Choose your topic, Adolescent ADHD
you choose for this research project will also be used for your final paper, so please choose a
topic that is interesting to you.
Next, find articles on your topic by searching the databases in the BVU library. Search your
topic using the same procedure as you did on the library assignment (use whatever databases you
want). Select “Peer Reviewed” and also make sure that you will be able to get the document
(make sure you can download it from the library). The article must be from the last ten years
(year 2000 and higher). Find three articles that are research based articles presenting original
research. How can you tell if an article is an original research article? Please read: (hint, you want to make
sure there is a methods section with participants and a results section).
(1) What is your topic (remember focus on a challenge to adolescents)? ( 2 Points).
(2) List the three articles you will be using in APA format (3 points per article for using
appropriate articles; 3 points per article for APA formatting. Total points=18)
3 articles