Themes for Discussion:
Significance of a consciousness raising
The division between public and personal/private spheres in society in relation to gender, race,
class, sexuality etc .
The Social reality of intersectionality.
Kimberly Crenshaw, “Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color.
Watch: Kimberle Crenshaw On Intersectionaliy
1. What did you learn from Crenshaw’s keynote video? Discuss
2. How is Crenshaw’s concept of “intersectionality” manifested in your life?
3. What is it important for us to understand the concept of intersectionality & how it is manifested in society?
4. What stood out for you? Discuss
5. Do a critique of the reading or a couple of videos.
Please answer each question. Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs in length (at least 200 words).
Read Ensler’s letter to white women (below).
6. Make a critique of Ensler’s letter. Note that in past weeks you viewed her video on “Embrace You Inner Girl”
(Embrace you Inner Girl Video) below:
Your privilege is showing video
Attached are the readings to answer the questions.