Test Content Chapter 9 – Respond to the following Questions using appropriate APA format with support.Write around 1 or two paragraphs for each question.What are some specific individual and organizational steps that could help reduce sex segregation?What can individual women do to reduce the influence of sex and gender discrimination on their careers?Title: Diversity In Organizations 2nd EditionISBN: 978-1-111-22130-0Author: Myrtle P. BellQUESTIONS TO CONSIDER
1. What is the role of socialization inwomen’s and men’s “choice” ofoccupations and how do theserelationships affect sex segregation andthe wage gap?
2. What are some specific individual andorganizational steps that could helpreduce sex segregation?
3. How are the participation rates, work-place experiences, income, occupations,and poverty of White women andwomen of color similar and dissimilar?Why are erroneous perceptions aboutthe similarities and differences amongthese groups so pervasive?
4. Prior to reading this chapter, had youheard of the “glass escalator”? Are youaware of a situation in which a man isthe manager or supervisor of a groupof women employees?
5. What can individual women do toreduce the influence of sex and genderdiscrimination on their careers?