Students demonstrate critical reflection with colleagues as they discuss ECEC topics from the course text. The CoP group supports professional growth related to professional beliefs and understandings. These professional positions are developed and critiqued through dialogue critical friends. LearningOutcomes
1.Evaluate personal and professional values in developing a pedagogical philosophy of ECEC.
2.Discuss critical reflections related to professional identity and values ina Community of Practice.
3.Analyze current issues in early childhood education and care related to quality, accessibility, affordability, equity, and leadership.
4.Develop an advocacy plan that demonstrates knowledge of and support for a current, relevant issue related to early childhood education and care policy. (risky play-session 10)
General Overview
You will need the textbook in week 1 of the course to complete your assignmentStudents will engage with the course textbook in conversation with their Community of Practice group over the course of the semester (see topical for dates)Individual chapter/session assignments posted in discussions. Due date for each chapter/ session discussion can be found in the topical outline. Additional information/instructions provided in class.
If you cannot attend in-person watch the VC recording within 24 hours to complete the work required by the assigned due date. All Chapter/Session discussion assignments are posted in discussions now.Although you cannot post until the assigned week. It is possible to read ahead and prepare some initial written reflections to share with your group