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Journal Article Critical Review Writing Assignments In this unit you will conduc

May 4, 2024

Journal Article Critical Review Writing Assignments
In this unit you will conduct a critical review of a terrorism and domestic preparedness or homeland security related journal article is due. To critically review the journal article evaluate the article’s strengths, weaknesses and validity. Use this evaluation to inform your reader(s) of the article’s value in providing relevant explanation, interpretation and analysis about the topic. You must present information that will allow your reader to make an informed assessment about the article based on the merits you provide. In doing so, you will demonstrate your understanding as to the relevance of the article to the issue of terrorism and domestic preparedness, or homeland security.
Journal Article Writing Standards:
The Journal Article Critical Review will be between 1,000 – 1,500 words. The general format of will consist of an executive summary or generalized overview of the terrorism and domestic preparedness or homeland security issue examined. Next will follow a summary of what the article revealed relevant to the issue. Finally you will conclude with your critical analysis and review of the article author’s findings and/or conclusions.  Your Journal Article Critical review can be research-based or expository, as long as it is from a current (within the last 2-3 years) scholarly publication relevant to terrorism and domestic preparedness, or homeland security.
Journal Article Submission Standards:
Article submission was made on or before the respective deadline        
Article is from an approved publication                                                              
Article relates to Terrorism, Domestic Preparedness or homeland security issue/problem
It is recommended you use the Park University Library electronic databases to identify your Journal Article sources, however other scholarly resources may be approved for use by your instructor.
Some databases include:
Homeland Defense Journal
Homeland Security Affairs
Information Security
Information Systems Security
Intelligence and National Security
International Journal of Conflict Management
International Journal of Information Security
International Journal of Police Science and Management
International Security
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Journal of Information Privacy and Security
Journal of Security Education
Safety Director’s Report
Security and Terrorism Bulletin
Security Director’s Report
Security Studies
Use the Library Tab in Canvas to access the library resources or contact the Learning Reference Librarian.
Here is a sample of a journal article review. 
Since this article will be submitted online simply add the following to the first page to identify you as the author:
Your Name
CJ 251 Terrorism and Domestic Preparedness
Journal Article Critical Review Assignment #2
Dr. Matthews
Smith, K. W. (2015). Drone technology: Benefits, risks, and legal considerations. Seattle Journal of Environmental Law, 5(1), 12. Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.law.seattleu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1053&context=sjelLinks to an external site.
[Summarize the article in your own words]
Some benefits of unmanned aerial drone systems include forest health monitoring, fire mapping applications, inventory, wildlife surveys, avalanche patrols, air quality monitoring, plume tracking, groundwater discharge monitoring, mine surveys, and precision agriculture for things like the monitoring of crop health and precision application of chemicals.
In a recent survey about drone use, 63% of Americans indicated a belief that uninhibited personal and commercial drone use would represent a change for the worse.
Registration of drones and even permitting of drone use under four hundred feet should be undertaken by individual states, relieving the FAA of exhaustive and often regressive rulemaking on this promising technology… 
[Next, explain and critique the methods use and/or the findings presented.]
The author found several issues that needed to be resolved in the near future with regard to the use of drones:
How will the privacy issue be addressed when these flying cameras have the capacity to invade your backyard and take photographs at will?
The unchecked potential for mischief using these devices, particularly with regard to the rise in domestic terrorism.
The FAA concerns about near misses with aircraft due to the lack of regulatory authority.
As a result he suggested…
[Next, offer your opinion on the value of the study]
[Describe how this study contributes to or fails to contribute to the issues relevant to terrorism or domestic preparedness and homeland security]
[Analyze, explain, evaluate, predict, infer, concur or disagree with the perspective the author espouses]
[The opinion and position expressed must be your own, and must be in your own words]
[Adhere to the APA writing style when citing your source(s) to support your opinion.]

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