse executive skills, the vital competences required for nursing leadership after the COVID-19 pandemic, and the stages of strategic planning in a hospital environment.
The American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) identifies a range of essential abilities for nurse executives, which include leadership, communication, and commercial acumen. In this given example situation, nursing leaders have shown two significant competencies: Transformational Leadership and Strategic Visioning.The nurse leaders in the scenario demonstrated transformational leadership by effectively inspiring and motivating a group of over 7,000 nurses to work together towards the shared objective of developing a cohesive Professional Practice Model (PPM). To encourage the participation of nurses, they dismantled barriers and promoted a cooperative atmosphere, which is essential for implementing a comprehensive PPM system (Cámpoli & Mulvey, 2022).The leaders used freeing frameworks intentionally to foster conversations and agreement among disparate groups, successfully progressing towards a united PPM. This strategy exemplifies strategic foresight by integrating cutting-edge tactics to inform decision-making and ensure organizational cohesion . The role of nurse managers: In this situation, nurse supervisors would have a vital role in implementing the strategic strategy. They would serve as intermediaries between the nurse leaders and the clinical nurses, guaranteeing that the strategies and visions are efficiently conveyed and executed at the unit level.
Resilience and adaptability: In the aftermath of a pandemic, nurse leaders are required to exhibit resilience by effectively adjusting to swiftly evolving situations and providing guidance to their teams under uncertainty. This skill guarantees that nurse leaders are capable of maintaining exceptional care standards even when faced with stressful situations (Williams et al., 2023). The capacity to develop and execute novel care delivery approaches is vital, particularly in a post-COVID period when conventional healthcare models faced significant challenges. Nurse leaders must cultivate a milieu that promotes innovation in order to enhance patient care and operational efficiency. In the modern era, these skills may be used by constantly evaluating the evolving healthcare environment and adjusting techniques to address developing difficulties, all while promoting a culture that supports creativity and flexibility among nursing personnel.
The essential stages for formulating an effective strategic strategy encompass, Evaluation: Comprehending the present state of the organization and the surrounding external conditions. Formulation: Creating the approach by analyzing the evaluation. Execution involves the implementation of a plan, while ensuring that resources and structures are properly aligned. Evaluation involves the ongoing observation and analysis of results in order to make appropriate refinements and adjustments to the strategic plan. Optimal approaches for strategic planning: Efficient strategic planning in nursing should include comprehensive involvement of stakeholders, ongoing usage of data for well-informed decision-making, and synchronization of strategic objectives with the overarching purpose and vision of the business (Wandeler et al., 2020).Key Proficiencies for Strategic Planning: Nurse executives and managers must possess robust analytical skills, visionary leadership, and good communication talents in order to facilitate strategic planning processes. These abilities guarantee that plans are not just forward-thinking but also practical and in line with the wider company objectives.
Cámpoli, M., & Mulvey, T. (2022). The 2022 ANCC Institute for Credentialing Research and Quality Management Priorities: A Path Forward in Nurse-Led Research. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(5), 251-252.
Wandeler, C. A., & Marques, S. C. (2020). and Shane J. Lopez. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Positivity and Strengths-Based Approaches at Work, 48.
Williams, L. M., Carpenter, D., Mercier, M., Reynolds, E., & Davis, T. (2023). Healthy Work Environment Standards in Tele–Critical Care Nursing. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 34(4), 350-358.

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