2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Overview For the first essay in this course, you will compare and evaluate your

April 17, 2024

For the first essay in this course, you will compare and evaluate your experiences with writing and reading to the expectations of “academic” writing and reading, which are explained in the following texts:
Course Competencies and Outcomes
Framework for Success in Postsecondary WritingDownload Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing
This comparison will allow you to draw important conclusions about who you are now as a writer/reader, as well as about your future as a student, writer, reader, and learner. It will also help your instructors better understand how to support you in this course.
This type of self-assessment and reflection is critical to learning about writing and reading; we gain a better understanding of how to approach writing and reading when we reflect on our process as well as what works and what doesn’t.
Essay Instructions
Write a formal essay that convinces your instructors that your answer to the following question is correct:
How would you evaluate your development of the skills described in the Course Competencies and Outcomes and the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing Download Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing? 
Essay Requirements
Your essay should be at least three double-spaced pages.
It should also do the following:
Introduce the topic of developing writing and reading skills in light of what is expected in academic writing.
Develop a narrow, focused thesis statement that does both of the following:
Evaluates the learning strategies that you use as a reader and writer
Describes your overall assessment of how your previous experiences have helped/hindered your development of the writing and reading skills described in the required readings
Support your thesis through multiple focused body paragraphs that each use evidence from the assigned texts and specific examples from your own experiences as a writer and reader.
Include a works cited list or bibliography for the assigned readings.
An author’s note introduces a written text, and its process of creation, to readers. This reflection allows you to engage in metacognition, which is crucial to learning about writing and reading, and it provides perspective for readers in their attempt to give helpful feedback. For this course, you will write an author’s note to self-assess each essay and introduce your work to the course assessor(s).
NOTE You should include an author’s note with your initial essay draft, with any resubmitted draft, and with the revised essays that you include in your portfolio.
Author’s Note Requirements for Each Draft
Before you submit each essay draft for evaluation, write an author’s note that includes these two components:
Writing Process: In this part of your author’s note, discuss and evaluate your writing process for the essay. What steps did you take in creating the draft? What did you revise based on OWL feedback?
Writer’s Assessment: In this part of the author’s note, evaluate your essay and writing process, focusing on the assignment instructions and relevant competencies for each assessment.
Refer directly to specific parts of your essay to support your evaluation.
Each component should be at least one paragraph, but the length will vary depending on the assignment and the writer’s process.
Writing an Author’s Note for a Revised and Resubmitted Draft
When resubmitting a draft after receiving feedback, you will update your author’s note to reflect your changes and new draft. Include your answers to the following:
Writing Process: Discuss your revisions for the essay. What did you revise based on instructor feedback and further consideration of your own work?
Writer’s Assessment: Evaluate your essay and writing process, focusing on how these revisions impacted your ability to achieve the specific competencies for the assessment and your revision attempt.
Refer directly to specific parts of your essay to support your evaluation.
Self-Assessment Essay
Submission Instructions
Submit the following materials for this assignment:
A self-assessment essay with works cited list or other bibliographies
An author’s note
Written feedback from the OWL on Assessment 1 essay
A peer review evaluation of another student’s essay
Your reading discussion participation will be assessed as part of this unit. Remember to also submit the required reading discussion post and peer responses in the Discuss Required Readings (Assessment 1).
Evaluation Rubric
Your work will be evaluated using the rubric below, and you will receive your results within three to five business days.
With all assessment rubrics, you will notice that all competencies are assessed; however, with each assessment, some competencies make up a larger percentage of your score than others. This is because each assessment has its own unique purpose and set of expectations. In the rubric for Assessment 1, you’ll notice that Academic Writing and Writing Processes are emphasized. The emphasized criteria are ones that are important for developing a self-assessment essay.
Upload your completed assessment documents to this assignment page. 
Point Value: 100
Minimum Required Score: 75% 
If you resubmit your assessment after receiving feedback from your instructor, highlight the changes you have made to it. Then, add a section to your author’s note that describes and explains the changes you have made.
If you still do not pass an assessment after your resubmission, please contact your Success Coach.
Assessment 1 Rubric: Self-Assessment Essay
Assessment 1 Rubric: Self-Assessment Essay
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 Critical Reading:
Comprehend, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize arguments and rhetorical strategies in academic texts.
5 to >4.5 pts
Accurately and precisely summarizes a text’s main claims and supporting points in the essay.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Accurately summarizes a text’s main claims and supporting points in the essay.
4 to >3.5 pts
Provides a basic summary of a text’s main claims and supporting points in the essay.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Provides a simplistic or incomplete summary of a text’s main claims and supporting points in the essay.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not identify or inaccurately summarizes a text’s main claims and supporting points in the essay OR items or missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 Critical Reading Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
In a discussion post, identifies multiple specific and relevant ideas from course readings to meaningfully support a critical discussion of those texts.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
In a discussion post, identifies specific and relevant ideas from course readings to support a critical discussion of those texts.
4 to >3.5 pts
In a discussion post, identifies ideas from course readings to support a discussion of those texts.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
In a discussion post, identifies broad ideas from course readings and creates an underdeveloped discussion of those texts.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
In a discussion post, does not identify relevant ideas from course readings OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3 Critical Reading Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
In a discussion response, critically and thoroughly responds to discussion posts from two or more peers, using and analyzing evidence from assigned texts.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
In a discussion response, critically responds to discussion posts from two or more peers, using evidence from assigned texts.
4 to >3.5 pts
In a discussion response, provides a basic response to discussion posts from two peers, or makes basic connections to evidence from assigned texts.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Provides a simplistic or incomplete response to discussion posts from others, or uses minimal evidence from assigned texts.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not critically respond to discussion posts from others or use evidence from assigned texts OR discussion is missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 Academic Writing:
Write cohesive academic essays that support a thesis with credible evidence from texts for a variety of rhetorical purposes.
5 to >4.5 pts
Clearly and thoroughly explains the focused issue, analysis, or evaluation that has been narrowed from a broad topic.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Clearly explains the focused issue, analysis, or evaluation that has been narrowed from a broad topic.
4 to >3.5 pts
Includes some explanation of the issue, analysis, or evaluation that has been narrowed from a broad topic.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Explains a broad issue, analysis, or evaluation that has been somewhat narrowed from a broad topic.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not explain the issue, analysis, or evaluation, identifies a broad topic, OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 Academic Writing Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Develops a specific and meaningful thesis that uniquely matches the demands of the writing situation and is clearly used to organize and unify an essay.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Develops a meaningful thesis that matches the demands of the writing situation and is used to organize and unify an essay.
4 to >3.5 pts
Develops a thesis that matches most of the demands of the writing situation and is used to organize and unify most of the essay.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Develops a thesis that matches some of the demands of the writing situation and is used to organize and unify some of the essay.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not develop a thesis that matches the demands of the writing situation and/or is not used to organize and unify the essay OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3 Academic Writing Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Each body paragraph or section of an essay is clearly organized around a clearly stated, complex main point, which directly develops the thesis of that essay.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Each body paragraph or section of an essay is organized around a clearly stated main point, which d evelops the thesis of that essay.
4 to >3.5 pts
Most body paragraphs or sections of an essay are organized around a stated main point, which mostly develops the thesis of that essay.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Some body paragraphs or sections of an essay are organized around a stated main point, which somewhat develops the thesis of that essay.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Body paragraphs or sections of an essay are NOT organized around a clearly stated main point, which develops the thesis of that essay OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4 Academic Writing Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Consistently incorporates a variety of high-quality, relevant evidence (from texts and/or experiences) and details to directly develop an essay’s thesis and other assertions.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Consistently incorporates relevant evidence (from texts and/or experiences) and details to develop an essay’s thesis and other assertions.
4 to >3.5 pts
Incorporates some evidence (from texts and/or previous experiences) and some details to develop an essay’s thesis and other assertions.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Inconsistently incorporates evidence from texts and/or experiences to develop an essay’s thesis and other assertions.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not incorporate evidence from texts and/or experiences to develop an essay’s thesis and other assertions.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5 Academic Writing Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Meaningfully analyzes all the supporting claims and evidence from sources to clearly support the writer’s thesis and the main point of each paragraph.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Analyzes all the supporting claims and evidence from sources to support the writer’s thesis and the main point of each paragraph.
4 to >3.5 pts
Analyzes most of the supporting claims and evidence from sources to support the writer’s thesis and the main point of each paragraph.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Analyzes some of the supporting claims and evidence from sources to support the writer’s thesis and the main point of each paragraph.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not analyze the supporting claims and evidence from sources to support the writer’s thesis and the main point of each paragraph OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 Rhetorical Knowledge:
Read and write a variety of academic texts that adapt content, form, and style to the audience, purpose, and requirements of each writing situation.
5 to >4.5 pts
Meaningfully and precisely organizes, develops, and adapts the content, form, and style of a text to meet the unique requirements of a writing situation.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Organizes, develops, and adapts all the content, form, and style of a text to meet the requirements of a writing situation.
4 to >3.5 pts
Organizes, develops, and adapts most of the content, form, and style of a text to meet the requirements of a writing situation.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Organizes, develops, and adapts some of the content, form, and style of a text to meet the requirements of a writing situation.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not organize, develop, and adapt the content, form, or style of a text to meet the requirements of a writing situation OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 Rhetorical Knowledge Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Identifies and incorporates appropriate source material that clearly meets the unique requirements of a specific formal academic writing situation.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Identifies and incorporates source material that meets all the requirements of a specific formal academic writing situation.
4 to >3.5 pts
Identifies and incorporates source material that meets most requirements of a specific formal academic writing situation.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Inconsistently incorporates source material that meets some requirements of a specific formal academic writing situation.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not identify or incorporate source material that meets the requirements of a specific formal academic writing situation OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 Writing Processes:
Self-assess, evaluate, and use recursive writing processes to effectively meet the demands of varying writing situations.
10 to >9.0 pts
Effectively applies appropriate strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing to produce multiple, progressively revised drafts of an essay that increasingly meet the requirements of a writing situation.
9 to >8.0 pts
Applies appropriate strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing to produce multiple, progressively revised drafts of an essay that meet the requirements of a writing situation.
8 to >7.0 pts
Applies strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing to produce revised drafts of an essay that meet the requirements of a writing situation.
7 to >0.0 pts
Applies strategies to produce some revision to drafts of the essay.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not apply effective strategies to produce multiple, progressively revised drafts of the essay that meet the requirements of a writing situation OR items are missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 Writing Processes Cont.
5 pts
Accesses and uses academic support resources for feedback on formal writing.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not access or use academic support resources for feedback on formal writing OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3 Writing Processes Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Critically uses feedback to make significant and meaningful revisions and edits to a formal academic essay.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Critically uses feedback to revise and edit a formal academic essay.
4 to >3.5 pts
Uses feedback to make some revisions and edits to a formal academic essay.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Underutilizes or misinterprets feedback to make minimal revisions to a formal essay.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not use feedback to revise and edit a formal academic essay OR items are missing.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4 Writing Processes Cont.
10 to >9.0 pts
In an author’s note, the writer thoroughly explains and accurately evaluates the writer’s own process, drafts, and revisions based on the requirements of a formal essay assignment and the feedback they receive, using a variety of specific evidence from the draft to support their assessment.
9 to >8.0 pts
In an author’s note, the writer explains and evaluates the writer’s own process, drafts, and revisions based on the requirements of a formal essay assignment and the feedback they receive, using specific evidence from the draft to support their assessment.
8 to >7.0 pts
In an author’s note, provides a basic explanation and evaluation of the writer’s own process, drafts, and revisions based on the requirements of a formal essay assignment and the feedback they receive, using evidence from the draft to support their assessment.
7 to >0.0 pts
In an author’s note, inconsistently explains and evaluates the writer’s own process, drafts, and revisions based on the requirements of a formal essay assignment and the feedback they receive, using a few pieces of evidence from the draft to support their assessment.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
The writer does not explain and evaluate the writer’s own process, drafts, and revisions based on the requirements of a formal essay assignment and the feedback they receive, and does not use specific evidence from the draft to support their assessment OR items are missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5 Writing Processes Cont.
10 to >9.0 pts
Accurately evaluates the content, organization, and assignment conventions of the peer essay, based on the purpose and requirements of an assignment; supports that evaluation with multiple, specific examples from peer writing to suggest multiple potential revisions to the peer.
9 to >8.0 pts
Evaluates the content, organization, and assignment conventions of the peer essay, based on the purpose and requirements of an assignment; supports that evaluation with specific examples from peer writing to suggest potential revisions to the peer.
8 to >7.0 pts
Evaluates some of the content, organization, and assignment conventions of the peer essay, based on the requirements of an assignment; supports that evaluation with some examples from peer writing to suggest potential revisions.
7 to >0.0 pts
Provides limited discussion of the content, organization, and assignment conventions of the peer essay; inconsistently supports that evaluation with examples from peer writing to suggest potential revisions.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Does not suggest potential revisions in a peer review that are supported by specific examples from peer writing OR items are missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1 Knowledge of Conventions:
Follow academic writing conventions based on the audience and purpose of a writing situation, including using standard written English and a formal documentation.
5 to >4.5 pts
Produces a polished and edited draft that follows academic writing conventions for grammar, language usage, punctuation, and formality with a high degree of sophistication.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Produces a polished and edited draft that follows academic writing conventions for grammar, language usage, punctuation, and formality.
4 to >3.5 pts
Produces an edited draft that follows most academic writing conventions for grammar, language usage, punctuation, and formality.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Produces a draft that follows some academic writing conventions for grammar, language usage, punctuation, and formality.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Draft does not follow academic writing conventions for grammar, language usage, punctuation, and/or formality.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2 Knowledge of Conventions Cont.
5 to >4.5 pts
Precisely uses in-text citations and an accompanying works cited list or bibliography to correctly cite sources, following all the unique conventions of an established academic documentation style.
4.5 to >4.0 pts
Correctly uses in-text citations and an accompanying works cited list or bibliography to cite sources, following all the conventions of an established academic documentation style.
4 to >3.5 pts
Mostly follows the conventions of an established academic documentation style by using in-text citations and an accompanying works cited list or bibliography.
3.5 to >0.0 pts
Does not use in-text citations or an accompanying works cited list or bibliography to cite sources; does not follow the conventions of an established academic documentation style OR items are missing.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Sentences and paragraphs do not follow academic writing conventions for grammar and language usage.
5 pts
Total Points: 100

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