As you have experienced throughout the semester, the concepts and principles of marketing are integrated into every aspect of tourism destination marketing. In order to ensure the ongoing success of a destination in attracting and sustaining touristic flows, management must regularly monitor and adjust the marketing plan in order to align with the overall marketing strategy, especially the evolving needs, wants, demands and expectations of the target markets. Developing a marketing plan for the destination is an essential part of the process in reaching success.
Learning Objectives
Completion of this assignment will demonstrate that you have grasped the basic theories, concepts, principles and practices of tourism marketing, and that you recognize how to apply them from a managerial perspective in a practical situation. In particular, you will demonstrate achievement of the course objectives:
Examine tourism marketing, demand, supply analysis and market research as it relates to the design of a Tourism Destination Marketing Plan. [CO1]
Explain and apply marketing concepts as well as data interpretation, SWOT analysis and promotional tools. [CO2]
Demonstrate the ability to design and present a written Destination Tourism Marketing Plan. [CO3]
Identify global issues in destination image formation, branding and positioning. [CO4]
For this final project you are to assemble a simple (1 year) marketing plan for the Florida tourism destination for which you have received approval from the instructor.
This should be compiled using the results of each of the active learning exercises completed throughout the course, in addition to completing the remaining points. Also include a Cover Page, an Executive Summary and a Table of Contents (with page numbers). The marketing plan must address the following:
Step One – Mission
Indicate the name of your Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)
Destination’s overall description and desired outcomes from implementation of the plan
Define the destination’s geographical location and boundaries (provide a clear map)
Describe the destination’s brand positioning, as well as the desired brand image and brand personality
Present a slogan that can be used by the destination during the marketing plan period
Step Two – Situation Analysis
Describe the role of government in getting the destination infrastructure built (hotels, airports, highways, water/sewer, et. al.), maintained and enhanced.
Specify how the DMO is (or will be) funded during the 1-year marketing plan period. Clearly identify if it is public, private, or a Public/Private Partnership (PPP). Share what the local government is expected to provide in seed money to get started before other sources of revenue can come in (like bed taxes or profits to tourism stakeholders)
5 C Analysis (Micro Environmental Scan): Be sure to identify the destination’s competitive set. List the existing destinations that the target markets could also be considering when thinking of a tourism experience.
SWOT Analysis: Provide a very basic SWOT Analysis for the destination. Consider the physical location and the logistics (how tourists will get there) for access and flow into and out of the destination. Consider the natural attractions like beaches, mountains, deserts, as well as other natural and built facilities. Consider the weather and seasonal effects. Consider potential disasters and disruptive events, as well as possible conflicts such as civil unrest, terrorism, and major labor strikes. A SWOT matrix must be included showing the conclusions.
Recognize other existing DMOs in the region of your destination. Indicate whether they will be competitors or supporters of the destination. Look for local, regional, state, province, and country DMOs. Examine those DMOs and borrow any interesting ideas from them to build the plan you are developing. Determine if it will be possible to cooperate and work with any of them on marketing the destination.
Step Three – Marketing Strategy
Define Target Markets: Differentiate among the market segments, indicating their respective contribution, such as from travel trade, group, convention, weddings, sports and so forth. Indicate which (one) target market you’ve selected to be pursue as the focus for your marketing plan goals, objectives, strategies and tactics. Provide the demographic, psychographic, behavioral and geographic profile of the selected target market.
Project demand for the number of visitors expected to be attracted to the destination during the marketing plan period. Be sure to include this in a table, graphic or pie chart showing the contribution from each target market, highlighting the target market that you’ve decided to pursue.
Set Measurable Goals & Objectives
Specify what the plan is expected to achieve overall, and in terms of expected performance for the selected target market. Specify how the plan’s effectiveness in reaching the goals/objectives will be measured.
Develop a very simple budget for operating the DMO and implementing the marketing plan. Share the budget information in a table to be inserted into the marketing plan document. Include the costs associated with product development initiatives (i.e. supply chain and infrastructure), pricing related collaboration efforts, distribution channel (place) costs, and promotional activities.
Step Four – Marketing Mix
Present the marketing mix designed to appeal to the selected target market being pursued for the destination. Include:
Product Development
Specify the components of tourism/supply chain elements and/or infrastructure that have to be put into place in order to deliver the desired experience of the target market
Specify the strategy that will need to be coordinated with collaborators in order to establish a strong value proposition that will make a visit to the destination perceived to be “worth it” by members of the target market.
Place & Distribution
Specify which intermediaries, suppliers, partners and/or other channel members will need to be embraced in order to most effectively reach the target market members when they’re engaged in the buying decision process.
Specify the promotion mix (advertising, public relations, publicity, personal selling, sales promotions, digital and/or social media) activities that will need to be established in order to most effectively communicate marketing messages to the target market members.
Step Five – Implementation & Control
Action Steps & Feedback Mechanisms
Provide the timeline for each of the initiatives (action steps) identified in the marketing mix and specify the expected results (numbers/productivity) from each of those activities.
Indicate the specific tools, mechanisms, reports or systems that will be put into place in order to provide feedback on how well the initiatives are achieving the expected results.
Monitoring & Reporting Results
Describe how the plan will be progressively assessed and how results will be shared with the appropriate stakeholders.
As you have experienced throughout the semester, the concepts and principles of
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