Hi, please read through this and the fIle down below for the instructions and requirements, thank you!
Find ways to edit your chosen recipe to make it more nutrient dense, have less fat, more protein, lower sugar, more fiber, (whatever is directed) in order to reach the given GOALS for one you choose. Your assignment is to do THREE RECIPES.
1. Use the Recipe Analyzer in VeryWellFit Tools to enter in a new version of the recipe that you adapt. Use this link for quick access.
2. Keep making changes until you reach a good balance. If you cannot achieve these goals, explain why you think that might be.
The micronutrient options (like calcium and iron) are optional “bonus” nutrients.
3. Take a screen shot or use Snipping Tool to take a screen shot of the nutrition label
AND ingredients list you entered. Place these in a Word document. Don’t forget to take a screen shot of the label AND the ingredients you entered.
4. Type out a few sentences explaining changes you made, why you chose those changes, and any. challenges you had. Do you think the recipe is still similar to the original flavors or is it now so different that you would have to sell it as a new menu item completely? You do not need to write out an essay, just a few sentences about it. We may be sharing our results in class so be prepared to talk briefly about: how you altered the recipe, what surprised you about the nutrient profile, what was difficult or easy, did you have to make many changes or just a few, etc.
5. Recipes you can choose from are in the Word Doc in Module 7 under the class slides. Try to keep the flavor or texture profiles similar while meeting the goals.
Orange Smoothie. GOALS:
- Increase fiber to at least 6 grams (no more than 13g)
- Protein 11 – 20 grams
- Decrease total sugars to less than 30g
Keep calcium above 15% of daily needs, iron to more than 10%
Loaded Baked Potato. GOALS:
- Reduce cholesterol to 15 mg at most or 0 grams
- Increase fiber to a minimum of 7
- grams
- Protein goal 15-22 grams
Increase Iron to at least 8%
Rice Bowl GOALS:
- Decrease total carbohydrates to 50g or less
- Increase fiber to more than 7 grams
- Decrease cholesterol to less than 15 m
- Protein of 16-28 grams