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Find a co-culture new to you to broaden your co-culture base. PUT us/me/you in t

May 5, 2024

Find a co-culture new to you to broaden your co-culture base. PUT us/me/you in that Co-culture. 
The subculture project begins with the selection of a subculture or
co-culture in the United States during the current time.  In this case,
the dominant culture would be the U.S. culture.  This clearly changes as
the country being focused on, e.g. France, England, Iraq, etc, becomes
the dominant culture. Here it is the USA.
The subcultures or co-cultures are the various groups that live in
harmony with the dominant culture, which means that 50% or more of the
dominant culture accepts. can identify, and recognizes the subculture or
co-culture. (Countercultures such as gangs, hate groups cults or the
like or subgroups live outside the value system and are not accepted by
50% or more of the dominant culture.)
NOTE:  This project is to focus on a “co-culture”, not a
“counterculture.”  Examples of co-cultures could be based on ethnic or
cultural identification, religious beliefs, lifestyle choices, atheism,
ageism, gender, recovery status, e.g. alcoholics, or general belief
systems or group identity found living in harmony within the dominant
culture. Examples from last semester were Foster children, hearing
impaired, returning prisoners, obese co-culture, hindus, autistic,
learning disabled, feminists, and millenials. All identifiable
co-cultures living with their own commonalities.
The co-culture would be one you are likely to encounter in our
immediate geographic region. More  co-culture examples  might be those
with Learning disabilities like ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD,
Overweight/Obese(eating disorders) Hinduism,Islam, Judaism,Social
classes that struggle, Ethnic groups like Mexicans, Muslims, LGBTQ+,
Feminists,” Alt-Right”  groups (with-in civilized standards ie not hate
groups”, or Millenials, Boomers, Gen Z or I, Black Lives Matter or your
interest in a co-culture you have always wanted to explore.
The key is to narrow your topic so as to have a major focus (drug
recovery, related to teens, women, people in sensitive careers, etc). 
Once having chosen and had your topic approved, be sure to include the
following aspects in your paper/project as relevant and then submit it
through the sub-cultural project/paper. This automatically submits your
paper through a plagiarism site, turnitin.com
Your summary must include what you
learned and how this knowledge will work in creating a high level of
understanding/communication when interaction occurs. How doing this
paper can used as an approach to co-cultures in general.
Instructions: Typically a
research papers has 10 hours of reviewing scholarly sources that have
done research about your co-culture choice. The annotated bibliography
can only be done when this review of literature is done. Do look up what
a research paper entails
For the bibliographies:
Each person must select a minimum of 5 different academic-quality resources.
Each entry must be annotated.  This means that you should write a
paragraph explaining why you chose this resource and what particular
information it provided. The credentials of the resource is important.
This a research paper.
Only 2 internet sources may be used. This means academically qualified experts in this co-culture knowledge base.
At least 1 interview or if in-person not available internet sources,
youtube, phone calls, facing other videos. make contact to get feedback
from a co-culture member, needs to be conducted and implemented into
the paper/project.  If you are doing an interview then that is
considered one of the 5 sources. Do not indicate the full name of the
person. Have questions ready before the interview. Detail their
experience in terms of larger dominant society. How are they  perceived?
Their perceptions, as to whether their co-culture impedes communication
equality and quality of communication.
Apply the concepts relating to intercultural communication that we
have discussed in other parts of the course, The following are ideas
from which to build your co-culture overview to really give a perception
by the larger dominant society.  Use the most relevant to your showing
in depth knowledge of your Studied group.
organization/structure/hierarchy what makes them a co-culture and how are they viewed in the social hierarchy?
a brief history or discussion of the subculture’s origins when attention given co-culture by researchers of social sciences.
symbols, characteristics, stereotypes, criteria for membership, 
values—ideals or abstract ideas about what is right and wrong within the co-culture.
norms—rules or guidelines for behavior within the sub/co-culture
positive and negative social controls—incentives/rewards for
compliance with rules and/or disincentives/punishments for noncompliance
with rules of the co subculture
stereotypes that apply to your group
gender roles—expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes and activities of males and females
socialization (and/or initiation)—the process through which people
become part of the subculture and learn its attitudes, values and
behaviors, different from other co-cultures and dominant culture.
future prospects of the subculture—growth, decline, other
compare/contrast subculture characteristics with those of the dominant U.S. culture
distinctive communications strategies or characteristics employed by
the subculture (include nonverbal communication techniques)slang,
co-culture terminology,  other relevant distinctive traits.
ideas for improving communication between the subculture and the dominant U.S. culture and/or reducing stereotyping
personal testimonies from subculture members, if applicable (first,
consult with the instructor about veracity and confidentiality if
necessary with interviewee. Sensitivity is the key consideration.
Here is a recap of items checklist of things about co-culture to be included where applicablehttps://sites.google.com/site/staciaswancommunication/co-cultural-speech
Links to an external site.
Proofread and use spell-check

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