Before you begin your Google Classroom unit planning, be sure to download the California content standards for the subject matter grade level you are going to teach integrating technology. BE CONSISTENT! If you choose social studies for grade 3, also examine the Common Core Standard Standard for ELA (English Language Arts) for that same grade level. Pick only one or two standards to base your lesson on.
The content standards provide the CK part of the TPACK framework. Once you have decided what academic content you want to teach, you can determine what technologies would be effective for knowledge building and knowledge expression. That’s the T part of the framework. As you plan your mini unit, provide the step by step processes and instructional strategies you will use to teach the academic content and assess the student learning.
That’s the P part of the framework. The SAMR Model is a tool designed that was designed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to (1) help educators integrate technology in their classes and to (2) understand the levels of rigor involved in that work. Read the SAMR articles included in the week five reading folder. DOK levels are required in Common Core Lesson Planning and Smarter Balanced Assessments. These models, frameworks, and taxonomies are helpful as you design lessons and units.