Instructions for the assignment: For this assignment, you are required to write a standard five-paragraph essay in MLA format defining a particular approach interpreting Othello’s portrayal in Shakespeare’s tragedy, Othello, the Moor of Venice. You, as the scholar, write an essay from the point of view of an audience member watching the play in action. Envision one of the few scenes where Othello himself broke the fourth wall and speaks directly to the audience. Contrast Othello’s communication of his values, beliefs, convictions, and defense of his reputation with that of Iago’s predominate role in breaking the fourth wall to enhance his Machiavellian agenda. Focus on a particular interpretation of one of the scenes in the play where Othello does break the fourth wall and rewrite this scene to narrate how you perceive he could communicate his values and emotions more effectively based on your knowledge of theatrical techniques and dialogue. Take this particular scene that you have rewritten to critique other scenes where Othello could have specifically broken the fourth wall to thwart the impending tragedy. Write an overview of the main points of your interpretation and critique in a chronological order in the introductory paragraph in your essay. Define a clear thesis based on your critique of Othello based on the central technique of the fourth wall. In the thesis, focus on how Othello’s naivety might have been overpowered by his words, as words carry such power that are tied to the tragic outcome of this play. If he had only directly spoken to the audience, perhaps he would have understood the circumstances surrounding Iago’s plot. Write three body paragraphs in a chronological order of importance defining these concepts. Inclusion of references to various media, such as television, as well as film outlets of comparison should be utilized to write a multidimensional re-interpretation. You may integrate videos, audio, and other media (including a small powerpoint or prezi into the paper to explain the relevance of the scene in our world today).The first body paragraph should include a critique and/or rewrite of the scene where he does break the fourth wall with the inclusion of media references. The following two body paragraphs should include a critique of other scenes when the fourth wall should have been broken for Othello to communicate effectively. Conclude by explaining how your audience can learn from your critique of Othello’s assertiveness. Based on your rewrite of this scene and critique of other scenes, what life lessons and values can your reader gain from your interpretation? How can they used to enhance our world today?
Audience to address in the assignment:
As you address your audience, narrate a new voice speaking through the eyes of Othello’s unheard truths. As a scholar, you will be able to communicate how to give a voice to silent voices in our world through contextualizing this scene as you work to more effectively break the fourth wall. Explain based on your rewrite of this scene, if the tragedy could have been prevented, or if his fate was sealed due to other cultural and societal influences.
Citation Format: In-text citations are written as follows: (Shakespeare Act. Scene. Line)
Goal for this assignment:
Your goal as the scholar is to pinpoint specific diction Othello uses in a scene in the play that could have been more effectively stated to communicate his emotions, his values, and his convictions to thwart the malice of Iago’s portrayal of the power of words transforming the plot into a tragedy. Explicate the diction Othello uses and redefine the voice of the protagonist by reflecting on his nobility at the beginning of the play and by contrasting it with his fallen state at the play’s end. Re-envision and re-write this scene as one where the audience could have heard the truth behind the power of his convictions as effectively as possible. Your ability to rewrite the scene will allow you to contextualize scholarly works among other types of current media effectively.
Instructions for the assignment: For this assignment, you are required to write
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