A thesis statement providing an overview of your chosen problem and a brief introduction of the research methodology you will describe.
1.Clearly explain your chosen problem (“Workforce health and well-being.”)
2.Clearly explain the research methodologies you would employ to study the problem.
3.Proposed Research Plan. Identify a research method from Chapter 2 of the Conte and Landy text that is appropriate for studying the problem. Then answer the following questions in your proposed research plan. Include all five of the following in the body of your paper:
-Will the research be conducted in a laboratory under controlled conditions or in the field?
-Identify and describe the participants.
-If there are different conditions in the research (e.g., some participants exposed to a condition and other participants not exposed to the condition), how will participants be assigned to the various conditions?
-What will the variables of interest be?
-How will measurements on these variables be collected (i.e., outcomes)?
Please answer the questions in order, and use headings for each section, providing evidentiary support for your comments.
Summarize the paper and include a statement on how this research will further the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Reference Page
Landy, F. J., & Conte, J. M. (2016). Work in the 21st century: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. John Wiley & Sons.
***** The attached document is the Chapter 2 of the Conte and Landy