Introduction (+please consider and read attachment)
Each student must submit
individual assignment related to developing competences in preparation,
processing, editing and publication of scientific paper. The submission is
actually draft of a research paper. The topic must be within the area of
project or program or portfolio management. It is recommended to use it as part
of search for a topic for a your dissertation.
objective with this draft of research paper is learning about scientific
publishing environment, selecting the actual and relevant topic for a
scientific paper, defining components of a scientific paper, structuring a
paper as whole, so as understanding how to deal with journal editor and
reviewer. It demonstrates student ability and competences to become effective
author of paper for publishing at the scientific conference or scientific
journal. Moreover, it is part of process in searching for the topic for the
doctoral thesis.
The student is advised to
apply the knowledge gathered during previous courses in the first semester of
the study (quantitative and qualitative methods, research design and
methodology, project & program & portfolio management), so as previous
learnings gathered during own career.
The topic
„The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Managment“
paper must be related to the topics within the area of project, program and
portfolio management. It is practical if paper could be tied to the future
topic of the dissertation as much as possible. It is important to understand
that you are not focusing solution of problem, but rather research of focused
specific down-sized problem or piece of problem or some aspect of problem,
which represent a piece of unknown. The topic of the paper could be related to
(a few examples):
narrow-size problem observed in practice, where practice has not clear solution
or have dilemmas about meaning, how to approach
or hot topic in research gathered by comprehensive review of recent research
papers and / or research you did.
of the particular theme based on comprehensive reading of previously published
it is first research paper, there is no need (or even possible) to deliver
findings like for the top-ranking academic journals, it could be desk research
or overview of the particular actual topic.
writing the paper, you should make concept and conduct research. Please use
knowledge gathered during initial courses from the first-semester program (subjects:
quantitative and qualitative methods, research design and methodology, project
& program & portfolio management).
While having concept for
your paper you must be aware of the following parts (see table bellow) :
research gap you are addressing, the problem you focused, the part or aspect of
the problem which is topic of your research, the purpose of your study, the main
objective of your study represented by research question and 2-3 sub-questions,
research methods you will use in the study, which scientific theory you are
using, what is the main contribution from your paper, main limitations and
assumptions of your research.
dealing with potential topic you must decide if selected topic reflects macro,
mezzo or micro problem within the project / program / portfolio management. At
this step, a micro perspective might be better choice. Topic must be actual,
specific, narrow enough, clear and feasible for your study.
Front section is usually
about the problem and short literature review. While presenting results from
your study, please put them in the context of previous researches done about
the same topic. Emphasize the findings and original contribution coming from
your study. Be sure to add contrarians and limitations of your study.
assignment should be structured according to the following:
The paper must have all standard
components: Title, key words, abstract, introduction, state of the art –
previous related researches, research gap description, purpose, research
questions / hypothesis, body text with qualitative and quantitative part, research
method, results, conclusions, discussion, limitations of the research
recommendation for further research, references at the end. Graphs, photos,
tables are important parts, incorporated in the text.
It is
not necessary to make professional English language correction ,.., like for
journal submission, but content and form must be appropriate so
professor-reviewer can understand it and make standardised review process.
The length of the paper is not defined, since
it depends of a topic and research. Please send the text in Word format.
VERY IMPORTANT – Each use of other people
work or previously published materials, sentences, pictures, and any kind of
published scientific findings (including yours) is strictly subject to
referencing in your text. Usage without proper citation and referencing is
considered like violation of academic and research standards, and might cause
inconveniences. You are free to use any previously published details, under
compulsory condition to declare proper information about author / source
immediately next to, while writing your text.
Your paper is resulting from the study – research. At the front of the page please add table with short summary
(see below and atttch).
of my research paper – My Name (author)
or Program or Portfolio (please select one)
research gap
describe specific gap you identified while reading of previously published
research papers) – What do you address ?
of your study
describe the purpose of your study, you did – why we need it ?
problem and aspect / detail you will study
describe the specific problem you would like to focus within the previously
identified gap. Then choose and state only one aspect or detail of the
problem you have researched (narrowing) – Which aspect or part of problem you
will study?
objective of your research
provide one-sentence description of key objective of your research – What you
intend to prove or check or achieve
hypothesis / Research questions
state the main hypothesis you confirmed – denied in your study or provide the
main research question which describe and define your study.
methods used
describe research method you used in your study (consult course materials
QM&S and RD&M)
describe which of known scientific theories you used / followed /
contributed,… in your study
describe briefly data you collected and used in your study
key references you have used (last 5 years)
name 5 key and recent references important for your study
research results, main findings
provide 2-3 sentences about main findings – results from your study in
relation with the research question or hypothesis
confirmed or denied?
state findings about the declared hypothesis for your study – if you defined
it, is no please skip this part.
to theory and science
provide one sentence description what is the main contribution to science
coming from your research, which scientific field and how .
for the practice PPPM
provide one sentence description what is the main value to the practice
coming from your research.
assumptions and limitation of the study
provide one – two sentences description what is the main assumptions, and
limitation for your study. (i.e. data you collected are coming only from one
country, or it is supposed that respondents are qualified in the topic,….).
for reader
answer why somebody should read your paper
comments, if there are
Please use very concise description, only a
few words, while filling in the table. It is recommended to 1-2 pages A4 max
for the table.
references focused to paper preparation
It is obviously that you will have own list of
references, but please let them be new edition/actual as much as possible.
a part of the standard procedure, your paper will be checked by the software
(Turnitin) for finding the similarity / originality level, so as against
plagiarism, so please keep the academic standard about the referencing,
including even your previously published work.
and Delivery
Your paper proposal will
be assigned for review to two professors, who are experienced like reviewer and
/ or editor at international journals within the area of project management.
The review will be done in the form of »blind review«, so professor–reviewer
will not know your name. Allocation of the papers to reviewer depends on the
paper topic.
Introduction (+please consider and read attachment) Each student must submit ind
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What do you need to get started on my paper?
* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.
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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.
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