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Organizational Change Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric Final Assessment Ou

Organizational Change Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric Final Assessment Outline Organizational Change Competency Name: Organizational Change Competency Statement: Demonstrate an understanding and application of effective change strategies to enhance business performance. Summative Assessment Submission Title: Change Management Plan and Change Management Reflection Paper Competency Objectives: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of strategies to implement change. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of strategies to overcome resistance to change. 3. Apply an appropriate change strategy to a business scenario to accomplish an organizational change initiative. Institutional Learning Outcomes: ILO 1 – Applied Learning: Design a project, paper, performance, or other appropriate task linking knowledge skills from work, experiential learning, or community activities with knowledge acquired in academic disciplines. Purpose of this Assessment For this assignment, you are expected to demonstrate knowledge of change management and resistance to change. Using what you learned throughout the competency and, after conducting your own research, you will create a change management plan that applies Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change to a given scenario. Items Required for Submission 1. A five-to seven-page APA paper with recommendations for a change management plan directed toward company leadership. 2. A one-to two-page reflective paper drawing from personal experiences to explain and justify three of the recommendations made in your APA paper. Step ONE: Preparation First, familiarize yourself with the scenario that you will be using for this assessment. As a mid-level manager within Company X, you have been given the task of establishing a formal code of ethics for administrators for the department you lead. Several of the employees within your department have expressed reluctance about this change initiative. A number of them have been with the company for many years and have seen several change efforts fail, and they don’t Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric 1 Organizational Change Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric see value in this one. In a situation like this, it can open up the doors for resistance to change in several ways. Some people like the status quo, because many changes that they’ve been affected by have failed. Also, when there’s a change that comes without stakeholder feedback, there’s often little buy-in. There may be a control or fear factor in the minds of some, in thinking about how this change could have an impact on them. All of these things—and probably many more—are reasons why people can resist change and may be especially true in this case. ● Conduct research on organizational change to support the conclusions you will be making in your 5-7 page paper. You will need to include at least three academic references in APA format for this assessment. ○ In particular, before developing your change plan based on Kotter’s 8-Step Process, leadership suggests that you review the following article (and the related articles shown on the page) to broaden your knowledge in the area of codes of ethics for administrators: Code of Ethics for Administrators. ○ Go to the UMass Global Library. Consider what you learned about and conduct your own research on: ■ Implementing change ■ Overcoming resistance to change ● Think about how aspects of this scenario have been present in your own professional career, personal experiences, community involvement, etc. In your 1-2 page reflection paper it will be important to justify your recommendations with real-world observations. Step TWO: Write an APA Paper Based on the scenario provided in Step 1 above, write a five-to seven-page, APA paper that applies Kotter’s model to accomplish the organizational change initiative of a formal code of ethics for administrators for your department. Be sure to use a citation for the Kotter’s model after you introduce it, then apply the model to the scenario. Imagine that your paper will be going to company leadership, so you will need to provide complete coverage for all actions, but briefly and concisely. ● Be sure to describe what actions you would take in each of the eight steps of Kotter’s model. ● Include at least three particular strategies to overcome resistance to change. Step THREE: Write a Reflection Paper Based on the analysis you made for company leadership, select three of the eight steps of the Kotter’s model to enhance with experiences from your professional career, personal 2 Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Organizational Change Summative Assessment: Outline & Rubric experiences, community involvement, etc. You may include experiences that were successful, challenging, or unique. The goal of this 1-2 page paper is to connect the theoretical steps of Kotter’s model to your own experience. This Reflection Paper will not be presented to company leadership. Step FOUR: Complete Checklist for Submission Before you submit your work, check to see if you have met the criteria noted below. Did you: ✓ Make a comprehensive application of all steps in Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change? ✓ Did you include a citation for Kotter’s change model? ✓ Incorporate significant connections between knowledge acquired in the competency and knowledge applied in work, experiential learning, or community activities? Note: This is only for the reflection paper. ✓ Include a high-quality discussion of at least three strategies to overcome resistance to change? ✓ Present clearly stated detailed examples from work, experiential learning, or community activities, in the reflection paper? ✓ Use supporting evidence from literature in its field(s), with at least three academically relevant cited sources? ✓ Describe the knowledge acquired as a result of learning outside the classroom? ✓ Present a significant number of reflective points of knowledge gained through a project, paper, or performance? ✓ Proofread your paper to make sure it is logical, well-written, and the required length; spelling, grammar, and punctuation are accurate; APA formatting standards are followed; citations and reference page are correct? 

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