Once you have completed going over the chapters 1-3 and read the integrative cases, respond to the cases’ discussion questions. You will be graded on the quality and completeness of your responses to the questions.
Please thoroughly navigate your book to appropriately identify the most relevant content that could be applied to your response.
Integrative Case 2.1 : Discussion Questions
Before reading the case, were you aware that all of the music mentioned in the first paragraph was made by Swedish musicians?
From a resource-based view, can you explain the global success of Swedish music?
From an institution-based view, what role have formal and informal institutions in Sweden played behind the global success of its music industry?
Using the theory of national competitive advantage of industries or the “diamond model” (Porter, 1990), can you explain the global prowess of Swedish music?
Integrative Case 2.2: Discussion Questions
From a resource-based view, what have made Chinese products so competitive, despite conscientious efforts by Sara’s family to resist them?
From an institution-based view, would a trade war against Chinese imports with higher tariffs help or hurt American families like Sara’s?
On Ethics: Should Americans such as Sara and Kevin be concerned about the significant US trade deficit with China?