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I have draft a proposal of group work actitivies for my social work placement. T

April 4, 2024

I have draft a proposal of group work actitivies for my social work placement.
Totaly four sessions. But I write totally very bad and supervisor need me to rewrite and remark some comments in the words file. Red color is the words irrelevant and wrong points for proposals. Whole proposal is 0 marks given by my supervisor. I need you to read my attached proposal that have tons of remark and please read the whole proposal very carefully especially below points which my supervisor need me to rewrite. It is an educational group I hold for eight ex-offenders to teach them alert of their emotion characteristic, adpative and maladpative pattern, expression emotions through photograph. Through the 4 sessions of group work, it is needed to use Emotion-focused therapy(EFT) as threatorical framework in a very simple perspective. No need to do therapeutic approach in this group work, my supervisor remind me, because the clients won’t understand what is EFT no need to give a ppt and lecture to teach them what is it. Instead, through EFT back up, I can initative activities on teach them what is emotions charteriestic and how to develop positive emotional strengths and let edlerly ex-offenders can apply well in future to encounter difficulties and consolidate realtionship with family or peers. Finally, it can increase their self-identity and reintegrate well in society for ex-offenders elderly. My tentative planning is 4000 words to write very details session plans, 1000 words for rationale which including statistics from Hong Kong Police Statistic on what is the most common crime in Hong Kong and indicate anger or other negative emotions may lead to crime. And please also prove the stigmatization from society or employers to ex-offender elderly adn self-stigmatization by client may decrease client in low self-identity and relpase again and social isolated themselve. It is urgent to build ex-offender self-ideneity through emotional education in the group work activity. And photograph mentioned below is a new and good initatvie to attract them to join and through photograph in color lights and angles to let them express thier innate feeling of emotions. In the activity, I will specifically mention happiness, anger and shamed these are common ex-offenders elderly will come across with. And if they not handle well of these emotions, it may become some maladpdative mention in EFT.  Attached EFT books are for your reference to write the rationale. Please send me AI and turnitin report. 0% Please rephrase the below points for your reference using simple English language. No need to use so difficult words. Don’t directly copy below points. Thank you writer.
Rationale (1000 words)
Here are some additional points to strengthen the rationale with statistics, research findings, and examples related to the need for an emotion education program for ex-offenders in Hong Kong:
Crime Statistics and Emotional Factors:
According to the Hong Kong Police Force’s annual crime statistics (2022), a significant portion of crimes committed by ex-offenders were related to violent offenses, such as assault (25%), robbery (18%), and arson (5%). These crimes often involve intense emotions like anger, fear, and frustration, highlighting the need to address emotional regulation among ex-offenders.
Stigmatization and Emotional Consequences:
Research by the Society for Community Organization (SoCO, 2019) found that 67% of ex-offenders in Hong Kong reported experiencing stigma and discrimination, particularly in employment and housing domains. This stigmatization can evoke primary emotions like shame and low self-worth, as well as secondary emotions like anger and frustration (Boduszek et al., 2016).
Self-Stigma and Negative Cycle:
The same SoCO study (2019) revealed that 48% of ex-offenders internalized societal stigma, leading to low self-esteem and a diminished sense of identity. This self-stigma can contribute to a negative cycle where ex-offenders adopt a defeatist attitude, disengage from pro-social activities, and resort to maladaptive coping mechanisms, increasing the risk of recidivism (Moore et al., 2016).
Promoting Positive Identities and Adaptive Emotions:
Through an emotion education program, ex-offenders can develop a better understanding of their emotional experiences and learn effective emotion regulation strategies. This can help them challenge internalized stigma and cultivate a more positive, pro-social identity (Boduszek et al., 2016).
Here is an updated section on using the emotion-focused therapy (EFT) framework for the rationale, with a simplified introduction to emotional characteristics and not going into the therapeutic stages:
Emotion-Focused Approach and Emotional Awareness:
The emotion education program will draw upon the Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) framework to increase ex-offenders’ awareness and understanding of their emotional experiences. EFT classifies emotions into six primary categories: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise (Greenberg, 2015).
While no emotions are inherently “good” or “bad”, they can be adaptive (positive) or maladaptive (negative) depending on the context and intensity. Emotions like happiness, joy, and pride are generally considered adaptive as they promote wellbeing and positive functioning. However, emotions such as anger, shame, and sadness can become maladaptive if experienced chronically or without proper regulation.
Research indicates that ex-offenders commonly experience intense emotions like anger, shame, and sadness due to stigmatization and reintegration challenges (SoCO, 2019). These maladaptive emotions can contribute to a negative cycle of low self-esteem, disengagement from pro-social activities, and increased risk of recidivism.
Through interactive activities, such as photo-sharing exercises and learning simple photography techniques, participants will explore and reflect on their emotional experiences in a supportive group setting. This approach aims to increase emotional awareness, validate their emotional experiences, and introduce adaptive strategies for managing intense emotions.
By understanding the nature of emotions and developing emotional awareness, ex-offenders can cultivate a more positive self-identity and learn to cope with challenges in a constructive manner, rather than resorting to maladaptive behaviors driven by anger, shame, or hopelessness.
Greenberg, L. S. (2015). Emotion-focused therapy: Coaching clients to work through their feelings (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
Society for Community Organization (SoCO). (2019). Stigma and discrimination faced by ex-offenders in Hong Kong: A survey report. https://www.soco.org.hk/publication/2019/exoffender_stigma_report_en.pdf
Goal: (TBC) (One goal)
Objective 1: Foster a comprehensive understanding of emotional characteristics among team members. 
Objective 2: Enable team members to discern different emotional orientations. 
Objective 3: Enhance team members’ capacity to express their emotions in alignment with their current emotional state. 
Objective 4: Provide team members with a range of strategies to focus on positive alternatives to previous harmful behaviors.
Session Plan (Please make below session plan more interactive acitivites for elderly ex-offenders and most of them are men clients.)
Session 1 (1000 words)
Objective: Foster a comprehensive understanding of emotional characteristics among team members, with a focus on the emotion of happiness.
Activity & Content:
1. Set norms (10 mins)
• Establish a safe and respectful environment for sharing and learning.
• Emphasize the importance of confidentiality and non-judgmental attitudes.
• Encourage active participation and open-mindedness.
2. Ice-breaking and getting to know each other through “Bingo” (20 mins)
• Distribute bingo cards with different prompts or questions related to personal interests, hobbies, or experiences.
• Participants mingle and find others who match the prompts on their cards.
• Encourage participants to share brief introductions and build connections.
3. Interactive activity on emotion: happiness (45 mins)
• Facilitate a discussion on childhood experiences related to favorite foods or play activities that evoked happiness.
• Invite participants to share memories and emotions associated with those experiences.
• Provide printed pictures of various food and play activities for participants to choose from.
• Guide participants in creating an art collage by sticking emoji stickers and words on their chosen pictures.
• Encourage participants to express their emotions and memories of happiness through the collage.
• Distribute digital cameras and instant film cameras.
• Instruct participants on basic photography techniques, such as framing, angle, and composition.
• Allow participants to capture their art collages using the cameras, experimenting with different angles and framing.
4. Debriefing (15 mins)
• Display some of the photographs taken by participants.
• Discuss how different angles and perspectives can influence the perception and interpretation of the emotion of happiness.
• Explore the concept of adaptive and maladaptive aspects of happiness.
• Encourage participants to share their thoughts and observations.
• Emphasize the transferability of emotions to relationships and communication patterns within families.
Role of Worker:
1. Facilitate ice-breaking and sharing activities to create a comfortable and inclusive environment.
2. Guide the art collage and photography activities, providing clear instructions and support.
3. Lead the debriefing session, encouraging active participation and discussion.
4. Ensure the smooth flow of activities and manage time effectively.
Equipment / Materials:
1. Bingo cards
2. Printed pictures of food and play activities
3. Art supplies (glue, scissors, emoji stickers, etc.)
4. Digital cameras and instant film cameras
5. Projector or whiteboard for displaying photographs and facilitating discussions 
Session 2 (1000 words)
Objective: Enable team members to discern different emotional orientations through playful activities and photography.
Activity & Content:
1. Ice-breaking through a lucky draw and playing childhood games (20 mins)
• Conduct a lucky draw, distributing small prizes or tokens to participants.
• Organize childhood games such as marbles, red light/green light, tug of war, double Dutch, eagle catches chicken, hide-and-seek, rock-paper-scissors, and hopscotch.
• Divide participants into small groups or teams for the games.
• Encourage participants to share memories and emotions associated with these childhood games.
2. Sharing emotions through printed photos (30 mins)
• Provide participants with a collection of printed photographs depicting various emotional expressions or situations.
• Invite participants to select photographs that resonate with their current emotional state or a specific memory.
• Facilitate a group sharing session where participants can explain their chosen photographs and the emotions they evoke.
• Encourage participants to share personal experiences and perspectives related to the emotions depicted in the photographs.
3. Activity: Capturing motion and static emotions through photography (45 mins)
• Distribute digital cameras, instant cameras, and smartphones with LED lights to participants.
• Instruct participants on techniques for capturing motion and static emotions through photography.
• Guide participants in using LED lights to create different mood and lighting effects.
• Allow participants to experiment with capturing emotions through photography, both in motion and static scenes.
• Encourage participants to explore different angles, framing, and lighting to convey emotions effectively.
4. Debriefing (15 mins)
• Display or project some of the photographs taken by participants during the activity.
• Facilitate a discussion on the ability to discern different emotional orientations through photography.
• Encourage participants to share their experiences and observations during the photography activity.
• Discuss the impact of different techniques, such as motion, lighting, and framing, on emotional expression and perception.
Role of Worker:
1. Facilitate childhood games and sharing activities to create a lively and engaging atmosphere.
2. Guide the photography activity, providing clear instructions and support on techniques and equipment usage.
3. Lead the debriefing session, encouraging active participation and discussion.
4. Ensure the smooth flow of activities and manage time effectively.
Equipment / Materials:
1. Lucky draw prizes
2. Printed photos
3. Digital cameras, instant cameras, and smartphones
4. LED lights
5. Projector or whiteboard for displaying photographs and facilitating discussions 
Session 3 (1000 words)
Objective: Enhance team members’ capacity to express their emotions in alignment with their current emotional state, with a focus on negative emotions like sadness and anger.
Activity & Content:
1. Introduce negative emotions (sadness and anger) through video clips (20 mins)
• Show short video clips or excerpts from movies or documentaries that depict scenes or situations related to sadness and anger.
• Facilitate a discussion on the emotions portrayed in the video clips.
• Encourage participants to share their observations and interpretations of the emotions displayed.
2. Sharing: Identify primary and secondary emotions (30 mins)
• Guide participants in understanding the concept of primary and secondary emotions.
• Provide examples and scenarios to illustrate the difference between primary and secondary emotions.
• Invite participants to share personal experiences or situations where they experienced primary and secondary emotions related to sadness or anger.
• Encourage participants to reflect on how they expressed or coped with these emotions.
3. Activity: Capturing primary and secondary emotions through photography (45 mins)
• Take participants to community centers or playgrounds to explore different environments for capturing emotions.
• Distribute digital cameras, instant cameras, and smartphones to participants.
• Instruct participants on techniques for capturing primary and secondary emotions through photography.
• Guide participants in using different angles, framing, and lighting to convey emotions effectively.
• Encourage participants to experiment with capturing emotions in different settings and contexts.
4. Debriefing (15 mins)
• Display or project some of the photographs taken by participants during the activity.
• Facilitate a discussion on the impact of different perspectives and angles on emotional perception and expression.
• Encourage participants to share their experiences and observations during the photography activity.
• Discuss how changing perspectives and viewpoints can influence the way emotions are perceived and interpreted.
Role of Worker:
1. Facilitate the video clip discussion and sharing activities, creating a safe and supportive environment.
2. Guide the photography activity, providing clear instructions and support on techniques and equipment usage.
3. Lead the debriefing session, encouraging active participation and discussion.
4. Ensure the smooth flow of activities and manage time effectively.
Equipment / Materials:
1. Video clips
2. Digital cameras, instant cameras, and smartphones
3. Projector or whiteboard for displaying photographs and facilitating discussions 
Session 4 (1000 words)
Objective: Provide team members with a range of strategies to focus on positive alternatives to previous harmful behaviors, through self-expression and photography.
Activity & Content:
1. Sharing: Express emotions through a collage of four photos (30 mins)
• Provide participants with A4 paper and art supplies (e.g., glue, scissors, markers).
• Instruct participants to select four photographs from the previous sessions that best represent their emotional journey or experiences.
• Guide participants in creating a collage by arranging and pasting the four photographs on the A4 paper.
• Encourage participants to decorate or add text or symbols to their collages to further express their emotions.
• Facilitate a group sharing session where participants can present and explain their collages.
2. Activity: Capturing emotions through portrait photography with flashlight (45 mins)
• Distribute digital cameras and flashlights to participants.
• Instruct participants on techniques for capturing emotions through portrait photography, such as using flashlights to create mood and shadow effects.
• Guide participants in using flashlights to highlight specific features or expressions that convey emotions.
• Encourage participants to experiment with different lighting angles and intensities to capture various emotional states.
• Allow participants to take portrait photographs of themselves or others, focusing on emotional expression.
3. Debriefing (15 mins)
• Display or project some of the portrait photographs taken

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