• Which ones will you use?
a) Why?
b) How often?
c) How much will it cost (budget per month)?
Total (250-400 words) (Make sure what you write is relevant to the topic, if you do not use verifiable apa it does not count. You should not be referencing books you cannot show me.)
• What event or tactics are you going to do to get the market’s attention? (This must be appropriate for YOUR target market). Some things to consider:
a) Open house/grand opening – why would your customer go?
b) Charity event
c) Trade show
d) Door to door
e) Look at the goodies under this week’s module.
• When is it going to happen, how much will it COST ? (Make sure what you write is relevant to the topic, if you do not use verifiable apa it does not count. You should not be referencing books you cannot show me.)
Total (500-1000 words)
• Explain how you will measure the effectiveness of the promotional tactics/events you have chosen and outline any backup plans for redirecting your promotional efforts. “Sales were up” is not an evaluation or an explanation. Sometimes sales can go up (or down) and have nothing to do with your promotion.
Total (50 Words)