2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS Use elements from the textbook to explain the existence of

May 10, 2024

Use elements from the textbook to explain the existence of NATO. 
I want you to talk about the different elements you have learned thus far (themes, theories, keywords, concepts,….).  Show me your understanding of the existence of NATO after having read the first 8 chapters (remember that chapter 7 is about international cooperation so perhaps this is where you should be focusing your effort). While explaining the existence of NATO using our valued theoretical perspectives,  you should argue your own opinion about whether NATO should continue to exist. After all, the Cold War is over, NATO was created to counter the old Soviet military threat. Your main argument should answer the following question:
Should NATO be dismantled? Should it continue to exist without a clear threat to its member nations? Why or why not?
To Help You:
Keep in mind that there are many approaches to completing this assignment (many experts have argued that NATO should be disbanded as it continues to provide a threat to other non NATO countries, mainly Russia/ China).  Furthermore, some of you rightfully argued, in IR project #1, that Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine wanted to be a part of NATO, that said, does this mean that NATO’s existence increase tensions in East Europe/Asia? However, you can also argue that NATO is crucial for world peace and the spreading of global democratic ideology. Most of Europe (which comprises of the majority of NATO countries) is now united in its missions to spread peace and democracy.
This is not a hard assignment as you have enormous flexibility to express your points, there is no right or wrong answer, but I want you to be analytical in your answer, your argument and points have to make sense.  Use analytical reasoning to state your points, make your essay make sense. 1)Take a stance 2) argue it  3) back it up! 
For this assignment, you can only use the textbook and your knowledge of NATO. If you do not know a lot about NATO I have provided resources below (you do not have to use these resources). 
This is the official NATO websiteLinks to an external site.. It explains in great detail, its mission, its raison d’etre, its history and its structure. 
Succinct Explanation from the Council on Foreign Relations Links to an external site.on exactly “What is NATO?”
If you get tired of reading and you want to watch a quick video about its foundation and what it does, this Department of Defense webpage is where you goLinks to an external site.. 
The paper is to be 3 full double-spaced pages (4 max). Only the content section of the paper will count toward meeting the length requirement. A title page and work cited page is not counted as a page. Do not tweak the margins and use 12-point font written in the standard Times New Roman. I will accept either MLA or APA. 
A separate cover page (which does not count as a typewritten page) is to include the title of the paper, your name, name of class and class section. Additionally, a work cited page is required at the end.
1.  3 FULL PAGES (4 maximum, anything short of 3 pages will not be counted. Cover sheet and works cited page does not count into the 3 full page requirement).
2. Paper must be double-spaced and have standard margins. Any attempts to change the setting to meet the length requirements will not be accepted.
3. Times New Roman only.
4. APA or MLA is accepted.
5. A mandatory separate cover sheet (title page).
6. You obviously need to support your facts and claims, and if you decide to use the articles I provided, then put them down as sources. 
7. Make sure you include a work cited page.
8. Plagiarism will not be accepted – per COD policy. Quotations and sources are obviously fine. 
It is recommended that you submit your file as a PDF in order to keep the format the same as how you created it. Otherwise if you submit a word file, it risks changing your paper format (margins etc….). Your paper must be uploaded by April 14th!  I will leave the assignment open until April 17th but keep in mind that the paper will be subjected to a 50% grade penalty if it is submitted after April 14th. You may also submit the paper earlier anytime.
1.      Thesis statement with solid introduction (5 points).
2.      Organization of thought so that the paper flows logically (5 points).
3.      Grammar, spelling, length, usage of the class textbook to illustrate your arguments and overall meeting requirements of the paper (30 points).

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