2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


the two art works you need to compare is the mask of pakal the great and mosaic

May 4, 2024

the two art works you need to compare is the mask of pakal the great and mosaic of christ pantocrator. The desire to create objects or images of significance as a means of communication is a foundational human desire that transcends time period or cultural affiliation. Further, many of these messages being communicated are, at their core, essentially the same. It truly is a testament to the universality of the human experience, which is a beautiful thing: we are not as different as we may think.
Your task is to support the above claim by establishing visual AND conceptual connections to art from both the European tradition and the art outside this tradition. You will achieve this by expanding upon your work from the second Discussion Board post.
STEP 1: In your post, you discussed a work of art that addressed a particular theme:
Choose a second artwork that also relates to this theme and also exhibits similar formal elements, design principles, and/or iconography (you must have at least one symbol and at least one formal element or design principle).
The piece you select  can be a piece from lecture, your readings, or from your own research. Both artworks must be from a different time period and culture. And the work you select must fall within the date range of this course: Paleolithic period to the Pre-Renaissance (1300 CE).
You are required to have your artwork selection approved before you begin writing your paper. Making connections on your own is part of the learning process; please do not email me asking to suggest points of comparisons/artworks. This is worth 30 points of your overall paper score; to receive full points, the topic must be approved by 5pm on 3/31. (What that means is that you have an email back from me saying your paring has been approved by this date/time. Because most students are asked to revise their pairings and/or points of analysis (which is not a bad thing! – it ensures you have a strong topic), it is STRONGLY recommended that you start the conversation well before the 3/31 deadline.
Here is what your email needs to include to receive approval:
Your theme you wrote your discussion board post on.
The artwork you suggest to pair it with.
The three formal and iconographical connections you are going to discuss in your paper.
** You will be asked to resubmit your email if it does not contain these three things.
STEP 2: Craft a paper in which you compare the two artworks to determine how they approach the common theme similarly using the formal elements, design principles, and symbolism – as well as contextual evidence (why the work was made, who it was made for, what was going on in that time and place during the time the artwork was made, etc.). Please do not address differences in this paper.  Research and Citation Requirements
This is a formal research paper. You are required to cite a minimum of three books, ebooks, and/or scholarly journal articles. While you
can also use websites, online encyclopedias, database entries, and your readings, these do not count toward this requirement. At the end of your paper, please include a works cited page in either MLA or Turabian/Chicago format (it doesn’t need to be on a separate page). You will also need to have in-text citations as well. You will be graded on the accuracy of your citations, both in-text and in the works cited page/bibliography. Be warned! The research and citation requirements comprise 30% of your grade; research is a significant component of a research paper.

Remember: With iconography, you cannot make up your own symbolism or assume that the symbolism we understand applies to that of ancient cultures. You need to consult guides that compile academic interpretations to the symbolic meanings of the past. Here are two helpful resources:
Online Symbolism DictionaryLinks to an external site.
Dictionary of SymbolsLinks to an external site.
Paper: Cross-Cultural Connections: Learning Outcomes
Evaluate artifacts through discipline specific theories, methods, and historical interpretations.
Compare artifacts within temporal parameters of course description.
Classify artifacts within their temporal, regional, and stylistic contexts.
Define and utilize relevant and appropriate terminology.
Identify artifacts fundamental or pivotal in the development of Western art.
Evaluate the implications and issues of culture, ethnicity, race, and/or gender within the
context of Western art and history.
Formulate questions, make connections, and draw conclusions from formal analysis and critique.
Define the cultural, political, religious, scientific/technological, economic, and environmental
influences as the affected the development of Western art.
Locate, retrieve, and analyze primary and secondary historical sources.
Create, organize, and support a thesis in written form.
Employ accurate and required citation format.

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