This written assignment will identify a key regulatory agency that provides standards and guidelines to your practice setting. The purpose of this activity is to identify how the standards of that agency relate to the project that you have selected to complete. (the project i am creating is for new nurses in the operating room and patient safety)
In this written activity:
Identify a key regulatory agency for your practice setting; include its name and mission. (JOINT COMMISSION IN OPERATING ROOM)
Define the regulatory standard(s) which provides guidelines that support the purpose of your project.
Support your paper with evidence from the regulatory agency and at least one scholarly article from the nursing literature.
Adhere to APA style.
Include the following APA (7th edition) formatting requirements for all written assignments:
Adhere to APA (7th edition) citation style and formatting requirements
Title page
Pagination (top right corner)
Correct in-text citation format
Correct reference format
Level Headings
Page format
12 point font Times New Roman or 11 point font Calibri