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USE YOUR OWN WORDS PLEASE Please use the power points to answer the questions, y

May 5, 2024

Please use the power points to answer the questions, you can look up the answers as well but do not copy and paste the work for there is a plagarism detecter. You dont need to cite just answer the questions. When writting, use simple terms as if explaining to a highschool stuents. Also use the powerpoints to answer the questions.   i tried to upload the paper but it was not working. please number the questions correctly. There are 27 questions 
Here are the questions
Public Health 300 
Managing Public Health Organizations 
Final Exam Fall 2024 
Please respond to the following multiple- choice questions. Each is worth two points for a total of 30 points. 
This law prohibits employers from discriminating based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. 
A. Civil Rights Act of 1964 
B. Equal Rights Act of 1960 
C. Age Discrimination Act of 1967 
D. Equal Pay Act of 1963  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This type of interview is used when a position is part of a larger team or will supervise a number of different employees. 
A. One-on-one 
B. Panel 
C. Virtual  
D. Mass  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This type of interview has the advantage of reducing the amount of time interviewers need to reserve for interviews. 
A. One-on-one 
B. Panel 
C. Virtual  
D. Mass  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This type of interview question has a disadvantage of potential for discrimination due to lack of standardization. 
A. One-on-one 
B. Structured 
C. Virtual  
D. Unstructured  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
Onboarding differs from new employee orientation (NEO) in that: 
A. NEO is used to foster fit between the employee and the organization 
B. NEO is typically shorter in duration (half a day to 2 months) 
C. Onboarding is conducted by the human resources department or officer  
D. Onboarding topics include patients’ rights  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
Which of the following is NOT a type of position power? 
A. Referent 
B. Legitimate 
C. Information 
D. Coercive 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This type of team may also be noted as an interprofessional team. 
A. Functional  
B. Task-force 
C. Global  
D. Cross-functional  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
Which of the following is noted to be the earliest leadership theory? 
A. Contingency Theory  
B. Theory of Evolution 
C. Great Man Theory 
D. Theory of Relativity 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
Which Theory considers how the leader-follower exchange relationship develops over time? 
A. Contingency  
B. Situational Leadership  
C. Leader-Member Exchange 
D. Great Man   
E. None of the above answers are correct 
What is the purpose of the controlling function in an organization? 
A. Provide feedback to the organization in relation to performance toward established goals   
B. Manage balance sheet accuracy for the CFO 
C. To create strategic planning documents 
D. Contribute to the operational plan for the COO 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This step in the control process allows managers the ability to compare performance at various intervals (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually). 
A. Establish Performance Standards   
B. Measure Actual Performance 
C. Variance Analysis 
D. Plan and Implement Corrective Action if necessary 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This type of control is the process of deciding on objectives of the organization, on changes on these objectives, and resources used to obtain them. 
A. Strategic     
B. Tactical  
C. Operational 
D. Foundation  
E. None of the above answers are correct 
This type of ethics includes the use of ethical theories and is also known as practical ethics. 
A. Descriptive ethics   
B. Normative ethics 
C. Applied ethics 
D. Diversity and inclusion 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
The WHO integrates basic principles into its standards of conduct. Which of the following is not one of their basic principles? 
A. Impartiality   
B. Professional commitment  
C.  Integrity 
D. All of the above answers are correct 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
Inclusiveness is… 
A. Being respectful and responsive to cultural backgrounds   
B. Listening, welcoming, mentoring, and training  
C.  Encompassing thought, education, skills, gender identity, and age 
D. Reflecting employees, patients/clients, and communities 
E. None of the above answers are correct 
Please respond to the following Short Answer Questions. Each one is worth 5 points. Partial Credit will be given. 
Why is the statement “Job descriptions are written for a position, not people” important? 
What forms of discrimination do the major employment laws seek to prohibit? Give one example of each in the workplace. 
Compare and contrast the different types of interviews discussed in Chapter 7. How would you choose which format to use, in what circumstances? 
What are three examples of legally permissible questions to ask during an interview? 
What are three examples of illegal questions to ask during an interview? 
What is the difference between orientation and onboarding?  
What are the different performance appraisal methods? Which would be most appropriate for different categories and levels of employees?  
What are the types of rewards managers and organizations can use? Why might you use one versus the other?  
What are the different types of power? Provide an example of each type.  
Identify and discuss the steps in the control process.  
Please respond to the following essays. Please respond to all parts of the question for full credit. This is worth 20 points. Partial Credit will be given. 
Why is leadership so important in managing healthcare organizations? Compare and contrast the different leadership theories.  
What is motivation? Why is motivation important in organizations? Compare and contrast the different motivational theories.  

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