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Instructions: Carefully, go through the three versions A, B and C, of the same

May 1, 2024

Carefully, go through the three versions A, B and C, of the
same English text written at different periods. In 500 words (approximately 1
page) describe some of the linguistic changes between the three passages. You
may focus on any two aspects of language – phonology, morphology, lexicon (both
orthography and word choice), syntax, – or on a mix of all. Be specific and
accurate, using appropriate examples from the text. Make sure you explain at
least one case of the Great Vowel Shift if you focus on sound changes. Note:
The text in the Appendix is NOT for analysis. It’s a literary modern
translation of the OE text that you can use for reference. Also, remember to
cite any additional sources that you might use. To check the meaning of English
words at all periods, use the Oxford English Dictionary. You can see the older
forms of any word by opening the “Forms” subsection at the beginning of the
A. Old English (West-Saxon Gospels, early eleventh
11) … Sōðliċe sum man hæfde tweġen suna. 12) þā cwæð se
ġingra to his fæder; “Fæder, syle me minne dǣl mīnre ǣhte þe mē to ġebyreð.” þā
dǣlde hē him his ǣhte. 13) þā æfter fēawa dagum ealle his þing ġegaderode se
ġingra sunu and fērde wræcliċe on feoran riċe. And forspilde þār his ǣhta
lybbende on his ġælsan. 14). þā he hi hæfde ealle amyrrede þā wearð myċel
hunger on þam riċe and he wearð wædla. … 20) And hē arās þā and cōm to his
fæder. And þā ġyt þā he wæs feorr his fæder he hine ġeseah and wearð mid mildheortnesse
astyrod and āgen hine arn and hine beclepte and cyste hine. 21) þā cwæð his
sunu; “Fæder. iċ synode on heofon and beforan ðē. Nū iċ ne eom wyrþe þæt iċ þīn
sunu beo ġenemned.” 22) þā cwæð se fæder to his þēowum, “Bringað rāðe þone
selestan ġeġyrelan and scrȳdað hine and sellað him hring on his hand. … 24)
forþam þes mīn sunu wæs dēad and he ġeedcucude; he forwearð and he is ġemēt.”
þā ongunnon hī ġewistlæcan.
B. Middle English (Wycliffite, late fourteenth
11) … A man hadde twei sones; 12) and the yonger of hem
seide to the fader, “Fader, yiue me the porcyoun of catel, that falleth to me.”
And he departede to hem the catel. 13) And not after many daies, whanne alle
thinges weren gedered togeder, the yonger sone wente forth in pilgrymage in to
a fer cuntre; and there he wastede hise goodes in liuinge lecherously. 14) And
after that he hadde ended alle thinges, a strong hungre was maad in that
cuntre, and he bigan to haue nede. … 20) And he roos vp, and cam to his fader.
And whanne he was yet afer, his fader saiy him, and was stirred bi mercy. And
he ran, and fel on his necke, and kissede him. 21) And the sone seide to him,
“Fader, Y haue synned in to heuene, and bifor thee; and now Y am not worthi to
be cleped thi sone.” 22) And the fader seide to hise seruauntes, “Swithe bringe
ye forth the firste stoole, and clothe ye him, and yiue ye a ring in his hoond.
… 24) For this my sone was deed, and hath liued ayen; he perisched, and is
founden.” And alle men bigunnen to ete. 2
C. Early Modern English (King James, 1611)
11) …A certain man had two sons; 12) And the younger of them
said to his father, “Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.”
And he divided unto them his living. 13) And not many days after the younger
son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there
wasted his substance with riotous living. 14) And when he had spent all, there
arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want. … 20) And he
arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father
saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. 21)
And the son said unto him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy
sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.” 22) But the father said to his
servants, “Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his
hand. … 24) For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is
found.” And they began to be merry.
Appendix: Translation of Old English
Note: This is a fairly literal translation that
should be used as a guide to match up the specific words in each version. Do
NOT use this translation for examples or for a description of language change.
Much of the Old English can be figured out if you know the modern English
equivalent provided here.
11) A man had two sons. 12) The younger son said to the
father, “Father, give me my share of the property.” So he divided up his
livelihood between them. 13) A few days later the younger son gathered his
share and travelled to a faraway country, where he spent his share living a
riotous life. 14) When he had spent it all, a severe famine came to that
country, and he found himself destitute. … 20) And he got up and went to his
father. While he was still far away, his father saw him, and his heart was stirred
with love and pity. He ran to him, hugged him, and kissed him. 21) The son
said, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I don’t deserve to
be called your son any longer.” 22) But the father said to his servants,
“Quickly bring best clothes and put them on him! Put a ring on his hand! … 24)
This son of mine was dead and is alive again! He was lost, and now he’s found!”
And they began to celebrate.

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