2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


For this Final Project, you selected a pressing health problem affecting a commu

For this Final Project, you selected a pressing health problem affecting
a community and developed a leadership and strategy plan for addressing
the problem.
I have picked Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
Final Project will be a 13-to 15-page paper (not including title
page, references and appendices), in APA 7th edition format and with APA
style headings and subheadings for proper organization.
The manuscript section of your Final Project will need to address the following components:
Introduction (1–2 pages):
Select a problem from one of the five problems
identified in the Background (Scenario) and match it to one Healthy
People 2020 objective (sub-objectives that are measurable). Describe the
rationale for selection of this problem and the magnitude of the
problem (e.g., incidence, prevalence, impact on communities and
Strategic Plan (2 pages plus SWOT analysis worksheet, revised from Week 7):
Use the SWOT analysis template completed in Week 7 as a starting
point for this section. (You will include your completed template in the
appendices of this Final Project.) For this Final Project, address the
following based on your SWOT analysis:
Identify any connections between listed items in the quadrants
(i.e., is there an opportunity that can be taken advantage of to 
address a particular threat or weakness?).
Propose strategies to maintain, enhance or leverage potential
strengths (e.g., make appropriate assumptions about internal strengths
of the Health Department).
Propose strategies to minimize weaknesses (e.g., make appropriate
assumptions about internal weaknesses of the Health Department).
Propose options for leveraging or taking advantage of opportunities.
Explain the potential impact of threat/challenges and what you should do to address or prepare for the threat.
Explain potential strategic issues that the health department may need to address.
Program Description (2 pages):
Review the evidence for a program intervention—ideally, this will be
quality, evidence-based public health information demonstrating best
practices from peer-reviewed literature. Find at least three sources of
evidence, preferably peer-reviewed.
Briefly describe the hypothetical program to address your chosen
community health problem. Based on your SWOT Analysis, include 3–5
specific and measurable program objectives that you hope to accomplish
within 1 year (Refer to SMART Objectives Template as a guide for
developing appropriate program objectives).
Leadership Challenges and Systems Thinking (3
pages):(Refer to Weeks 1, 2 and 3 Learning Resources.) Describe and
explain the leadership approach you will take to execute your plan.
Include the leadership style(s) you will employ and the leadership
skills necessary to be effective including emotional intelligence and
cultural competence.
Briefly describe how you will apply systems thinking to your
identified community health issue in order to communicate to others
(stakeholders) with regards to how your proposed plan may impact the
community. A common systems thinking tool is a casual loop diagram.
Please review the resources from Weeks 2 and 3 related to systems
thinking and create a causal loop diagram that relates to your program
development. The draft causal loop created in week 3 must be revised and
updated for your final project. You must discuss the changes made to
the draft causal loop developed in week 3 and how it changed throughout
the development of your final project.
Note: You can use
PowerPoint (go to “Insert” then “SmartArt”) to create your casual loop
diagram and copy and paste the graphic into the paper.
Ethical Implications (0.5–1 page): (Refer to Week 3 Learning Resources.)
Describe anticipated ethical issues or concerns of your leadership
and strategy plan. What are some of the challenges anticipated
Engaging Communities and Building Constituencies (1.5–2 pages):(Refer to Week 4 Learning Resources.)
Describe how you will engage community partners and key stakeholders.
Describe key partners and stakeholders and the level of engagement
needed. Discuss anticipated conflict resolution and negotiation skills
that will be required.
Budgeting, Financing, and Human Resources (1–1.5 pages): (Refer to Weeks 5 & 6 Learning Resources.)
You have been given a budget of $250,000 in initial start-up
funds, which includes your salary and benefits. You must develop an
annual operating budget (in addition to the $250,000 start-up funding).
Explain the funding issues related to your Final Project community
health problem. Include such characteristics as whether these issues are
long-or short-term, how urgent they are, and which stakeholders might
be most affected. Identify in your budget any additional staff that you
will need to hire, including a brief description of their roles and
Complete the blank budget worksheet provided (similar to the one you
completed in Week 5) indicating the funding opportunities and costs
related to the chosen project.
Based on your research, as well as the information included in the
budget worksheet, recommend some potential funding sources (including
grant funding) and explain why you recommend them. In your explanation,
include variations in funding and how these variations influenced your
decision making. You are expected to search various funding sources such
as community-level grants, state funding, nonprofit associations, etc.
Performance Management & Health Informatics (2 pages):(Refer to Weeks 8 and 9 Learning Resources.)
Based on your SWOT Analysis, include 3–5 specific and measurable
process objectives that you hope to accomplish within 1 year. (Refer to
SMART Objectives Template as a guide for developing appropriate program
Explain how you will measure the objectives identified in your
program description to determine if you have reached them. Include a
description of how you will get the data with which to evaluate your
objectives. Remember the need to be realistic in your use of data
sources and, wherever possible, aim to use data that are being collected
by others (e.g., BRFSS -Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System,
America’s Health Rankings report -State Health Statistics at
Conclusion (0.5 -1 page)
In preparation for your final submission, you must now develop a
thorough conclusion reviewing how the principles of leadership,
governance and management all worked together to achieve your final
plan. In this conclusion, you must also include a review of how
empowering others, fostering collaboration and guiding/informed decision
making addresses your identified issue and how it will help ensure
strategy sustainability in the future.
Reference List (minimum of 8–10 credible references; e.g., peer-reviewed, governmental websites)
The appendices will include completed versions of additional documents required to complete this Assignment:
SWOT Analysis Template (including SMART Objectives Template)
Excel Budget Worksheet
I have attached my previous leadership problem paper(with systems thinking),
previous Budget submission, and 
previous SWOT anaylsis paper
I have also attached the assignment guideline pdf and instruction

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