2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


It is the end of the semester and I do not have time to complete this project o

April 30, 2024

It is the end of the semester and I do not have time to complete this project on my own. I am sorry for the last minute request. Thank you.
Due May 1 at 11:59 PM
Available on Apr 24, 2024 12:01 AM. Access restricted before availability starts.
Available until May 1, 2024 11:59 PM. Access restricted after availability ends.
This week you have learned about three of the major issues that face Tennesseeans. Please work with your partner(s) to select one of these three areas and then identify one initiative/law that you both feel would make a positive difference in that area. Explain your idea/initiative in detail and then also explain how you would strategically work to get your idea/initiative approved and implemented. Provide as much detail as possible. As you know, superior projects contain as much detail as possible and fair papers contain little detail.
As you know, please provide as much detail as possible. This is how you will be graded. Give me as much detail as you can regarding why you selected the area or the issue you selected. The more detail, the better the grade and the specific details will depend on whether you’re trying to get a statute changed, a new executive order, a new bureacratic rule, etc. Whichever is the case, walk me through why you picked the area/issue and then exactly how you would work to get the change made.
Please remember that a grade of “C” is average so work to give me more than average.
You may submit this project as either a 3-page, double-spaced paper (3 full pages required or I will deduct significant points)
Data that could shed light on the number of imprisoned people who received lengthier sentences as a result of last year’s truth-in-sentencing law was not immediately available last week.
The law was enacted over the objections of Gov. Bill Lee, who said he was concerned about “unintended consequences.”
“Widespread evidence suggests that this policy will result in more victims, higher recidivism, increased crime and prison overcrowding, all with an increased cost to taxpayers,” Lee said in a letter to House Speaker Cameron Sexton and Lt. Gov. Randy McNally before the legislation was enacted.
“If we need to build more prisons, we can,” Sexton responded at the time.
Lee, nevertheless, declined to veto the law, allowing it to take effect without his signature.
The Focus will be corrections and the law chosen will be Truth-in-law. Please explain how making changes to this law/policy could make improvements to the jail/prison system in TN. Also please focus on how this law creates issues with overcrowding and the issues related to overcrowding like these examples: Are staff safe? There are a lot of inmates and not enough staff. Larger facilities (Cocke county jail for example), Inmates escaping (union county jail for example) TDOC being decertified due to overcrowding. Please explain how to change law/policy in as much detail as possible!
We could use Cocke County as an example. Their prison is over 100 yrs old and not built for many inmates. There needs to be an expansion to have more room for the inmates, more staff.
5 female inmates were able to escape from the Union County Jail because of overcrowding. They were so full that they were housing inmates in the Hallways. A security Door located in the hallway failed to lock resulting in the inmates escaping. They were recovered and the locks on the door have been fixed since then.

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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Will the paper be original?

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Will you deliver it on time?

Absolutely! We understand you have a really tight deadline and you need this delivered a few hours before your deadline so you can look at it before turning it in.

Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

How do I place an order?

You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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